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How to kill the Crystal Phoenix?

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I'm level 51, and I'm a dryad, I'm setup to use ravaging impact and darting assault instead of normal attacks (both lvl1)



the problem is that the attacks from this boss just instantly kill me! I've got 2500hp and the area effect meteors or blueflame bomb drop do ~900-1200 per hit and they're both capable of multi-hitting... usually I just walk up to a boss and spam ravaging impact with a shuriken and I tear right through it without even having my health drop!... and while my shuriken does life steal for 700 a pop I'm basically just getting oneshotted without any opportunity to heal. sure I can manage to pop a health potion to stay alive, while dodging the attacks... but if I'm constantly running away from the boss' slow attack animation area effect attacks I can't really lay into him with my shuriken (shuriken are a short range ranged weapon)



after having defeated the nameless guardians and scaron and the guardian all only using one or two light health potions total... I'm surprised that this boss gives me so much trouble!



what am I doing wrong? is this boss just way harder than all the others? being able to kill me from full health with a single attack animation is just narly, I guess my character's defenses are a little bit weak, maybe the life steal isn't working as well on this boss as on other boss' because of defense? honestly I've only ever gotten the option to run around the boss in circles not getting hit, but also hurting it, or to just charge in attack for 1or2 seconds then die

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This is definitely one of the toughest bosses. However, to actually damage him you need to destroy the statues around him that are healing him. As you destroy one a new one becomes active to target. Just destroy them and you can injure the dragon. You will still need to be careful of his spells though, as you've seen the pack a serious wallop!

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Yeah, I found the same problem when I faced it with my Seraphim. The statues regenerate and heal. If you are quick you can see the dragon fly in to drop it's ice bomb on you, as soon as you see it run out of the way.

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