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Posts posted by CoolColJ

  1. Everquest Next is looking good, next gen MMO

    I applied for Beta access :)


    Everquest Next’s world is made of voxels and everything in it is destructible.




    But why is everyone going "cartoony" these days? Looks like a Walt Disney character art style!



    Forget crafting, you can build now!





    It's certainly not stats heavy

    Is there a single MMO that is? :P They all follow the same formula for stats to keep everything streamlined as much as possible. You've got a stat tied to health, one tied to reducing incoming damage, one that increases outgoing damage, one for healing power, and one for crit chance. I'd say most if not all MMO's follow that design as well.

    Well I tried Dungeons and Dragons online yesterday - not much to look at it, animation is decent, but the gameplay and stats, mechanics are pretty detailed

    ...and don't forget good old EQ, that's pretty stat heavy :), something I still pop on to occasionally for a bit of old school fun.

    Everquest Next is looking good, next gen MMO




    But why is everyone going "cartoony" these days? Looks like a Walt Disney character art style!



    It's certainly not stats heavy

    Is there a single MMO that is? :P They all follow the same formula for stats to keep everything streamlined as much as possible. You've got a stat tied to health, one tied to reducing incoming damage, one that increases outgoing damage, one for healing power, and one for crit chance. I'd say most if not all MMO's follow that design as well.

    Well I tried Dungeons and Dragons online yesterday - not much to look at it, animation is decent, but the gameplay and stats, mechanics are pretty detailed


    Ugh servers happen to be under maintenance just when I install it :(


    edit - read that to avoid the Crawler west server, more people but inflated prices due to bots...

    How many servers are there now? During beta they only had 4 :(

    Still 4 US based servers


    still having issues logging in due to not getting it to recognise my username/PW grrrr



    edit - this seems to be the issue - sigh


    Note that most new accounts will have its registered email for an account name, and you will need to log in using that as the username. Games which cannot take email addresses as logins are: RaiderZ, Rusty Hearts. You will have to create a new account from those games' front pages to receive an email username instead of an email address login.

  5. anyone try using remote mine gem activated totems and traps?

    The remote adds more damage, so you can negate the totem damage nerf of gems

    Only thing is that the remote mine gets dropped at your feet and has to be activated manually


    If you link a trap to a remote mine and also to a totem - then lay remote mine, activate it, which sets the trap, trap triggers/explodes from enemy contact, which then triggers the totem :)


    Remote Mine, the support gem. It lets you lay a mine that detonates using a spell or ranged weapon attack gem you link it too, and comes with a "X% more damage" modifier with a value range of 30%-59% (gem quality provides +0.5% More Mine Damage per 1% quality). You can lay up to 5 mines at a time, and can be done so extremely quickly because of a somewhat recent speed buff. When you detonate, all laid mines will initiate their skills at the same time

  6. decided to give Tera a miss, but then came across RaiderZ :)

    A free to play MMO


    It looks good and has nice ARPG combat, but also has more depth than Tera, and there are no classes per se. You can create your own by picking skills from the different trees etc

    Anyone playing it? I'm checking it out now

    Kinda reminds me of Monster Hunter + Sacred 2 in a way


    It has an open world without instancing. But dungeons are somewhat instanced


    boss fight


    First looks - alpha/beta

    • Like! 1
  7. Do you guys prefer Fire or Bear Traps for bosses? I can never decide which one feels better, especially because Fire Traps you can kite them in, but the bear ones can immobilize while you fire from range.

    Bear traps do more raw damage, and you add support gems like "added Fire damage" to boost it.

    I always use a combo of both against bosses - Bear Trap to lock them down and then fire trap to roast them

    • Like! 1
  8. If you watch some expert Racers, they use the combo I described above, since you can drop traps and poison arrow clouds and keep moving while the monsters die :)


    The combo will kill bosses as well, I usually go up to level 30 or so and then switch to my build. I keep the gems I need in my alternate weapon slot to level them as I go, so when I switch builds they are ready.



    I usually farm the monkey area before you hit the forest encampment a bit around to the 20+ level markr. Tons of mobs and Area of Effect DOT of firetrap and poison arrow cloud = fast leveling. I just stand in my firetraps and poison clouds while they surround me :)


    And it's a short level, that you end up at the encampment and then you can jump on the teleport , control click on the level and start a new instance to respawn - repeat as needed

  9. Or just Imgur to host images, no fuss, drag and drop, ad free


    You should be using firetraps, bear traps and poison arrow to level anyway regardless of the build. Since these skills depend entirely on the gem level for raw damage rather than build stats. And you will clear maps fast with these 3!

    I always have 2 firetraps (to get around the recharge time), 1 bear trap and a poison arrow and bow (with +2 to bow gems) for all my new characters. I just create a Shadow to get these gems to put in the stash

    Pure DOT carnage!

  10. I believe is free to play MMO now.

    Anyone here play it? Just from looking at vids, it's looks good, and has ARPG style combat


    edit - requires 35GB.... gulp - although you can do a streaming download and play as you go



    Beta - all classes at level 4 - reminds me of Sacred 2 in a way :)


    review of earlier version, it's different now

  11. OK.. So let's say you map the W key to forward/attack, whenever you push the W key, you wind up moving to wherever the mouse is pointing... But in order to do anything, you STILL have to move the mouse - so it's pointing to where you want to go. Do I have it right?


    Yes correct.

    It works like the move key in TorchLight 2, except it will also attack (left click attack), without moving if the mouse cursor is on an enemy. But it will continously update as you move the mouse and keep the key held.

    It feels seamless

    Make is much more enjoyable when you travelling a lot...


    There is a way to make a script to act more like WSAD. Someone made one at the AutoHotkey forum for TitanQuest, so you will have to edit the winactive bit of the script to Sacred instead. In any case if just moves the mouse a bit and clicks it when you press a key in that direction


    ; WASD Movement For Titan Quest Series v3.1
    ; Author:         Desi Quintans <me@desiquintans.com>
    ; Website:         http://www.desiquintans.com
    ; Script Function:
    ;   Enables WASD controls in the Titan Quest series of RPGs. Works across all resolutions, and in both
    ;   Windowed and Full-Screen modes. Does not mess up your typing outside the game.
    #NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
    #MaxHotkeysPerInterval, 200
    SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
    SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
    SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
    SetTitleMatchMode, 3
    ; Initialise variables.
    final_x_coord = 0
    final_y_coord = 0
    are_coordinates_initialised = 0
    SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1
    	if WinActive("Titan Quest") || WinActive("Titan Quest: Immortal Throne")
    		if (are_coordinates_initialised != 1)
    			; Set coordinate offsets specific to the game. This only runs once, when the script first detects the game window
    			; as active. If the user changes game resolutions the script will need to be reloaded, but this is still much better
    			; than performing the same calculations to set the same variables with the same values every 1 millisecond.
    				WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running a Window, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
    				x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
    				y_axis_centre := round(total_height*0.575) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
    				up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*0.095)
    				down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*0.16)
    				left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*0.07)
    				right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*0.07)
    				are_coordinates_initialised = 1
    		if GetKeyState("w", "P") || GetKeyState("s", "P") || GetKeyState("a", "P") || GetKeyState("d", "P")
    			; Remember the position of the mouse pointer before the WASD keys were pressed.
    				MouseGetPos, prior_x_pos, prior_y_pos
    			; Use the chosen coordinates as their respective keys get pressed to direct the mouse pointer.
    				if GetKeyState("w", "P")
    					final_y_coord := up_coord
    				else if GetKeyState("s", "P")
    					final_y_coord := down_coord
    					final_y_coord := y_axis_centre
    				if GetKeyState("a", "P")
    					final_x_coord := left_coord
    				else if GetKeyState("d", "P")
    					final_x_coord := right_coord
    					final_x_coord := x_axis_centre
    				; Perform the directed click. This is a click-hold that immediately gets released.
    				; Click-hold is necessary as some games don't register a single click.
    				Click down %final_x_coord% %final_y_coord%
    				Click up
    				; Put the mouse pointer back in its original place.
    				Sleep, 40
    				Click, %prior_x_pos% %prior_y_pos% Left 0
  12. Here is a script file for Autohotkey that maps any key you want to the left mouse click in Sacred 2, but I do use variations of this script with other games, just change the winactive bit :)

    Script will only activate when Sacred 2 is in front


    So when you press the up arrow key, the character will move/attack where the mouse is pointed to. Saves your mouse finger!

    Edit the key as needed


    SetTimer, MoveTimer, 256
    IfWinActive, Sacred
          GetKeyState, state, uP ; or what button you want it to be
          if state = D
             MouseClick, left
  13. Just beat Carnach - 58% chance to hit, and 63 for him


    Was fairly easy, only used 2 potions :)

    He could barely hit me and when he did I reflected back his attacks to himself almost half the time - 45% for melee and 35% chance to reflect spells

    Still did good damage with fists, and I was leeching an extra 20hp per hit

  14. I just took on the first dragon - no problems :)

    Took about 2-3 mins.


    I had to chug down 5 or so potions, but even then he wasn't doing that much damage to my SW.

    Looking at my last opponent stats - at level 54 he had 47,000+HP and I had a 90% chance to hit him, and 65% chance for him to hit me. Thanks to dumping all points into strength.

    I've socket some of my gear with minus % for opponent to evade, so that helps.


    Unarmed was doing good damage to him. With my combo dual wield fist weapons a little quicker.

    I had 5000 HP, at level 48, and 1300 armour - 764 physical and 130 magic, plus the rest of the other elements. 182 fire.

    Grim Resilience at 25 sure adds a lot of HP, and I have Reflect Em. at 22, modded for broad range reflect


    My combo of leap+ FR + demonic blow did manage to stun him sometimes, from the leap gold mod.

    Plus the combo was modded to leach some life, so I was getting a small amount per hit, 14hp unarmed and with fist weapons

    Opponent level for death blow of 42% with fist weapons and 32% unarmed

    Raw unarmed damage = 161

    Dual fist weapons = 516-619

    But it does get scaled up a ton when you make the actual attacks. I've seen between 300-800+ unarmed damage

  15. True.. It's been my philosophy with games like this - the faster you kill them, the less chance they have to damage you - so DPS is definitely important.


    Just for grins and giggles - try a 2H hammer or axe..


    I haven't found a 2 handed weapon yet that does as much damage/DPS as dual wielding one sword and one hafted weapon, in terms of burst damage

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