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Nisseh Eid Krats


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Eltern haften für ihre Kinder!


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Nisseh Eid Krats -> Stark die Hessin, for the ones who understand german. The name was created by my daughter: Powerful this hessian girl


Because of changes in the daily routine of my family my playtime is nearly vanished. So I put long toughts which character should be the last I play. I wanted to test this many things, but now I have to cut it down to just a few. One thing I want to finish is my german guide for alchemy, I want to understand combat dicipline for weapon combat arts

and I want to play a character noone else is playing and ...


I started from a savefile of a dryad I played to level 140 with just 5 skills: Hunter focus, shield lore, tactics, armour lore and nature focus. I put all points in vitality, because stats are not boosting weaponless combat as much as weapon combat.


To work on my alchemy guide I will add alchemy. I have +924% trophy duration currently and trophies lasting 3+ minutes, same for concentration potions.

The main damage doing should be done with weaponless Kungfu attacks, ravaged impact is modified for poison damage, so damage lore and combat discipline will be added. I need everything possible to boost weaponless combat damage.

I like headhunting so I add voodoo focus for twisted torment, I want to try out how much damage I can do with a totem when not heaving the lore, and I want to use disease and curse to weaken bosses.

The last skill will be constitution because I will have to socket a lot of damage x-x rings to allow a nice weaponless playing.


The idea why I think that the character should work:

No magical lores:

The character has no magical lore, so no casting speed. But I need casting speed anyway for the weapon combat arts because I have no weapon skill, I will have to socket it. Luckily in the AddOn is a quest which will give just what I need:


Casting Speed and enemy can not evade, both is needed for a Kungfu.

We will loose x% damage and critical chance but we have combat discipline for the x% damage, and damage lore which a caster normaly doesn't have.

No ancient magic:

The character is a hybrid, and is able to do physical, fire and poison damage. And if all fails: a full Detheya set provides us with x% life leech.

No weapon skill:

Trophies will provide us with 1000% attack value lasting for minute(s), attack speed ,critical chance, and a weaponless ravaged impact is a doublehit, ... I do not think that a weaponskill or concentration for a buff just to get critical and enemy can't evade is needed.


The playstyle:

Ravaged impact will do double kicks doing explosions. We will try that at normal mobs the second kick already has death blow triggered. Targets in the explosoin radio will be damage by explosions and poison damage over time (damage lore). We will stray in tangled vines for group control, also it has no lore or ancient magic, together with combat discipline and damage lore to bring DoT to the fire damage it should weake nthe enemies.

We can bring in voodoo totem with damage lore boosted poison damage and bring disease to mobs while we collect them when running a circle around them. So the character is not around a single hit kill but kill groups with many different damage.


The playstyle changes with equipment:

A full detheya boosted with artamarks and combat art blockers, and kick bosses to death, ....

An alchemy set with nearly every piece adding to trophy duration: no rph, hit chance sockets needed, trophy with 98% chance to block rooting, undead potions lasting for minutes and the swamp is cleared way faster, ...

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  • 1 month later...

Dinosaur's taste like chicken






A jack of all trades character to replace most of (my) 2 year old dinosaur builds


The german equivalent for the english "Jack of all trades" is the "eierlegende Wollmilchsau". You can translate it as egg-laying wooly milk-pig. Eggs, wool, milk and flesh from just one animal. Optimal if it can sniff for underground truffles too. So I tried to play such characters, everything in just one build, tired of restarting all the time. And it is funny that there was a time when killer pigs were the most feared predators on earth: the entelodonts.


So with all the new inside into Sacred2 formulas, how would my entelodont look who will rule over the dinosaurs of older builds?


No concentration

I have to win some skills to play all 3 aspects and concentration is on the no take. Sinister predator will just give 30% sure hits and some critical hits to weapon attacks. Combat arts don't use attack speed but casting speed. So it will be just the equivalent of 2 sockets but negative on the reg-times of the other 2 aspects. Moribund animus would be another buff, but as a kungfu I will do the kills myself and I need close groups and not some enemies fighting the pet at another place. So I will play with no concentration and a single buff.


No weapon skill

A weaponless kungfu has no weapon skill. She has to get her hit chance and attack speed with equipment. But once you have the hit chance you will be able to use every weapon at full speed and full hit chance. You need more sockets to cover the hitchance and casting speed (=attack speed in weapon Combat Arts) early on, but you need way less sockets in niob. Two Silithar's Finger Hoops for example would be enough to achieve full casting speed. And the rings work on hitchance too.


Now do the character


The character will allow more and more possibilities to play it as it gains levels and will not use a playstyle from earlier levels.


The Thrower Dryad (bronce to silver)

Ancient bark will be used for protection. Also shield lore is taken to unlock armour lore. So with just 5 points in shield lore we will be able to have close to 30% block melee early in game. And we will modify a defensive ca as our first attack ca: dustdevil. Its damage will be enough to kill groups early on and you can stand in it to throw or shoot with ranged. That will it how we do most of our first levels: dust devil and throwing stars.

Skills used for this playstyle:

Hunter focus, shield lore, tactics, armour lore, nature focus


The headhunter Dryad (gold)

Twisted torment, black curse and viperish disease are used to weaken bosses and give us their heads

Skills added to allow this play style: voodoo focus


The Kungfu Dryad (early platin)

Changing to Kungfu should now be possible since a full detheya should have been found yet. Also you start to find better 'damage x-x' rings the higher you are in level. They will give base damage. Since we change x% damage smith art sockets to damage x-x we will have to bring in some x% damage for all our combat arts:

Skills added to allow this play style: combat discipline


The Spider Girl (platin)

Using tangled vines to hold enemies at place for either kicks or throwing stars. We need better healing now since the enemies hit harder.

Skills added to allow this play style: nature lore


The Witch (niob)

Fully able to change between a caster, a fighter or a hybrid by just changing the equipment. We need more hitpoints for the nasty life leech enemies which appear in niob and we have to break immunities if we attack with spells.

Skills added to allow this play style: ancient magic and constitution


The character is level 160 now: all skills except constitution are at mastery. All stat points were into vitality.


The combat arts:


Dust Devil:

Recondition, Spell Shield, Sanding --- Nice early game mix of area damage, weapon and spell protection. Just read in every rune (it has coold down and the regeneration time is less than this). Fire it up once you collected a big group in its mid and use ranged attacks from inside.


Ancient Bark:

Rugged, Repel, Invigorate --- The reason I did Repel, hmmm, when using a block melee shield it will help against ranged.


Darting Assault:

Edged, Wounding, Rotate --- modification is best for melee and still good enough for ranged.


Ravaged Impact:

Perforate, Breach, Blast --- double-kicks when wielding no weapon and just a shield. So there is no damage modifier in a weapon possible.


Forest Flight:

Roots, Expert, Escape --- mainly to root enemies early on


Sinister Predator:

Eagle Eye, no points, no points --- never used, 150 points are 13 modification points


Twisted Torment:

Headhunter, Sadist, no points --- used for headhunting, damage is from other Combat Arts.


Viperish Disease:

Gangrene, Headhunter, Gouge --- Helps to fight bosses


Black Curse:

Porous, Distress, Dispel --- slower attacking enemies with no buffs and more affected by physical damage.


Malicious Totem:

Solid, no points, no points --- longer duration. We won't use the buff anyway. The totem can do still okay extra damage if it is used in combination with a fitting head and acute mind.


Goldenglade Touch:

Flow, Persevere, Diligence --- Strange, but I use it mainly for the willpower.


You would exspect some more nature Combat Arts to come here. I haven't taken them yet. I am curently working on my Witch-Set which will have 100% halve regeneration time so no reg per hit would be needed.


The Kungfu plays very solid and I never was much into casters. Currently I would have 7 points to spend into acute mind, tangled vines and edaphic lances. If I would go caster I would have 9 modifying points at level 170. For a fighter I would master constitution first. With acute mind she would do insane staff damage too (but would not abuse the staff lore trick).


You can go way earlier into Witch playing by delaying mastering armour lore and shield lore and just do 5 points into voodoo focus for headhunting with twisted torment.



This build will not be a quick try out build. It is planed to keep the interest in a single character over a long time by adding new possibilities all the way up to niob. I did like 300 quests so far in niob and I play mainly CM-patch in LAN.


There are a few enemies which have to be tried very carefully in high difficulties:

x% life leech demon eyes and demons - they spawn at certain points and enter there with Goldenglade up and do a dustdevil as soon as possible

the boss with a sonic beam which does the more damage the better your armour is (turn ancient bark off when fighting it)

Reflectors - Acute mind boosted staff attacks or spells and then reflected: outch. Use curse to debuff them if possible

Debuffers - With shield lore, dustdevil still up - root them and fight from a distance

Edited by chattius
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