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Proposal for quest similar to Bounty Hunter quest/minigame in the original Sacred

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Everyone else was doing it, and I just had an idea. ;)


Anyways, my proposal is a quest similar to the Bounty Hunter quest/minigame in the original Sacred. For those that don't know, after your character is told to talk to Baron Demordrey, one of the towns you go through on the way to him has a "bounty board" that sent you to fight randomly generated named enemies throughout Ancaria. After completing this a certain amount of times (I THINK about 100), you would be rewarded with the Ancarian Medal of Honor, one of the best amulets in the game.


Does anyone think something similar could be implemented into the CM Patch?

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First off, it wasn't Baron DeMoreDreck you had to talk to. He's the bad guy in the castle up the road from the Drunk Dragon Tavern. I forget the guy's name. It's been a long time since I played Sacred UW. There are exactly 21 bounties in the game (in no particular order):


Bounties - 

Town		 Name				        Offense
Mascarell	 Bogomir				Brigand, Spitting on the statue
Mystdale	 Hinsh				        Mage, Camping near the Undead in the zoo
Crow's Rock	 Simba				        Witch, 13 dead, 2 crop harvests failed
Highmarsh	 Hatuni cook from hell (supplier)       Troll, in the peat fields blocking work
Porto Draco 	 Calisto				Cutpurse, 37 purses cut
Bellevue	 Darkeagle			        Scoundrel, 10 cases of theft
Shire's Pen	 L.S.P.				        Robber, 2 murders, 2 abductions of wives
Porto Vallum	 Gilbert				Near graveyard, Orc, killed many
Gloomoor	 Hator				        Sakkara Priest, unknown heinous crimes
Moorbrook	 Baltasar			        Goblin Shaman, Ancaria is for humans
Drakenden	 Robin				        Deranged Magician, scaring customers away
Braverock	 Laoshi				        Deserting Demordrek, Deserting post
Bravewall	 T'Man				        Dark Elf, besmirches seraphim statue
Bravesbury	 Kaspar				        Sakkara Priest, just being a sakkara priest
Timberton	 Gul Har				Wood Elf, killed 3 lumberjacks
Wolfdale	 Boris				        Sakkara Priest, virgin sacrfices demon rituals
Faeries crossing Experimental creature VX III	        Black Magician, being a sakkara priest
Florentina	 Homer				        Orc Shaman, Rituals frightening off cust.
Slater's Grave	 Theharenod			        Ronin, Distrupting funerals in grvyrd
Silver Creek	 Azathot				Minotaur, fugitive
Hedgenton	 Athurion			        Dark Elf, likely there to cause destruction


I do believe, the Epic Office Quest was designed to be the Sacred 2 version of this quest with 89 employees scattered all over Ancaria.

Edited by wolfie2kX
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