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Ah your a "get to the root of it" kind of advice giver. Well, I imagine if Adam had just listened and left that fruit alone, we'd be having a completely different conversation about now, huh?


Adam? what fruit?! Are you threatening my pears?! I'll warn you, Geoff guards them lacksidasically! He'll ... probably chase after butterflies to eat if you... try .... ugh.. fine.. take the pears.

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Ah your a "get to the root of it" kind of advice giver. Well, I imagine if Adam had just listened and left that fruit alone, we'd be having a completely different conversation about now, huh?


Adam? what fruit?! Are you threatening my pears?! I'll warn you, Geoff guards them lacksidasically! He'll ... probably chase after butterflies to eat if you... try .... ugh.. fine.. take the pears.


oh gotta go now. * nervously look around to make sure Mrs Loco didn't here that* see ya, bye , talk at you later, Mom. Click!, phew!

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Good Morning Oh Wonderfully Wonderous Wrapper of Words. In my sleep fuddled mind this morning I find myself befuddled by the existence of the Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Can you shed some wonderfully woolly words of wisdom to brighten my day?

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Good Morning Oh Wonderfully Wonderous Wrapper of Words. In my sleep fuddled mind this morning I find myself befuddled by the existence of the Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Can you shed some wonderfully woolly words of wisdom to brighten my day?


As you wish...


Apart from the obvious (which is that Ornithorhynchus Anatinus exists merely to confuddle, confuse and create a cacophony of conflagulatory consternation among conservative naturalists who declare the Ornithorhynchus Anatinus to be "wierd", "unusual" and against all practicality and logical thought.) the Ornithorhynchus Anatinus exists because of a young boy and his dream.


Yes, this boy had powers so great that he could bring imagination to life with a single thought.


One day, whilest playing in his bathtub with Platy - his favorite rubber ducky that wasn't a duck but was actually a frog named Burpus - He thought, "this rubber ducky is fun but not as fun as it could be. I'm going to give it fur...and maybe a real duck bill.....it should lay eggs so I can eat breakfast in my bathtub.... oh, and a poisonous spur on it's leg might be entertaining." And so it was... the first Ornithorhynchus Anatinus was created from a rubber duck called Platy that was actually a frog named Burpus and hence to this day we call it a Platypus.

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Bravo! Geoff is getting better at dictation I see. He 's learning to type without burping and farting the whole time. What are you feeding him by the way? When ever we feed Rocky from the diner table, we have to lock him in the basement till the air cleared. sometimes took days!

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Why is it that come laundry day I'm always missing one sock? No matter how many pairs of socks I load into the washer I always end up missing one sock? I've looked in the washer for them, looked inside the dryer for them but nothing shows.

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Vivi Orunitia from the black mages perhaps. just guessing myself but Saeyia is a gamer at heart I think.


100 zombie hotdogs to Loco Rey de ... uhh... magnifico?


And as for missing socks, they all go on vacation every two weeks. What you THINK is simply a clothes dryer is really a portal into the land of vacationing socks.. strangely... few of them that go ever return from LOVs....

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*breaks cookie in half & chucks it in teh basket*


How do I get my Hell Monkey to stop eating dead dryads? Especially Gogo's dryads!





chOreos Rantras

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