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Asra-Za-Ha. Stages 1&2 + Bonus Images 1&2


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First and formost the name, how to say it, at least the way I feel it would be pronounced. Since it's a made up word, I doubt there is any actual right or wrong way of spelling or saying it. But as I said, I have a very clear idea and this I wish to share. As: (That one is fairly straight forward) Ra: as in the Egyptian God, though I do know that there is another way of spelling his name, but it's this one to get the Ah sound. Za: (you say the word Z and a as in apple;) and Ha, well, that needs no real explanation does it? Put it all together, the way I have typed it and you get. Asra-Za-Ha. I hope you all like the name so far. Stage one, I draw a shape from my grid and delete all of the unwanted parts of the grid, leaving me with the drawn shape. At stage one, it's not a lot to look at, but it's been colour coded to help to remind me what is what. Green. Land. Brown, Rope Bridge. Grey, stone blocks. I need to delete the lines of the land and turn everything all white, now that I know in my mind what is going to be what.


Asra-Za-Ha. Stage 1

For stage 2, I pull up the shape of the land and everything else that needs to be pulled or pushed. After that I begin to build upon the land part, (bottom and biggest land shape) texture the whole land and what I built upon it and I already had designed a special something prior to making this.


Bonus Image 1: Ancient Doorway


Bonus Image 2: Ancient Stone Robot


Asra-Za-Ha. Stage 2


Edited by SheHawk
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