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Posts posted by momomo

  1. This work only for Multiplayer mode :D:P:mafia::drunkards:


    Of course it does, the npc is on the MP island, as in the description stated xD

    But if you really want it somewhere else here is the manual:


    Get ingame, go where you want the NPC and type "PRINT HERO" in the console (without the "). Scroll up using Page Up and look for "Pos". Note down the numbers, they look similar to the positions in the mod files (read my explanation above).

    Then go into the modded file and replace "7,14,0 , 1010.400,792.852,294.443 , 0.000" with "your new coordinates , 0.000".

    Then look up the position for the mobs that are spawned, just stand there and print the hero info again. then replace all

    "7,14,0 , 1672.250,1714.352,224.929 , 0.000" with "your new coordinates , 0.000"


    No guarantee that it works everywhere. Also I am still not sure what the last number (0.000) does.

  2. The download not work :(:(


    Do you mean the mod itself or just the download. Cause I just tried and it worked. You might also try to navigate there yourself. Just go to downloads->community Patch

  3. Boss Arena Mod for Sacred 2 Ice & Blood +


    CM Patch 0130


    This mod will add a new NPC to the MP starter island near the arena. After talking to it, it will start a boss chain quest, which includes the following bosses in 4 waves, spawning each boss one after another:


    Wave 1:

    The White Griffin

    Raging Boar

    Harpy Queen



    Wave 2:

    Flame Lord

    Ice Lord

    Earth Lord

    Poison Lord


    Wave 3:

    Daloriel the Depraved




    Wave 4:

    Dark Prince


    Forest Guardian



    After each wave a confirmation at the quest giver is needed. I included these "milestones" to give the players a chance to sort their inventory, sell or stuff items away etc.


    Most of these mini bosses are encountered on the map via a quest npc which basically tells you to go kill it. Thats means on top of the kill experience you get the quest experience. Each of these bosses now give additional quest experience, that also includes the forest guardian and 3 of the lords, which dont have a quest. In concequence this arena is an easy spot to farm experience and items. I created it for multiplayer games, so that the server doesnt need to be restarted for those bosses to spawn again. Right now it stops after one round, but at least you dont need to go to their locations to farm them.


    Possible future version may include (incase I get that to work):

    - unlimited boss runs -> no more server restarts

    - main bosses in the arena (those that can be farmed in MP games without questing)





    Since I have been asked how I did that I will include a short overview:



    This is where its all at. You can create new quest NPCs and new quest tasks. Tasks range from item collection to mob killing to just reaching a certain area. Here I will discuss the mini boss killing quests. The code I included is seperated in two parts:

    1) the task definitions (here the mini bosses and one quest giver)

    2) the quest definitions


    The quest giver:


    quest.createTaskCreature(11000, {
    itemtype = 6637,
    creature = 587,
    faction_id = 66,
    behaviour = "questCreatures",
    ismortal = 0,
    isfighting = 0,
    persistent = 0,
    position = { 7,14,0 , 1010.400,792.852,294.443 , 0.000 },


    I simply copied the quest npc for the white griffin quest and placed himin front of the arena.

    To get the coordinates, stand where you wann place it, open the console and type "print hero" (without the "), look for POS. you will get the sector (7,14,0) and the coordiantes (1010.400,792.852,294.443). As to what the last number does I am still unsure, it might refer to a 4th plane, but 0.000 worked just fine on the island :)

    Its important to use and ID that is still unused. I started my NPCs at 11000, my mobs at 12000 and my quests at 10000.


    Next is the mobs, e.g. the forest guardian:


    quest.createTaskCreature(12130, {
    itemtype = 10205,
    creature = 1433, --Forest Guardian
    ismortal = 0,
    isfighting = 0,
    persistent = 0,
    position = { 7,14,0 , 1672.250,1714.352,224.929 , 0.000 },


    Most mobs were already in the quest.txt and I just needed to change the id (here 12130), but this one wasn, so I created it myself by using a template (e.g. white griffin spawn, "creature = 1887" and edited the itemtype and creature, as well the id). Its also important change the position to where you want it, in my case the arena.


    At last you still need the quest. In this case Ill use my first one, the white griffin. Since this is longer I will place notes inside the code tag with <-. In case you noticed, comment in that file are made with --comment.


    quest.createQuest(10000, { <-unique id
    id = 10000, <-same as above
    name = "Boss Arena White Griffin", <-identifier, just name it
    questtype = 1, <-type 1 = kill quest
    silent=0, <-will you notice if you accept it?
    ismainquest = 0,
    mainquestchapter = 0,
    questbookstrategy = 0, <-normally quest have a 1 here, but my quests lack a book entry so it doesnt matter
    continues_quest_id = 0, <-important for quest chains, this is the starter, thus 0
    continues_bookentry = 0, <-similar to above, but for the log
    forpathnot = 0, <-not excalt sure, similar to below, maybe
    reservedforpath = 0, <- restriction for light/dark
    reservedforhero = 0, <- restriction for class
    reservedforgod = 0, <-restriction for god
    reward_exp=1, <-following are the rewards
    reward_attr=0, <-didnt test yet
    reward_skill=0, <-maybe a rune?
    report_required = 0, <-do you need to get back to the npc? this one is auto complete
    dangerclass=8, <-possibly defines rewards, 8 is for the griffin
    author_ready = 0, <-not sure
    qa_ready = 0, <-not sure
    releasestage = 30, <-possibly needed for simple go and kill quests
    progress = 0, <-not sure
    autostart = 0, <-could be defined together with enetering a certain region
    anyprequest = 0, <-important for quest chains
    showdlgonwin = 0, <-shows dialogue on win
    lostondecline = 0, <-if you decline you cannot take it again (doesnt apply here, since there is no dialogue at all)
    questgiver = { <-here starts the quest npc
    taskcreature = 11000, <-my defined NPC
    ispersistent = 0, <-similar to the mobs
    isproactive = 0, <-not sure
    isrefusable = 0, <- option to decline, but entire dialogue is missing :/
    position = { 7,14,0 , 1010.400,792.852,294.443 , 0.000 }, <-spawn position, needs to be the same as ion the definition of the npc
    questKill = { <-quest condition start, here killquest
    anyofthem = 0, <-amount to kill?
    useprefightdlg = 0, <-propably as with the kobold chieftain quest, if you reach it, you will get a message
    bodycount = 0, <-amount to kill?
    kill0 = { <-first mob to kill
    taskcreature = 12000, <-specific mob, as defined before, no doubles here!


    It is possible to add more different mobs in one quest like this:


    questKill = { <-quest conition start, here killquest
    anyofthem = 0, 
    useprefightdlg = 0, 
    bodycount = 0, 
    kill0 = { <-first mob to kill
    taskcreature = 12000, <-specific mob, as defined before, no doubles here!
    kill1 = { <-second mob to kill
    taskcreature = 12001, <-specific mob, as defined before, no doubles here!
    kill2 = { <-third mob to kill
    taskcreature = 12002, <-specific mob, as defined before, no doubles here!


    and so on.


    Lets look at the quest chain, this is the next quest, its basically the same, I will comment the differences


    quest.createQuest(10010, { <-new id
    id = 10010, <-new id
    name = "Boss Arena Raging Boar",
    questtype = 1,
    ismainquest = 0,
    mainquestchapter = 0,
    questbookstrategy = 0,
    continues_quest_id = 10000, <-previous quest
    continues_bookentry = 0,
    forpathnot = 0,
    reservedforpath = 0,
    reservedforhero = 0,
    reservedforgod = 0,
    report_required = 0,
    author_ready = 0,
    qa_ready = 0,
    releasestage = 30,
    progress = 0,
    autostart = 0,
    anyprequest = 0,
    showdlgonwin = 0,
    lostondecline = 0,
    precond_quest0 = { <-important, without this it doesnt care if youve finished the previous one and spawn the next
    quest_dbid = 10000,
    queststate = 9,
    questKill = {
    anyofthem = 0,
    useprefightdlg = 0,
    bodycount = 0,
    kill0 = {
    taskcreature = 12010, <-different mob


    Last but not least to add a "milestone" exchange this


    report_required = 0,


    with this (11000 is my NPC)


    report_required = 1,
    reportcompletion_to = 11000,



    This is where I get my new mobs that arent already added in the quest.txt. One example is the forest guardian. I will look up its name and get the itemtype and the id.

  4. Hi all, I ran into a dead end when trying to create new quests. My main point in doing so would be to spawn more bosses without reloading the server each time.

    Right now I am testing the White Griffin Quest. This is as far as I got:


    - creature.txt

    If I wanted to make a new NPC I could use this, for now I just use the same one.


    - quest.txt

    This is where I define new spawns via taskCreature, or add new quests to solve.

    So far I managed to get a second NPC next to the orignal one (white griffin quest). I can click him, the griffin would spawn and upon defeat it would complete the quest.


    - questscript.txt

    Various options. e.g. the white griffin npc despawns upon completion, skipped this for now.



    The newly created quest npc got no speech whatsoever. I click him, the question mark disappears. No option to accept or decline. I am stuck where I could find the quest text and dialogue.


    Goal: One single NPC, maybe in the MP island arena, which gives a quest line to spawn all main and mini bosses in a row, or maybe a hard mode, 3 minibosses at the same time, not sure yet.



    Edit: Coming along quite nicely. No quest text, but doesnt matter. NPC in front of the MP island arena start the chain, then one mini boss after another spawn in the arena, with occasional pauses to store items. Finally no more running around for minibosses. But still more work to do, gonna release it here when I have one for all mini bosses and one for bosses.

  5. JK got into Closed which did not have fist weapons. That is probably why he never got around to finishing that guide. You could always PM him. If he gets the message, I am sure he would do what he could to help.


    I see, but no need to trouble him, the build is working out quite good. A weapon specialization isnt needed, because the damage comes from the life leech and DW gives enough hit. One correction to my build: I need 5 points in CM Focus to unlock Conecnetration, so hats where those 5 points come from. Right now I am still a bit squishy, but my 2.4% LL saves me and the guardians drop like flys.


    Right now I am working on making the bosses respawnable. Someone posted a guide on how to enable mini bosses in SP again, but once they're dead, you need to reload the server (like in MP, which I am playing) and it takes alot of time. I got as far as identifying the quest giver for the white griffin and also the quest mechanics. I tried making the quest and the npc persistent, but I guess that would only help on SP, because if you kill the girffin the NPC despawns and the quest is finished. If someone knows an infinitely repeatable quest I could check out, pls tell me, but my guess is: once the quest is finished you cannot do it again until a restart.


    Interesting is also the bug boss in the crystal region. It has no quest and it respawns if you leave fast enough, but I just cannot find it in the spawn table.


    What I might do now is add like 10 new quest giver around the heart of the machine, which will all summon me a guardian, or maybe even 4 :) I hope that works xD


    Edit: NPC is coming along. I tried adding one to the heart, but all doors were force closed, guess I got something wrong. For now it will be a boss arena nc on the mp starter isle.

  6. Welcome aboard!


    Check out this thread as a jumping off point:

    Fist Weapons Build - CM Patch


    Thanks. To bad JK never got to write that guide he mentioned in the last post, unless he has and I just cannot find it.


    I guess going all dex is quite good, as far as I could read in this thread. I still wonder why he took MC Focus in the beginning without spending points in it. I guess Ill just have to make that out myself while playing.


    Edit: I think I mightve some troubles getting the whole set. Is EP really important when farming items? Cause if so SW isnt really suitable.

  7. Hi, although these forums seem kind of dead, I thought I might give it a try. So far I've been playing many different characters (playing Ice and Blood CM130 Patch)

    - staff dryad with staff mastery for darting assault imbaness and Nature aspect for boss hunting

    - boss killer seraphim by dobri (life leech shuriken)

    - Utility Pyro HE


    The seraphim is quite good at killing the guardians, but I wanted something even faster, so I made the dryad, in analogy to the Dual Wield INT Dryad, but with adjusted skills (DW->staff mastery, combat disc->EP), although the darting assualt works nice, the boss killingis not really working, guess acute got nerfed alot + I am not dual wielding staffs. So now I was going to try the SW leech build, but I ddint find it anywhere, except in a video on youtube. I extracted all the info, but I am not exaclty sure on the skills, as I mightve made a mistake when calculating the available skill points. Escpecially when it comes to the level 2 skill and toughness, where the actual skill level and the boni are not really in sync, plus I got no idea where to put my attribute points each level. Maybe someone with a bit more knowledge can help me out, or make this build even better. So here it is:



    And this is the info:


    everything with buffs and items. char level 78. SB 79%


    item bonus':

    STR +21

    STA +6

    VIT +19

    WIL +22

    Offensive Skills +1

    All Skills +45

    Tactics Lore +9

    Combat Reflexes +17

    Toughness +6

    Spell Resistance +7

    Attack Value +31,5%

    Defense Value +402,5%


    buff bonus:

    Attack Value +60

    WIL +585

    Max HP +3784

    Def Value +195


    Stats with bonus (no item/buff bonus, SB not calcualted, so this might be off)

    STR: 318 (297)

    DEX: 361 (361)

    STA: 291 (285)

    INT: 241 (241)

    VIT: 331 (312)

    WIL: 892 (285)


    Skills: (hard points) [calculation broken down]

    level 2: Malevolent Champion Focus 50 (1) [1+45+?]

    level 3: Tactics Lore 130 (75)[75+45+9+1]

    level 5: concentration 46 (1) [1+45]

    level 8: Dual Wield 121 (75) [75+45+1]

    level 12: Armor Lore 120 (75) [75+45]

    level 18: Combat Reflexes 63 (1) [1+45+17]

    level 25: Constitution 120 (75) [75+45]

    level 35: Toughness 53 (1) [1+45+6] one point missing

    level 50: Death Warrior Focus 46 (1) [1+45]

    level 65: Spell Resistance 53 (1) [1+45+7]

    note: if I am not mistaken level 78 should give 301 skill points, which

    is 75*4+1, so MC Focus is propably level 1, while toughness

    got one extra point




    Mastery Order


    1. Tactics Lore

    1. Dual Wield

    1. Armor Lore

    2. Consitution

    3-8: unsure




    Combat Arts:


    Death Warrior


    Rousing Command: (level 37, 37 Runes, 61,4s regen, 35,5s duration)

    Bronze - Persistence (+duration)

    Silver - Spur (+run speed)

    Gold - Surge (-regen speed for all CA)


    Grim Resilience (Buff): (level 37, 37 Runes, +33,4% regen to all)

    Bronze - Rejuvenation (+hp regen rate)

    Silver - Readiness (+def value, harder to hit)

    Gold - Safeguard (+phys resistance)


    Scything Sweep: (level 12, 12 Runes, 1,7s regen)

    Bronze - Knockback (+knockback chance, +tumble effect)

    Silver - Numb (+stun chance)

    Gold - Rage (+additional energy stored)




    Malevolent Champion


    Reflective Emanation (Buff): (level 38, 23 Runes, +24,1% regen to all)

    Bronze - Backlash (ranged reflect)

    Silver - Antimagic (magic reflect)

    Gold - Ripsote (more damage reflectes)


    Killing Spree: (level 37, 29 Runes, 62,5s regen, 23,7s duration)

    Bronze - Control (+attack value, +storing up damage)

    Silver - Burst (damage bonus to energy discharge)

    Gold - Sear (+fire damage to discharge)


    Frenzied Rampage: (level 19, 4 Runes, 1,9s regen)

    Bronze - Double Attack (attack twice)

    Silver - Double Strike (higher chance to doouble attack)

    Gold - Vampire (+leech)



    Combo 1: (1,9s regen)

    Scything Sweep level 12

    Frenzied Rampage level 19


    Combo 2: (62,5s regen)

    Rousing Command level 37

    Killing Spree level 37



    Set: Denderan's Tactical Genius:

    - Aspect: Malecolent Champion +5

    - All Skills +5

    - Regen Time: Malevolent Champion -17,6%

    - Leech life +1,5%



    Weapon: Elder's Talons of Iron:

    - Life leech +1,7%

    - Conversion damage to ice +56,9%

    - Combat Reflexes +11

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