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Everything posted by SheHawk

  1. Chess -Chess Board https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDxQKuk2xDQ Grand Chess Board, as made by me in Sketchup.
  2. UPDATE! Keeping you all in the know of what I am doing with my story idea. I have spent the last several days now playing Sacred 2 on my PS3, playing the actual Temple Guardian so that I could get him to a sufficient enough level so that I could start the Campaign and start to do the Temple Guardian Quests only. Sad to say, there is only a total of 7 messages left to him through the holograms and via T-Energy consoles, after that, there are no more messages. Which is a sad thing. I wished that the makers of the game had kept to the messages side of things, as the back story into the Temple Guardian was just building up and left pretty much up to everyone's own imagination of what the rest of his back story was. I wish I could fill in those gaps, but the best that I can do, after getting screenshots of those messages and other stuff from the game using my mobile phone to take the pictures with. As I do not have game capture for my PS3. I can and I shall work on extending those messages, but there is something that the deluxe Temple Guardian that you meet and have to fight tells you, that is of interest and I am going to use that in my story too. However, sad to say that given the fact that there are only 7 messages from the Hologram/T-Energy Consoles and 1 message from the Deluxe Temple Guardian, the Premise, which I will rework slightly to make it a proper prologue and therefore the story will need an epilogue. That's a total of 10 elements to the whole thing, making my story rather short. But I honestly was not expecting to do a full-length feature novel, not unless there is more info about the temple guardian than what is covered in the game, then please let me know. I can't and won't promise anything. But I will take all and any other information about the Temple Guardian and find a way to implement that into my story, but it still may end up being short. So please do not be too disappointed about that fact. Thank you all in advance.
  3. Sounds like to me that you both enjoyed yourselves. I look foward to playing the quest one day.
  4. I like the idea Gogo, you wrap up warm too this cold time of year. I have yet to play the Christams Quest. I am am sure that I will one day enjoy playing that quest.
  5. Thank you my good Sir Steve. I am willing to go to such lengths as to use gramerly for my story before posting it. As I have decided that I will do so, as my part in supporting this site, as well as taking part now and again in the Word Associated Game. I always run spell check on my word docs. The only thing that I will not be able to do is correct any syntax and punctuation, unless grammerly takes care of that too? I hope that my work will be acceptable at least with the spelling and grammer being correct. My roommate might be able to help me with my syntax etc. But it would be somewhat frustrating for me going through all of the corrections, the grammer and spelling I do not mind. But it would be a whole lot more handy if there was a program that can automatically fix the syntax, etc. I like the idea of a Winter Theme, as since it is so really very cold this year. Wrap up warmly my good Sir Steve.
  6. Why Thank you my good Sir Steve. I am glad to hear that I have created a compelling back-story, that was my hope that it would be so. Well, I always aim to do the best in my use of Enlgish, etc. I try not to focus too much, at least on the grammer aspect, simply because if I were to focus so much on that. I would honestly loose all sense of my creativity. Though there is my learning disability that comes into affect too. But I never let that get in the way of being able to do stories. I have been doing them since 1992, all hand written, as I did not have a computer at the time of doing those. I have hand written 200+ stories all on lined paper, both sides. Honest truth. I have grown from strength to strenght in my use of English and grammer, where possible. As so long as my stories are readable, that is all that matters to me. I am not set out to have my work published. If I could, then I would if I could afford it that is, employ a proof reader to help with the grammer and syntax etc. I am glad to hear that you are chuffed to bits, that comment made my day. Thank you so much for that kind Sir Steve, it is much appreciated. I hope someone does not mind me mentioning the fact that this site is still using the Christmas theme and hasen't changed it yet. Sorry to point that one out. I mean no harm or offence by it. If anythin,g it's just odd seeing a Christmas theme in the month of February, unless you are in the Pendle Area of Lancashire here in the UK, where it often gets very snowy sometimes in February and anyone would be forgiven in thinking it to be Christmas with all that snow around.
  7. Hello everyone. I thought that I would share with you all a story idea that I have had and I would like to get feedback please. What I mean, do you like it? what would you like to see happen in the story? My story idea is based mostly on the Temple Guardian, because I simply like his back story as told through his hollographic messages that he has left to himself. The story is based on the Sacred 2 game to some extent, simply because this is a work of fiction and not about the actual game, but uses key referrence points from the game. I have of course my own interpratations of the Temple Guardian's origins, but I am remaining as faithful to that as possible with my own ideas and imagination into the mix. So please no one get upset or be offended by my ideas, they are not meant to be offensive in any way. I am in two minds about if I should post the whole complete story here at Darkmatters, as comments would be needed for that and I doubt I would get those comments. This story is soly for my own purpose and enjoyment. But I like the initial idea so much, that I simply had to share it with you all. I have put my ideas down into a from of a Premise and I hope that you will all Enjoy it. Sirius: Legend Of The Temple Guardian By She-Hawk Premise The battle was finally over, he could rest for a while. But that was when it hit him and it hit him fast. Everywhere he looked, there was carnage, death and destruction all around him, the carcasses of dragons and other creatures lay strewn all over the battle field. “What have I done?” He said, but that wasn’t right, he was part of a collective now under the control of the Great Machine, he was they, them. But something had changed and he was not too sure what that was, or why. “Come on Brother, we are leaving now.” He looked up and saw his brother, or at least one of them. “Solon. Why are we here? Why did we have to fight?” He said. Wait… he had a name too, it was vague at first, but yes, he had a name and it was Sirius. But they don’t have names, or do they? “You must be malfunctioning brother. That name is meaningless to us. We no longer have names, for we are the Temple Guardians and we are many.” Replied the one that Sirius had addressed as Solon. But what they had said, did not compute. Temple Guardians is what they are, not their name, yet that part seemed right, sort of. It was all very confusing for Sirius. “No brother. I am not malfunctioning.” Said Sirius all of a sudden, as though he was sure of himself. He was, well, sort of. It was like as though he was almost two distinct individual entities all at the same time. Though, that did not seem right either. No matter, something else was bleeding through, something that Sirius had no time to completely analyse. “Yes brother. You are. We have won this war. It was our destiny to win this war. Let us help repair you.” All of a sudden, an arm came jutting out of Solon’s top left shoulder, but at the end of it, there was some kind of a probe device, which they now intended to put through and into their brother’s head. Being part of a collective, Sirius had sensed his brother’s actions, but rather than allow the probe to penetrate through his head, his defences took over and quickly with his sword in his hand, he sliced off the arm that protruded dangerously towards him. “Why do you attack us brother?” Asked Solon in shock and alarm. “No, why do you attack me?” Asked Sirius. “We was not attacking you. We were attempting to repair you.” Replied Solon. “I am not malfunctioning.” Replied Sirius in anger. Wait… What was this? An emotion! But Temple Guardians do not feel such things. As strange as it was, it was there none the less. “I am not defective brother, you are.” Replied Sirius in full and complete anger now. Without warning another arm came from the top of Solon’s other shoulder, but once again, Sirius immediately detected this and with his sword, he sliced off the offending arm, knowing that his blade was the only weapon that could cut through Temple Guardian Armour. Solon then suddenly charged at Sirius with their sword and both swords clashed together, deflecting blow for blow, being brothers, or part of the collective, made them more than an even match for each other. Neither of them could get in a striking blow that would do any much damage. But just then, Solon, somehow was able to attack without Sirius being able to detect it. ‘Not possible.’ Thought Sirius, but he now looked at where his left arm had been completely severed. “You will pay for that brother.” Remarked Sirius in full complete anger. But this emotion was a negative one and it had now caused some sort of a feedback, or something. As he stopped in mid swing of his sword. “What… what is this? What are you doing to me brother?” Said Sirius in total alarm. A part of him was fighting to be part of the collective, also something else was going on that made feeling emotions to be possible. “We are doing nothing brother, you are doing this to yourself. We sense something in you and it is trying to disconnect us. We shan’t allow it.” Said Solon sharply and they now aimed their pulse cannon arm at Sirius, who was now unable to move, as something was happening to him. But just as Solon was about to blast their brother into none existence, there came a sudden and almighty powerful blast, it came directly from a Seraphim, surprisingly enough. The Seraphim were the enemy of the Temple Guardians, anything that was against the Great Machine were their enemies. But for some reason, the Seraphim were even more so their enemy, but Solon never questioned their core directive. The blast however, was so powerful, that there was simply nothing left of Solon, there was now, just a pile dust on the ground of where he once stood. “Why, why did you help me?” Asked Sirius in total confusion. “I sensed a change in you and I found I kindred spirit and I simply could not allow for you to be destroyed, even though we both serve different creators. There is however, something of the light within you, which in a sense makes you kind of a brother to me I suppose.” Remarked this rather unusual Seraphim. “Your brother! But we… I mean I. I am not related to you in anyway whatsoever.” “Yes, I am very well aware of that fact. But like I said, you and I are connected now, as you have the power of the light inside of you and there is nothing that you can do now to change that fact.” Replied the Seraphim. “Light? What light?” Asked Sirius in total confusion. “I do not fully understand as yet, but you have been touched by the creator. Obviously, he must think that you must be worthy and it is not my place to question his divine gift upon you. Though my sisters would completely not understand or even accept such a fact.” Replied the Seraphim, sounding a little sad upon saying that. “Then if I may ask. What makes you be so different?” Asked Sirius, feeling weaker with every passing moment. Something was changing him alright, but what, he could not completely fathom, nor was all of his mind able to process any of it at all. Too much was inside of his mind and it was as though he was now having a battle from within, with his own self. Which made no sense. Regardless of that fact, something was happening and it was completely beyond him to be able to do anything about it. “I honestly don’t know. I have always been different from my fellow sisters, which sadly made me an outcast to them, so now I travel alone in the hope that one day I will be able to reunite with my sisters.” Replied the Seraphim. “I am… S… Sirius.” Replied Sirius feeling the strain on his entire body and mind. “I am Seraph-Thena.” Replied the Seraphim and she helped Sirius get to his feet. “What you are feeling right now is the Power of the Light completely purging the darkness from within you. Though you might not quite be the same after it has completely banished the darkness away.” Remarked Seraph-Thena in a matter of fact sort of way. “We. I mean me. I. I cannot lose my memories. I do not want to lose my sense of self, not ever.” Replied Sirius. “Then I suggest that you activate Emergency Protocol Alpha One.” Suddenly replied Seraph-Thena. “What? Wait! How comes you know so much about us. I mean about us Temple Guardians that is?” Asked Sirius in shock and alarm. “Oh you’ll be very surprised as to what I know. Remarked Seraph-Thena. “Where, where are you taking me?” Asked Sirius. “I’m taking you to an ancient sacred burial site which will be able to hide you from being detected by the Great Machine.” “We. I mean, I… I do not know of such a place.” Said Sirius sounding a bit puzzled. “Of course you don’t know. No one does except for me that is.” Replied Seraph-Thena. “How comes you know and are aware of such a place then?” Asked Sirius in a curious manner. “The creator has endowed me with special knowledge that only I for now, can know about, until when the moment is right for when my fellow sisters are ready to be given such knowledge too.” Replied Seraph-Thena, somewhat cryptically. “I don’t understand.” Replied Sirius. “Neither do I just yet. But I am patient. I know that I will understand fully and completely in time. Once I have gotten you to the ancient sacred burial site, you can initiate the Emergency Protocol Alpha One Program there.” Said Seraph-Thena. It was a long journey and Seraph-Thena made sure that they were not being followed, she kept to the shadows, as so not to be seen with the Temple Guardian. For she knew the truth, that the Temple Guardians were the once great protectors of Ancaria, way before her and her kind came along and they did not like the fact that something rather than someone was doing their job. Though that matter is a lot more complicated than that. But right now, Seraph-Thena did not focus on such matters. She finally came to the entrance of the ancient sacred burial site. It did not look like anything remotely special, but that was the whole point of it. That way it could be kept safe in plain sight and no one would ever be the wiser about it. “What about my arm?” Sirius asked. “Don’t worry there are a few of your kind too, scattered about the battle field, I’ll take one of their arms, that will do.” Replied Seraph-Thena and she was then soon on her way, when she got back, she began to set about attaching the arm to Sirius’s left shoulder, while he activated the Emergency Protocol Alpha One Program.” A hologram of himself stood still, but it had it’s left arm intact. But it was supposed to look like that, it was a special hologram that represented him in his full and complete form. “Oh dear, this arm will not do at all.” Said Seraph-Thena, sounding disappointed, but it was a good thing that she had decided to bring several pairs of arms with her, just in case. But to no avail, none of the arms would attach themselves to Sirius’s left shoulder. But just then, Seraph-Thena had a sudden idea. The hologram’s prime directive was almost complete, when Seraph-Thena, came up to Sirius, holding something in her hands. “What is that you are holding?” He asked. “It is your new arm, I made it myself. I had to do so, because your true arm was cut off in such a way that no other actual Temple Guardian’s arms would fit into your shoulder joint, but this one will, as I have made it specifically for you and the problem that you have with your shoulder joint mechanism.” Remarked Seraph-Thena sounding quite pleased with herself. “Then please attach it quickly. I can feel my systems starting to shut down.” Said Sirius, a little harshly, though he did not mean to do so. “I shall seal up this tomb For when the day shall come when you shall be reactivated. As your battle is not yet over Sirius, not by a long shot and I am sorry to say that I however, shan’t be here for when that day shall come. As it truly shall do so. Said Seraph-Thena, Sirius said nothing, did nothing, for he had completely shut down. Seraph-Thena really did not want leave him. “Do I really have to leave him though-art creator?” She asked. Just then a voice from thin air boomed loudly in reply to her. “Yes my child. Don’t worry, his destiny is now his own. I need you elsewhere. When the time is right, you shall be reunited with him and of course, your other sisters.” With that, Seraph-Thena used her powers to seal the entrance of the ancient burial site and then; she left, knowing that her sort of brother, will be kept completely safe.
  8. Thank you Steve my good and kind Sir. I'm glad to be better. I never like it when I get ill. Resting is all good and well, but I like and love being active, as much as possible, weather I am posting, playing a game, composing, making 3D models. So long as I am doing something, I'm happy.
  9. Hello everyone this is a little late, for which I apologize for. I have not been so well of late. But I am better now. Here is the final instalment of my Locations & Thoughts post/topic. I have enjoyed sharing them with you and I hope that you all have enjoyed them too, as I have been posting them. To recap. I left you with an image in my post Sacetrd 2 (Locations & Thoughts Part 3) An image of two dungeons as seen in that post. The moment you come out through the second dungeon, the first blocked off dungeon is to your immediate right. Blocked Off Dungeon 1 For the second blocked off Dungeon, you have to go all the way to the end of the wasteland before you enter the temple that houses the Great Machine. You turn right and past the second to last save pedastal, and to your left, you can just about see the other blocked off dungeon that is waterlogged. In the PS3 Version it is actually possible to see an opening/entrance, much like the one shown in Blocked Off Dungeon 1. Unfortunately I do not know how to get the same angle view in the PC version of this game, but trust me, that dungeon entrance is there. Blocked Off Dungeon 2 If only one could go down there somehow, wade through the water, or completely drain it, also remove the obstructions preventing access to the 1st blocked off dungeon. What do these blocked off dungeons hold? Obviously they are going to have temple guardians inside of them, and maybe other monsters too. What are your thoughts? Anyway sad to say this whole post has come to an end. But I have another one, of a different topic to post some time soon. Which I hope that you will all equally enjoy too.
  10. Thank you for sharing this and sorry for the delay. I have of recent, not been all too well. I'm better now and that is the important thing. The first image of the two doors, they are not blocked off, but they sure looked to be sealed and I am glad that you mentioned the one in the cave. I had been wondering about that one too.
  11. Thanks, I tried that and nothing is happening. It's probably me, I am doing something wrong, somewhere. I just can't figure out what. Ideally I could do with someone at my home and for them to show me how to do everything correctly. While I can follow written/typed instructions to some degree. I excell better however, at learning from being shown how to do something. I'm one of those people that learns very much from being shown how to do something, which comes from my observational skills, the more I observe to how something is done and I can see it actually happening, I learn quicker and better. I always have done so, learning that way. Thank you though so much for your help and I really do appreciate it. I guess that this perticular mod and the Rotating Blades Of Light Mod, are not for me and who knows, I might figure it out one day, as I am pretty good at solving things, not all things mind you. But that never stops me from wanting to be able to know how to do a thing, I aspire to learn as much as possible.
  12. So sorry for the delay of my next post. I have not been well of late. I will post that asap. Right now I need help please with a mod that does not seem to be working right, or I'm doing something wrong? I have a copy of the Mods file from the The GMSE Setup Folder into the "Games Folder" of my Steam Folder that has a folder for games. I used to use Gog Galaxy, but not any more. Long story that one. Anyway, I have done two screen captures that hopefully will help you to be able to help me. The mod that I am having a problem with, is the Sacred 2 Enhanced Folder and yes, I do have the most current version of the Community Patch and the dam mod isn't working. Help 1 As you can see I have the Mods folder in my D Drive, because basically my C drive at the moment is in a mess and I need to get that sorted out, but I have more than enough room in my 1TB Hard Drive (D Drive) Even steam itself is also set to the D Drive. I have the whole Sarcred 2 Enhanced Folder inside the mods folder, but I have noticed other folders existing inside of this folder, some of which have zipped files in them. Help 2 Please, please, don't tell me I have to put all of these seperate folders into the mods as well and also extract where the zipped folders are placed and add those also to the mods? I sure hope not, that would be far too complicated for me. Please bear in mind that I do have a learning disability, so when explaining things to me, please do try and make it easy for me to be able to understand and follow properly. I have a similar problem for the Rotating Blades Of Light Mod, that folder also has other folders inside of it. Which I think I need to copy and put them into the mods folder, if I am not mistaken. Anyway, I can't seem to get that one working properly either, but right now I am more concered with the Sacred 2 Enhanced Mod working. Is it a complicated process? If yes, then why is that? And lastly, is there an easier way of doing it? If not, that's okay, but the lightsaber mod asside, which is the only one that does actually work. Oh and The Diablo 2 mod, that works okay too, but that's it, no other mod seems to work for me. The Mod Enabler seems pretty much useless to me, sorry to say. Can any one help me. PLEASE!
  13. Hello everyone and a very Happy New Year to you all, here it is at long last. Part 3 of my shared thoughts and views on the places and locations that are of interest to me that exist in Sacred 2. Now then in part 2 (See Sacred 2 Locations & Thoughts 2) Where there is a path that goes down and there’s a Seraphim waiting to give you a quest, well just behind her is the second sealed crate. (See Sacred 2 Locations & Thoughts 1) 2nd Sealed Crate. For me personally, this should have been accessible after completing the quest that the Seraphim gives to you and you go off to fight monsters in the arena, just down from the main part of the Seraphim Island itself. There is another way to get to this arena that is part of the Shadow Warrior’s own quests. Anyway, upon returning, you go up to the crate and collect an extra reward for completing your quest. What do you think? Up next is the Waste Lands and there’s 2 very interesting blocked off dungeons, but they are not actual dungeons, but they could easily be dungeons and it would be great and awesome if someone could open these up and place some monsters in their to fights, crates, chests etc. But to get access to the 1st blocked off dungeon, you need to go through two actual dungeons first and below is a screen shot of where those two actual dungeons are. The Two Dungeons. As soon as you come out of the second actual Dungeon, the 1st blocked off dungeon that I speak of is to your right, which I shall feature in part 4 of this series of thoughts and theories. Simply because, I can only upload 2 full 1080HP images in any one post. But hey, look on the bright side. I get to post more content, which helps to support this wonderful site.
  14. Smooth -> Beer Cheers everyone, a Merry Christmas to you all and a very Happy New Year
  15. Well said and yes only 1 part of that Island is as you said, is accessible. I would still have the Temples of the Gods be there, in fact that is where my Seraphim quest giver would be inside of, waiting for you, but the rest of the Isalnd would be fully accesible with a small cave or a medium sized one for the dungeon. I know my pick of monsters are different to the ones on the actual Island, but I could easily imagine the ones that I mentioned.
  16. Hello everyone, here is part 2 of my thoughts and theories about certain locations in Sacred 2. Following from part 1 (See Sacred 2 (Locations & Thoughts Part 1) I showed you a boat and I said that it was a possible boat teleporter. Here is what I mean. (Boat Teleporter) Obviously the boat on the Seraphim Island is not one of these boat teleporters, but it could have been, or it still could become one, if any modifiers out there are interested. That is if what I am about to suggest can be altered in anyway, it would be a real shame if such a thing cannot be done. In my previous post I mentioned that the boat, if it was one of these boat teleporters, would/could, transport you to the outer surrounding islands of the Seraphim Island. (Outer Islands of the Seraphim Island) You will have noticed that I have numbered which I feel would or could be visited with some monsters to fight and loot to collect, the islands that I have not numbered I am personally not at all too sure about. So in order the following Islands would have. Island 1: Rock monsters, demons and Temple Guardians, 5 loot boxes/or chests, a water fountain a quest giver (This person would be a Seraphim that will send you on a quest to collect objects specific to each Island including the 1st one and you have to return to her with all 4 objects to get your reward. (The Sword of Heavenly Flame) A fancy fantasy type sword with natural magical fire surrounding the blade, which does heavy fire damage. 3 secret items only seen as shining lights in the ground, 1 of which is inside 1 dungeon. Island 2: Dragons, wraiths, Fallen Dark Seraphim, 4 loot boxes/chests, wishing well and 2 secret items Island 3: Undead, turtles and giant bats, 3 loot boxes/chests and 1 secret item Island 4: Special Boss (Dark Dragon) & 2 Chests That’s it for now, but there is still more yet to come, I hope that you liked my ideas?
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