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Everything posted by Saeyia

  1. Ack! Bad Geoff! Bad! Really Master Gogo, I just can't trust him to do anything. Thank you for your good-natured understanding. All hail Gogolicious.
  2. I don't know if it stuns speechless so much as grabs the heart and squeezes. Mysteriously, I am suddenly REALLY hungry.
  3. Hehe, oh you shadow warriors - with your Grecian hair; us fiery sorts have a melty spot for that 'dark and silent' type. That would round out my four perfectly. Armor lore it is.
  4. By the flaming iceburg of lipase! That's .....that.... speechless....
  5. Alright my wizened counsel of wise counselating counselors; Here is my attempt; I would appreciate all special insights. I try to pour over all the ramifications like a dutiful, patient, experienced planner of builds and plans. But Geoff (my drooling minion) has discovered the pleasure of clanging the battered helmets of fallen foes together - which has left me with a quite dreadful headache. Currently I have learned the arts of: Pyromancer Lore Mystic Lore Pyromancer Focus Ancient Magic Concentration Delphic Lore Which leaves me with four more. Geoff isn't my only companion (most days) as the Inquisition has acquiesced to my demand for an escort. Lester is a capable sort. I plan to further my studies with the following: Bargaining Enhanced Perception Delphic Focus And a fourth.... which I just can't seem to decide on. Geoff suggests "boogers" *eyeroll* I keep telling him that his claw is gonna stick there one day. I do hope that one of you might have a more useful suggestion.
  6. Thank you all, I feel warmly welcomed... and... not surprisingly a little hungry. What is that mish-mash beef/mustard?/bacon concoction? And that's a beautiful apple pie! My cowl off to Mrs. Loco. As far as mystical cures - tomatoes/tomato sauces (but fresh tomatoes) are good for the sensitive stomach/head for the morning after. Your body uses a lot of nutrients to digest and process alcohol which results in a significant loss of water/iron/etc. Your liver is used to metabolize fats (and alcohol and all those other evil undigestibles) So a couple things would be good for you to feel better. Drink lots of water, don't eat fatty foods (though some will say this aids in alcohol absorption - the alcohol is still inside your body and needs be dealt with - high vitamin foods - green leafy veggies, whole foods, etc will do a much better job in helping your body.) Replacing lost niacin (vitamin B3). uhh... and I think that's about it. Mind you this is merely my opinion and in no way reflects the views and opinions of my minion imp or his newfound cave teddybear. *takes of thick-rimmed lecture glasses*
  7. If my life can be merely an amusing example of what not to do, I consider it a life well lived. *blush* but thank you - and in response to your kindness I'd just like to say a few words; fizzbucket, duckhat, wizzywig. That is all.

  8. Though oblige you shall not do! I'm tickled pink and ferociously fuzzy with joy at the sig in it's present state. I look forward to the day when Robot Schot takes his rightful place among our Robotic Overlords. (mostly because I know the pleas of the slightly insane will not fall on def mechanical auditory receptacles.) For of all the Robotic Overlords you are indeed the most well oiled!
  9. I've fed him cake, I've escorted him around the lake, I've had him under the knife, I even gave him life! But he won't listen, he won't follow me into a box, he won't even kill that stupid fox! he won't eat meat or boiled ham, he just won't do anything, Sam I am! BLARG! He even has me speaking like him! *facepalm* I truly dislike my foolish imp.
  10. WHY! WHY FOUL imp!? Why when I am beset by enemies; their putrid flesh staining the 3" block of fabric that I call a 'tunic'; do you fling your fireballs at the imaginary "mortar pixies" instead of roasting them in their stead? And why? WHY when commanded to follow me three feet down a perfectly straight street do you insist on running in circles in a field of wildflowers? Don't you realize that we are evil? You are my minion! You must pave the path before my feet with the ashes of my enemies! When you cackle maniacally it should be at the fate of the unbelievers, not the imaginary monkey-moose you chased three miles in the opposite direction! Oh curse you, curse you foul imp! I shake my fist at you!
  11. Penzey's a new product? Absolutely, despite your point of reference. In comparison to knoxx, it is new - and to the relative age of the vast organic (and some inorganic) ball of molten rock and debris upon which we hurl through the vastness of space. The price is very reasonable! I'd say it's like $6 a jar - and will last through many bowls of rice, potato soup, roast and a myriad (or I would even dare to say, a plethora) of other things.
  12. Dear Sir/Madam/Unidentified Extraterrestrial Lifeform/Robotic Overlord/Zombie Hotdog; I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for the amazing, hilarious and wonderful sig that you bestowed upon me. In all my many travels I have never had the pleasure of my own, super fancy, personalized signature. I'm not that creative, nor artistic and was never outgoing enough to ask - ergo, vis a vis, concordantly - I have never had a customized sig. You are truly a wish master. I give all my base to you. Sincerely, Saeyia "upside pineapple cake build"
  13. Indeed, and in your wake you spread a path of daisies and light - (not unlike a certain perro blanco y bicho loco) so without further ado, let the brown-nosing of epic preportions; the likes of which you had only hoped to receive one day, commence..... Of all the fracas entering fracasers of fracasee, you are the fracenziest. All hail the fracas ending fracastian fracasoobah of all Grand Fracoobahs!
  14. http://artpad.art.com/?kvlcxyrwcpo ARK! BLARG! NERDS! for some reason that link may/not work - so if not, you can view here: http://artpad.art.com/?kvldlwg80gk view on fast for the least painful watching of my "masterpiece" I call it - "ANGRY EYEBROWS!" yes, fear my hands of fire and ice! or make your own masterpiece at http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/ that is all folks!
  15. Well, ok, I made up the part about being metallic. I just thought I'd share one thing that I would recommend all kitchens have. It's Penzey's Chicken (or Beef, or Vegetable, or whatever type of stock you most use) Soup Base. Makes for an excellent stock to cook any of your favorite soups, beans or anything that you would normally add water too. I use it to flavor rice, cassaroles and a myriad of other things. So for the busy high elf on the go - Penzey's Chicken Soup Base is the beginning of a perfect meal on the go.
  16. Thank you, wise and Grandest Poobah of all Poobahs, for among them, you are indeed the Poobahbiest.
  17. I've read several places not to "memorize too many runes" in order to keep combat regen times down, something, something, jargon, etc. So my query to all you super know it all types with answers of glitteriness and all that glot - how many is "not too many"? How does memorizing runes increase casting times? Where do I read this information? What is that gunk stuck to my shoe? and lastly, how many licks does it take to get to the center of an ancaritic lollipop?
  18. That's ok, Knuckles, but I do sincerely appreciate you sharing in my lament. (May I have a cookie, please, sir?) oh! ack! you stuffy pc players, with your keyboards and hotkeys of malice! Yes, my aggression is born of jealousy - jealousy for your swishing mice and large monitors of awesomeness. Speaking of monitors - my combat art slots are as follows (as far as I can remember) Pyromancer Focus Pyromancer Lore Delphonic Arrant Mystic something something Focus Ancient Magic Concentration Stormite Focus and I think that's it.... maybe Magic Staffs
  19. *sniff, sniff, snuuuuuck* A hankie would be useful too, if you have one... Well, that's hopeful, yes, perhaps I could be a stah. I can see it now.... my name in lights, hordes of posts all praising my name - The Ice mage that melts faces? I can't believe it's her! Can I get your autograph? I should start practicing my speeches now! You hear that build posting fascists? I'm gonna be a stah! I'm gonna have it all! -"Schlemiel! Schlimazel! Hasenpfeffer Incorporated! I'm gonna do it! Give me any chance, I'll take it. Give me any rule, I'll break it. I'm gonna make my dreams come true. Doin' it my way. "
  20. Oh woe... woe unto me! I committed the cardinal sin of RPG character speccs - I added Stormite Focus onto my Pyromancress' build. Dust will be my food, sorrow will be my blanket. Is there any salvation for this poor, downtrodden soul? Am I forever doomed now to roam the reaches of Ancaria; a pathetic and only half-powered vixen of flame? Hehe, ok, ok, I'm really not that emo; but I could kick myself for committing the blunderest of all blunders. I mean, what silly faced silly clown wouldn't know that you don't add ICE to a FIRE build? huh? I think I was just crazy with all those combat art slots... I thought...I thought... "surely! surely I can have it all! I can freeze my targets only to melt their faces into faceless goo piles! muahahahahahaha haha haha ahah ha ha!" Oh, but pride does come before the fall, my friends. Oh yes, pride DOES come before the fall. So for all of you out there - who reached the lowest bracket of level 21 only to discover your hard hours of vegging on the couch, slackjawed and half-way stuffing pizza in your faces was for naught - I bid you a hardy, "I feel your pain."
  21. Hi, My name is Saeyia, I'm new to Sacred - High Elf Pyromancress, new to the forums... uhmm.. catchy title huh? Well, now that I've got you here, I'd just like to introduce myself and warn you about the dangers of zombie hotdogs. I mean, sure, they look innocent enough twirling in their little warmers so innocently. You might even overlook them to finish filling that cherry slushy you'd been craving. But don't let them fool you! Zombie hotdogs are the scourge of any gas station, carnivale, or otherwise questionable food purveyor. So heed my warning! and... keep an eye on those zombie hotdogs! That is all... (nice to meet you!)
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