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  1. Check out the map thread, has a link to a french map with optional bosses marked. _Zexion
  2. Found this in the gamefiles: mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 0, "BOOK_FOOD_ORCISH" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 1, "BOOK_FOOD_DRYAD" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 2, "BOOK_FOOD_DRINKING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 3, "BOOK_FOOD_TABLEMANNERS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 4, "BOOK_FOOD_SUCCESSFULFEAST" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 5, "BOOK_FOOD_ANCIENTRECIEPES" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 6, "BOOK_FOOD_HUNTING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 7, "BOOK_FOOD_FISHING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 8, "BOOK_FOOD_TRAPS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_HERBS, 0, "BOOK_HERBS_INTRODUCTION" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_HERBS, 1, "BOOK_HERBS_HEALING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_HERBS, 2, "BOOK_HERBS_POISEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_LOSTDIARY, 0, "BOOK_LOSTDIARY_ELOHINIR1" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_LOSTDIARY, 1, "BOOK_LOSTDIARY_ELOHINIR2" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_LOSTDIARY, 2, "BOOK_LOSTDIARY_ELOHINIR3" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 0, "BOOK_MAGIC_INTRO" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 1, "BOOK_MAGIC_FIRE" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 2, "BOOK_MAGIC_ICE" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 3, "BOOK_MAGIC_POISEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 4, "BOOK_MAGIC_TENERGY" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 5, "BOOK_MAGIC_FORBIDDEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ORCISH, 0, "BOOK_ORCISH_INTRODUCTION" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 0, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_GAIA" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 1, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_TESTA" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 2, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_FORENS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 3, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_LUMEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 4, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_KUAN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 5, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_KALI" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 6, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_FORENS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 0, "BOOK_WEAPONS_INGENERAL" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 1, "BOOK_WEAPONS_SWORDS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 2, "BOOK_WEAPONS_TWOHANDED" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 3, "BOOK_WEAPONS_DUALWIELD" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 4, "BOOK_WEAPONS_ARCHERY" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 5, "BOOK_WEAPONS_TENERGY" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ANATOMY, 0, "BOOK_ANATOMY_INGENERAL" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ANATOMY, 1, "BOOK_ANATOMY_ORCS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MONSTERS, 0, "BOOK_MONSTERS_DRAGONS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MONSTERS, 1, "BOOK_MONSTERS_TROLLS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MONSTERS, 2, "BOOK_MONSTERS_UNDEADS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 0, "BOOK_GUIDE_DWARF" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 1, "BOOK_GUIDE_GAMBLING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 2, "BOOK_GUIDE_PRINCE" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 3, "BOOK_GUIDE_PRINCESS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 4, "BOOK_GUIDE_ORCISH" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 0, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK1" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 1, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK2" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 2, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK3" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 3, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK4" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 4, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK5" ) I guess that's the official order:P So, here's the ones you're missing: mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 0, "BOOK_FOOD_ORCISH" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 2, "BOOK_FOOD_DRINKING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_FOOD, 8, "BOOK_FOOD_TRAPS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_HERBS, 2, "BOOK_HERBS_POISEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_LOSTDIARY, 0, "BOOK_LOSTDIARY_ELOHINIR1" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_MAGIC, 5, "BOOK_MAGIC_FORBIDDEN" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ORCISH, 0, "BOOK_ORCISH_INTRODUCTION" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 5, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_KALI" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_RELIGIONS, 6, "BOOK_RELIGIONS_FORENS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_WEAPONS, 2, "BOOK_WEAPONS_TWOHANDED" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ANATOMY, 0, "BOOK_ANATOMY_INGENERAL" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_ANATOMY, 1, "BOOK_ANATOMY_ORCS" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 0, "BOOK_GUIDE_DWARF" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 1, "BOOK_GUIDE_GAMBLING" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_GUIDE, 4, "BOOK_GUIDE_ORCISH" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 1, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK2" ) mgr.defineBook( BOOK_TRAVEL, 4, "BOOK_TRAVEL_BOOK5" ) _Zexion
  3. I like the clouds, though they could be made better, but not gonna criticize, since I can't make them better myself:P _Zexion
  4. Just use the sacred-fr.com link. It's because he updates the map with new discoveries, so the link in that thread is up to date. _Zexion
  5. http://www.sacred-fr.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=99212#99212 http://www.upix.fr/viewer.php?file=yh4dsmt41y53cmy5t3hh.jpg Might wanna add that too, maybe ask the author for permission to use his locations on our map and translate. It's Yoda49 on the SIF. _Zexion
  6. Jeez, what's up with the friendliness around here? And the gist of my post was the use of cancel stances... A thing you did not mention in yours. You mentioned mistiming Frenzy, but not that you in fact can control the negative effect, by cancling Frenzy with another stance, I merely added to your post. Neither did you mention the choice of hammer/sword/axe, which relates very much to the use of Frenzy (the difference in their attack speed) and PvP builds vs PvE builds (which type of weapon is preferable for each). _Zexion
  7. If you really wanna farm, I got a picture by the legendary Rachtoh where he farms the new GWN elite mission using 3 heroes. One is a bonder with Shield of Absorption. Another is an active enchanter with Healing Seed, Shield of Absorption, Spellbreaker and others. The last is a curses nec, for damage. He himself is a warrior. But I bet it can be done with any class. Oh yeah, and he did it in the Stygian Veil. So get down into the Realm of Torment, and kick Abaddon's Unholy Ass, so you can farm there. Who knows, you might get a Stygian Gemstone. Those sell for 50k. _Zexion
  8. I am surprised this has not been mentioned yet, but... Make sure to take a cancel stance when using Frenzy! I cannot stress that enough. As you hopefully realise, only 1 stance can be active on you at a time. This means that if you use a stance while already in a stance, the old stance will be removed. This can be used to your benefit. If you have a stance with negative effects, you can use another stance to quickly get rid of them. For example Frenzy. Many warriors with Frenzy bring Sprint, in order to quickly get out of Frenzy if the enemy chooses to attack them. So yeah, with GWN out, I would probably bring Burst of Aggression as your cancel stance. Attack faster for x seconds, lose all adrenaline when it ends. Oh, and make sure to make the right choice of weapons. Hammer and Sword is prefered for PvP, Sword and Axe for PvE. Yes, it is true, barely anyone uses axes in PvP anymore. EDIT: And to Cygnus: In PvE they might be tanks, but you will see as you get more into PvP, that if there is a warrior on a team, he is most definately one of the top 2 damage dealers. Not only constant, but also in spikes. _Zexion
  9. +1 Postcount:P Nah, J/K. I guess I just like sharing my mind. And I love enlighting people. Or set them right if they are being idiotic. I actually think my first forum was SIF as well. But the forum I use the most now is www.warriornation.net/forum^^ Wait, I actually think GameFAQs came before, oh well. _Zexion
  10. Sorry for double post, but I can't seem to edit my old. Sorry for posting it full size, never expected it would screw up the layout:P Well, I have now hosted it again, so you can delete my former post. Satisfied? _Zexion
  11. You might want to consider asking in the neutral grounds in Warrior Nation. I am sure either WNxWakko or WNxWhiteWolf knows the answer. And you should know where to find that;) _Zexion
  12. Heya, just wanted to say *gasp* HI! I am a long time online friend of the blender, have known him for over 1 year thru Sacred, and have even been in the same clan for a while. Those who also play(s/ed) Sacred *coughclairecough* might have known me as actrazr. But sadly I don't play that anymore. More into Guild Wars now. Anywho, just dropping by. See ya around. My IGN is Zexion Sixtin, and I play on uni 9. _Zexion
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