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File Comments posted by Lindor

  1. On 3/21/2024 at 9:08 PM, Khorath said:

    Hi Lindor,


    thank you for the clarification. I obviously misunderstood the line 'For CM patch or PFP. Not straightly compatible with EE or Addendum, as it takes the CM patches surface.txt file.'

    After reading this, I assumed that having the CM-Patch without EE might work. I cleared the shader-cache, just as you suggested, but that alone didn't resolve the problem, as is to be expected since I don't use EE yet...

    Thanks again for your help.

    Oh I'm sorry that one's on me - I can't remember anymore wether I used CM-Patch or EE. In my memory it was EE but here in the forums I wrote CM-Patch. Don't know what's true.

  2. On 2/21/2024 at 3:37 PM, Khorath said:

    Hi Lindor,

    I just tested your Ancient Set Wing FX for the Mystique Wings. It works perfectly on the Mystique Wings and looks great. Sadly it messes up a few parts of other armors. I noticed a complete blue glow on the 'Endijians Armor' set (bodyarmor and arm parts) and on the Temple Guardians set 'Combat Modules' (left combat-arm part). It seems to happen on high-tech armor parts that include these small blue  fields, that resemble small (but dead) screens. Maybe these were originally meant to be animated in a similar way to the wings?



    This is a mod made for other modders to integrate them into their mod. It's not meant as a standalone.
    That being saidm it could be used as a standalone if you fulfill the requirements.
    That is that the scripts used are built around Sacred 2 EE and you need to clear your shader cache before it works.
    If you don't have this mod, it's likely that there are problems occuring.

    Just from the changes I made, there should be absolutely no interference with the things you mentioned, like temple guardian sets.


    I hope that resolves your issues. If not, please contact me again. Some screenshots would be nice as well.

  3. A couple of notes:

    • I forgot to include lua54.dll in the upload. Updated descriptions with instructions how to get it.
    • Sorry for replying in german yesterday. Mathematics is a universal language though, hope that's enough for to be clear what I mean
    • 17 hours ago, Lindor said:

      Was das eigentliche Problem angeht: Im Grunde ist das ein zahlentheoretisches Problem

      While I would totally be able to construct such an algorithm and compile it in an exe and do actual reverse engineering of Loka-IDs, the practicality of it would not be there because this right here:

      17 hours ago, Lindor said:

      einige 100 wenn nicht 1000 Optionen

      was a huge understatement. I did the math on this once:

      On 6/30/2022 at 11:11 PM, Lindor said:

      but already a 7-letter-word needs to hold at least 3.736.842.880 duplicates. And that doesn't even count numbers and all the other symbols.

      Now imagine the range of duplicates on an actual Loka-ID (~40-60 characters) with numbers and "_" sybols included. I can't even estimate a number, but I bet it would be more than the number of atoms in the visible universe.


  4. 21 hours ago, chattius said:

    Nice that there is such a tool now.  I lack the time to go test it, but I think people who will use it will know what they do. Legally (at lest here) it is not reverse engineering but finding the addresses of items.

    Der reverse engineering part war, sich anzusehen, wie hashes aus den Loka-IDs konstruiert werden. Bequemerweise kann man mit s2rw seine eigenen loka-ID - hash - paare erzeugen, im Grunde hab ich also rekonstruiert, wie s2rw arbeitet. Aber du hast natürlich recht, die Hauptarbeit, die hier geleistet wird, ist Brute-Force und nicht reverse-engineering :D


    Es gibt noch viel Optimierungsbedarf, an Boni hab' ich z.B. überhaupt nicht gedacht, wer also Boni-hashes rekonstruieren will, muss die langsame Methode wählen.



    Was das eigentliche Problem angeht: Im Grunde ist das ein zahlentheoretisches Problem. Der Realhash ist eine Zahl in Basis 113 mit den ASCII-codes als Ziffern. Zusätzlich zu dieser Formel:

    Realhash = X * 4294967296 + Sichtbarer Hash

    Muss man dann noch folgendes berücksichtigen:

    Realhash = sum zI * 113 ^ I from I = 0 to n, wobei n die Anzahl der Ziffern ist minus 1 und zI dann der ASCII-wert.

    Wenn man so eine Zahl dann in basis 2 umrechnet, kann man zurückrechnen, was die einzelnen Ziffern zum sichtbaren hash beitragen. Dabei kommt man, abhängig von der Anzahl der Ziffern, auf ein Ergebnis von wenigen hundert Möglichkeiten für die Ziffernverteilung. Das ganze ist extrem kompliziert und ein Teilgebiet der Mathematik, mit dem ich mich quasi noch nicht auseinandergesetzt habe, theoretisch aber machbar.

    Ich gebe mal ein Beispiel an: Angenommen, die hashbasis wäre nicht 113 sondern 10, und wir hätten einen Realhash von 13, wobei das maximum 16 wäre, also
    Realhash = X * 16 + Sichtbarer Hash
    Wenn wir zwei Ziffern annehmen, 10a+b in basis 10, dann ist das binär:
    1010 * a + b = X * 10000 + 1101  =>  1010 * a + b - 1101 = x * 10000

    Jetzt geht man Ziffernweise von rechts nach links vor für alle Ziffern, die auf der rechten Seite bekannt  (also null) sind. Wir wissen, dass -1<a, b<10, d.h. in binär haben a und b maximal vier Ziffern:

    1010 * (a1a2a3a4) + (b1b2b3b4) - 1101 =  x * 10000
    => 1000000 * (a1) + 100000 * (a2) + 10000 * (a1 + a3) + 1000 * (a2 + a4 + b1 - 1) + 100 * (a3 + b2 - 1) + 10 * (a4 + b3) + 1 * (b4 - 1) =  x * 10000
    => 1000 * (a2 + a4 + b1 - 1) + 100 * (a3 + b2 - 1) + 10 * (a4 + b3) + 1 * (b4 - 1) =  0
    => b4 = 1
    => 1000 * (a2 + a4 + b1 - 1) + 100 * (a3 + b2 - 1) + 10 * (a4 + b3) =  0
        => a4 = b3 = 0
        => 1000 * (a2 + b1 - 1) + 100 * (a3 + b2 - 1) =  0
    	    => a3 = 1 - b2 = 0
    		=> 1000 * (a2 + b1 - 1) =  0
    		    => a2 = 1 - b1 = 0
    			=> a = x000, b = 1101
    			=> a = 0 or 8, b = 13 TOO BIG
    			=> a2 = 1 - b1 = 1
    			=> a = x100, b = 0101
    			=> a = 4, b = 5
    		=> a3 = 1 - b2 = 1
    		=> 1000 * (a2 + b1 - 1) =  0
    		    =>a2 = 1 - b1 = 0
    			=>a = x010, b = 1001
    			=>a = 2, b = 9
    			=>a2 = 1 - b1 = 1
    			=>a = x110, b = 0001
    			=>a = 6, b = 1
        => a4 = b3 = 1
        => 1000 * (a2 + b1) + 100 * (a3 + b2) =  0
    	    => a3 = b2 = 0
    		=> 1000 * (a2 + b1)
    	        => a2 = b1 = 0
    		    => a=x001, b=0011
    		    => a=1 or 9, b=3
    	        => a2 = b1 = 1
    		    => a=x101, b=1011
    		    => a=5, b=11 TOO BIG
    	    => a3 = b2 = 1
    		=> 1000 * (a2 + b1 + 1)
    	        => a2 = 1 - b1 = 0
    		    => a=x011, b=1111
    		    => a=3, b=15 TOO BIG
    	        => a2 = 1 - b1 = 1
    		    => a=x111, b=0111
    		    => a=7, b=7

    Wir haben also 8 a-b-paare, wobei die erste Ziffer von a meistens unbekannt ist. Manchmal können wir sie aber trotzdem erschließen, weil a ja nur 0-9 sein kann. Es bleiben die Möglichkeiten

    45, 29, 61, 13, 93 und 77



    Für basis 113 und mit mehr Stellen wird das ganze natürlich VIEEEL massiver und es bleiben einige 100 wenn nicht 1000 Optionen, aber generell würde der Algorithmus so funktionieren.

  5. 1.0.1 is out.

    On 2/13/2022 at 11:04 PM, Lindor said:

    I have one last plan for 2.1.1: I want to make it so that you don't have to manually replace the CM-patch files.

    This and the other plan of simplifying the process by making it not require you to rename the mods turns out to be too much work to do, I want to continue with my mod instead. All the bugs have been fixed, the tool serves its purpose, all that's left are quality-of-life-improvements so I'm postponing further development to when I'm finished with my next project for my mod.

  6. 2.1.1 is out.

    On 2/13/2022 at 11:04 PM, Lindor said:

    I have one last plan for 2.1.1: I want to make it so that you don't have to manually replace the CM-patch files.

    This and the other plan of simplifying the process by making it not require you to rename the mods turns out to be too much work to do, I want to continue with my mod instead. All the bugs have been fixed, the tool serves its purpose, all that's left are quality-of-life-improvements so I'm postponing further development to when I'm finished with my next project for my mod.

  7. 2.1.0 is out. I forgot to include the script this time, sry for that, I noticed too late. If you want the script, just PM me and I'll send you.

    I have one last plan for 2.1.1: I want to make it so that you don't have to manually replace the CM-patch files. Therefore I need automated CM-Patch recognition. Hard but not impossible.
    2.1.1 will then include the script again (hopefully:sweating:)

  8. 1 hour ago, SupremeJoker said:

    my english so bad people doesnt understand what I want to do? dude I already have the ring but at lv 177,but I know it could be higher like 196 something like that,so I ask if someone want to help me with that,if someone has it at lv 196 or higher than 177 ,the same for others rings or amulets 

    this is your ring : https://prnt.sc/vgu8uo

    this is mine : https://prnt.sc/vgu9cb

    Now I understand the issue. No, it's not your english, it's totally my fault. Btw you actually have a level 223 ring there, 177 is just the minimum level requirement to wear the ring.

    I knew that I had the ring because I used it for my battlemage farm build, but I coudn't remember the level. However I farmed most if not all of the items from Anducar and his cerebropods and they always drop max level items, so because you said that there could be a higher level ring, I just assumed I would have uploaded that without checking. However I know there's a certain bug in this game concerning some rings, therefore I have an assumption:

    In general any items max level you can get dropped is 240, but you might have noticed some items (mostly set items) actually have a lower max level, mostly somewhere around 225-238 you can get these rings dropped up to level 232, but after you quit these rings will actually "loose" some levels and be somewhere around level 170-180ish if you reload the next time. They won't loose any of their stats but they will drop quite a few levels. That being said, a regular level 170 ring will have the same stats as a bugged out one, which means it wasn't really a level 232 item in the first place.

     The reason for that is the way item generation works in sacred: The game automatically gives an item a level depending on their main stat, which is reistances for armor/shields and damage for weapons. You can see that because if you try to edit the main stat for an item, it will change the level but if you edit anything else like boni or slots, the level won't change. The bug occurs on all unique and/or set rings which have only one dominating damage type.

    The most famous example for that bug would be Fadalmar's Salvation.

    ReBorn mod actually fixes that bug for most of the rings:


    It seems like "The One Ring of All" is just another example for that bug, since it does mostly magic damage and only a little bit of fire. It can drop at high level, but it will loose that level next time you reload. Which is why the ring I found hasn't level 240 and the ring you found has a higher level than mine. Which would mean that the only people you could get a higher level ring from are people who play with the ReBorn mod.

    But keep in mind this is just an assumption. A highly probable assumption because it is very unlikely that this is indeed one of the very few items I didn't get from anducar but from regular dudes when testing out a new build, but still an assumption.

  9. 7 hours ago, SupremeJoker said:

    Hi ! have someone some jewellery? what im interested is One ring of all ,I have it at lv 177,someone have it higher?and others jewellery(not sim modified)


    7 hours ago, Hooyaah said:

    @SupremeJoker I'm not sure what you are asking. Could you rephrase your post or perhaps use a translator? I suggest Bing Translator, it's superior to Google Translator in my opinion.


    I think he's asking for The One Ring of All that is not created with the "Sacred Item Manager" editor.



    The above character "Unique and Rare Jewelry", which is "Hero03.pax" has exactly what you're asking for. I did not edit any Unique or rare items, only few set items that I lost after I have accidentally overwritten a mule. Everything else is completely self-farmed.

    Again, there is a list of all of the edited items above, the names are in german you just need to click the link below and it will show you a picture for all of the german set items. However since that seems to be an issue, I will try to translate all of the items and give a link to the sacred wiki page, then everything should be clear.

  10. 2 hours ago, MihalceDaniel said:

    if people want we can keep this challenge and help each other's with item's :D

    That's the spirit <3


    2 hours ago, gogoblender said:

    Ahhh, now if only they'd had downloadable content for the HardCore closed servers when this game came out for me!

    Yeah, I'm probably like 15 years late xD But I was like eight when the game came out, and I could only play on my uncles PC. To be fair, he probably only allowed me to play because I was leveling his chars xD

    • Haha 1
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