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Everything posted by Ryanrocker

  1. Good call, might have to pick up some copies for friends!
  2. Ladder system looks awesome, hopefully it'll draw more people back into the game. I know I've had a lot of fun recently, and the ladder implementation will make me come back for more
  3. Yessir, although technically it doesn't have to be fixed, 10/10 games are because it significantly lowers the graphics power needed as you only need to render/draw textures for 180 degrees of the object. Which is actually pretty beneficial for kickstarter projects to put resources towards other items.
  4. Crap, you're right Silver I dropped the bucket on this one. I think I might add in an annotation mentioning to read the interview during that part. You do an excellent job of describing what I wanted to say here, so I'll try to paraphrase you as best as possible
  5. Ironically it was your Item Mod thread I was looking at when I made that comment. Those new Scythes caught my attention Edit: I think it would be a cool idea for them to allow a package between the 29-99 euro one and make it create a weapon (flavor text, stats, etc.). I might shell out for something like that, but with mod tools some people might consider it trivial.
  6. I got to play this at Pax East in April, and as someone who doesn't really like the mage class in games...it was freaking awesome
  7. Do you know if the Intel HD are from the 3000 series or 4000? That would make the biggest difference IMO, as I could not run the game on the 3000 series when Sacred 2 was released. First game that made me go out and buy a new GPU for the home system, never looked back since
  8. Learn something every day! I had no idea that there was an official name for Incubus before I looked up a screenshot for the video. Honestly you've painted a much better picture (more accurate too!) in my mind of how these creatures are supposed to be portrayed. The same demon succubus lady idea has been drilled into most of our heads, never even thought to question outside of that. You mentioned reading old scripts, do you remember what language they were in by any chance? Caught my interest
  9. As the title says, I thought I'd spend some of my Youtube focus on giving Unbended some native English love. There's been a few German previews circulating around about the game and character classes, but for those of us who do not speak German it can be hard to find other sources of content. In the video I've tried to go through as scientifically as possible and present only facts we absolutely know for certain with the information provided in both the Sacred Legends and Niche Gamer interviews. Anything otherwise is stated in the video (I believe ). Thought it'd be fun to share it here on Darkmatters because you guys were the ones to get me into the Sacred series, and I've provided shoutouts in the video to direct back to here Remember, the only barrier to entry in the video is my nasally voice! Now fire away
  10. Awesome update! According to the Gambler's backstory those are an endless plain where they hunt trihorns, but certainly room for expansion
  11. Lol Thorin. I might just go with that I also vote for this
  12. With you there Flix. There are quite a few games/companies that are practically instant preorders for me because I love what they do and the games they make. CDPR are definitely one of those companies, can't wait for the next installment
  13. No worries, I did not pace myself at all for this and the submission deadline was tonight so I had to stop all the incoming data. Was getting a bit overwhelmed haha
  14. Wow, in only 19 hours I got 642 respondents after posting to the Path of Exile reddit as well as here. Guess I have a lot of data now xD. Study is now closed, thanks for everyone who filled out a survey Mind if I quote you in the report on this SX? Really like your take on not having a timer
  15. Hmm, I'll admit I did not think about that relating to the type of ARPG being played. I definitely agree, and the reason I included the map question in the first place was because I was thinking about Sacred (little bias I know ) Well it'll certainly be a point I make when I go to present my data analysis. Thanks for pointing it out
  16. Edit: Study is now closed, thanks all for your participation! Hey all! For my Human Computer Interaction class, I'm analyzing people's opinions about ARPG User Interfaces. I know everyone on the forum here is either currently playing an ARPG or has a love for the genre, so if you could take a few minutes to fill out this quick 13 question survey, I'd really appreciate it! Internet cookies available to all who participate
  17. That's great news to hear, I've been checking everyday for something along those lines
  18. Is this part missing a "be" or has an extra "with"? Lol, my knowledge of German is very basic, so this is the Google Translate version (ugh I know ). I would also assume that it is indeed missing the 'be', as I know there was some heated talk over on their forums
  19. Bit late here, but welcome to the forums Lester!
  20. According to the official Twitter: "Big update coming Friday. There is much to report. Please do not angry with us. We are a little tied with our hands."
  21. I have a purchased Imperial Edition, but haven't activated the game yet as I'm totally swamped with work right now
  22. I'm perfectly willing to donate to their project, but I will need an English version of the site before doing so. I realize they are a German studio and want to get the word out there about the game, but I think people would feel more comfortable giving them money if there was a fleshed out page in English.
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