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Community Patch Shadow Warrior Items

9 files

  1. Labrys the Star-Axe

    Name: Labrys the Star-Axe
    Type: 2h Axe (Shadow Warrior only)
    Class: Unique
    Requires: Community Patch 1.50
    This axe was found incomplete and deactivated in the game files. It was completed and reactivated in CM Patch 1.50.
    Socket Types:
    Gold : 2
    Silver : 0
    Bronze : 0
    Element: 1
    Item Modifiers:
    Chance for Weaken +X%
    Chance for Burn +X%
    Chance for Poison +X%
    Chance for Freeze +X%
    All combat arts +X
    Casting Speed +X%
    Opponent's chance to evade -X%
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 20, 40,
    Gold: 60, 80,
    Platinum: 100, 120,
    Niobium: 140, 160, 180, 200
    Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Labrys_the_Star-Axe
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  2. The Scythe of the Slayer

    Name: The Scythe of the Slayer
    Type: 2h Axe (Shadow Warrior only)
    Class: Unique
    Requires: Community Patch 1.50
    The Scythe of the Slayer looks exactly like the weapon that belongs to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. This TV series is also the reason behind its name.
    Socket Types:
    Gold : 1
    Silver : 0
    Bronze : 0
    Element: 1
    Item Modifiers:
    Opponent level for death blow X%
    Chance to banish undead +X%
    Damage against Undead: Fire +X%
    Requires Hafted Weapons Skill
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 20, 30, 40, 50,
    Gold: 60, 70, 80, 90,
    Platinum: 100, 110, 120, 130,
    Niobium: 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200
    Wiki Page: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:The_Scythe_of_the_Slayer
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    Extract the Chest.sacred2chest file from this Zip file and place it in your Saved Games folder.




  3. Scourge of Lordaeron

    Name: Scourge of Lordaeron
    Type: Armor and Weapon Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Requirements: Community Patch
    This set was created in the image of the Lich King from Warcraft universe. The set name is also a reference to Warcraft - the Undead Scourge and the continent and human kingdom of Lordaeron. Most of the item names are based on the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, except for the sword. Its name is a prank on its original name in the Warcraft universe - Frostmourne.
    Set Components:
    (Helmet) Reckless Conquest
    (Shoulders) Cloak of Death
    (Arms) Yersinia Pestis
    (Gloves) Complete Subjugation
    (Armor) Cold War
    (Belt) Pure Despair
    (Legs) Longtime Famine
    (Boots) Rapid Decimation
    (Sword) Icy Lament
    Bronze: 2
    Silver: 8
    Gold: 4
    Material: 1
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Hitpoint Regeneration (3)
    Chance to find valuables (5)
    Chance that opponents cannot evade attacks (8)
    All Skills (9)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following links:
    Wiki Page
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 15, 30, 45, 60
    Gold: 60, 75, 90, 105
    Platinum: 105, 120, 135, 150
    Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 210
    Sword levels are 5 levels higher than the armor pieces.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  4. Doom Guard Armor

    Name: Doom Guard Armor
    Type: Armor and Weapon Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Requirements: Community Patch 1.50
    The set was inspired by the Hell Knights from Diablo I, so the names of the pieces are adapted from the unique enemies of that game.
    Set Components:
    (Helmet) Deathshade Helm
    (Shoulders) Blightfire Pauldrons
    (Arms) Dreadjudge Bracers
    (Gloves) Plaguewrath Gauntlets
    (Armor) Gorestone Plate
    (Belt) Blackjade Belt
    (Legs) Windhowler Greaves
    (Boots) Shadowbender Boots
    (Sword) Hellknight's Blade
    (Shield) Hellknight's Shield
    Bronze: 2
    Silver: 8
    Gold: 10
    Material: 1
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Opponents chance to reflect Close Combat -X% (3)
    All Skills +X (5)
    Chance to inflict Serious Open Wounds +X% (7)
    Leech Life from opponents +X% (7)
    Survival Bonus +X% (10)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following links:
    Wiki Page
    Development Thread
    Item Levels:
    Silver: 15, 30, 45, 60
    Gold: 60, 75, 90, 105
    Platinum: 105, 120, 135, 150
    Niobium: 150, 165, 180, 195, 210
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  5. Scourge of Lordaeron

    This is the first upload of this file, it only includes the level 15 silver quality version of the Shadow Warrior's Scourge of Lordaeron set.
    You need the CM patch to use this armor.
    Just extract the file, and put the chest.sacred2chest file in your savegames directory




  6. Tallin's Garments of Mutation

    Name: Tallin's Garments of Mutation
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Available Levels: 15, 20 - 200 Increment 10
    Set Components:
    Head: Tallin's Relic
    Shoulders: Tallin's Revenge
    Arms: Tallin's Prank
    Gloves: Tallin's Heritage
    Torso: Tallin's Memory
    Belt: Tallin's Wraps
    Pants: Tallin's Destiny
    Boots: Tallin's Ways
    Bronze: 10
    Silver: 11
    Gold: 11
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Visibility range (3)
    Armor (5)
    Max. Hitpoints (7)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Tallin%27s_Garments_of_Mutation
    Note: During the development of Sacred 2: Fallen Angel, the programmers created mutation sets for all of the classes. However, these sets were deemed to be highly overpowered and were locked away. The CM Patch finally released them for all to enjoy.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  7. Pandamonium's Pride

    Name: Pandamonium's Pride
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Requires: CM Patch
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Wayne's Enlightenment
    Shoulders: Aloi's Osteal Shoulder Guards
    Arms: Gruma's Fury
    Gloves: Elli's Fist
    Torso: Jodah's Osteal Chestguard
    Belt: Akin's Sash
    Pants: Zhang's Decaying Bones
    Boots: Trifir's Runners
    Bronze: 1
    Silver: 10
    Gold: 8
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Chance to Disregard Armor (3)
    Opponent's Chance to Evade (5)
    Opponent's Level for Death Blow (7)
    All Skills (8)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Pandamonium%27s_Pride
    Note: This armor set was created by Ascaron. However, the set was not allowed to drop, likely because there was a glut of Shadow Warrior sets available. This set has been unlocked by the CM Patch.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  8. Kanka's Relics

    Name: Kanka's Relics
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Requires: CM Patch
    Available Levels: 15 - 225 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Kanka's Barbute
    Shoulders: Kanka's Pauldrons
    Arms: Kanka's Spaulders
    Gloves: Kanka's Fist
    Torso: Kanka's Curiass
    Belt: Kanka's Girdle
    Pants: Kanka's Greaves
    Boots: Kanka's Sabatons
    Bronze: 3
    Silver: 7
    Gold: 8
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Armor (All Types) (3)
    Chance to Disregard Armor (5)
    Chance to Find Valuables (7)
    Leech Life From Opponents (8)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Kanka%27s_Relics
    Note: This armor set was created by Ascaron. However, the set was not allowed to drop, likely because there was a glut of Shadow Warrior sets available. This set has been unlocked by the CM Patch.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  9. Centurio's Insignia

    Name: Centurio's Insignia
    Type: Armor Set
    Class: Shadow Warrior
    Requires: CM Patch
    Available Levels: 20 - 230 Increment 15
    Set Components:
    Head: Cassis
    Shoulders: Manica
    Arms: Colossus' Arms
    Torso: Lorgica Squamata
    Belt: Belt of the Giants
    Pants: Leg Protector
    Boots: Caligae
    Bronze: 2
    Silver: 4
    Gold: 9
    Complete Set Bonus:
    Regeneration Time (3)
    All Combat Arts (5)
    Chance for Double Hit (7)
    For more information on the individual pieces of this set visit the following
    URL: http://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php5/Sacred_2:Centurio%27s_Insignia
    Note: This armor set was created by Ascaron. However, the set was not allowed to drop, likely because there was a glut of Shadow Warrior sets available. This set has been unlocked by the CM Patch.
    Be sure to back up your existing chest.sacred2chest file before doing anything! Installing this file will overwrite your Shared tab in your player chest.
    For XP, it's located in:
    C:\Documents and Settings\<userID>\My Documents\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    For Vista and Windows 7:
    C:\Users\<userID>\Saved Games\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2
    This file contains multiple Sacred 2 chests. Each folder contains a chest with complete sets of armor at the level designated by the folder name. The letter(s) following the number stand for:
    B = Bronze
    S = Silver
    G = Gold
    P = Platinum
    N = Niobium
    Therefore, the folder "15 BSG" contains three sets of level 15 armor, one dropped in Bronze, one in Silver and one in Gold. The armor otherwise is identical and offers the same bonuses available for that level, however, the higher level armor may have slightly higher values.
    After you've backed up your chest.sacred2chest file from the above folder, copy the chest.sacred2chest file to your save game directory and restart your game. You can then find the armor in your shared belongings chest. Grab the armor pieces you want and then save your game and exit. You can then restore your normal chest.sacred2chest file to the Sacred 2 folder and restart and continue your game.




  • Our picks

    • Rune Stacking - Yes or No?
      We can add the ability to stack runes.  Doing so will save inventory space.  But, it will also make the bonuses on all runes in the stack identical.  So, if you have a low level Darting Assault Rune with +1 Darting Assault and 2.0% Chance to Poison, then every Darting Assault rune you pick up afterwards will be added to that stack and the bonuses conformed to match it.

      Sacred 2 players, is this trade-off worth it?
        • Thanks!
      • 51 replies
    • [Dev] Diablo 2 Fallen mod for Sacred 2
      Are you ready for a brand new Sacred 2 experience?

      Presenting a new mod for Sacred 2 CM 1.50:
      Diablo 2 Fallen
      Latest update as of July 27, 2017!
      Download the latest test release: Diablo 2 Fallen Beta 9

      Diablo 2 Fallen is on SacredWiki! Get all the in-depth info and details on the mod!

      7 completely overhauled character classes with brand new combat arts, runes, skills and voices
      The worlds of Ancaria and Sanctuary merged - the lore of both games has been combined
      6 new deities with new divine gifts, god statues, and quests (see list below)
      Dozens of new enemy designs, creature overhauls, plus new hero monsters and bosses (read about them in the D2F Creatures Thread)
      New Diablo-inspired user interface, loading screens, fx, and shrines (read about them HERE)
      Complete soundtrack and sound effects revamp (see link for D2F Music Pack download above)
      Gems, jewels, and charms integrated into gameplay
      New items: Necromancer Shrunken Heads, Amazon Trophies, Throwing Axes, Magic Wands, and more!
      Overhaul and rebalance for old item designs and modifiers

      Better quest rewards for bosses and chain quests - find more uniques and special items through questing!See full list of new quest rewards HERE.

      Elite Mounts project custom version integrated into mod.
      Custom integration of Survival Mod: Fight more powerful and aggressive enemies - with better XP & rewards!
      Custom version of Wardust's Serious Textures built in - No need for separate download

      Item Mod 1.2a and Reduced Fog Mod integrated
      Rewrites for character class quests (in progress, Druid quest is partially complete)
      Mercenaries. Hire past heroes from Sacred 1 to join you in your battles! (in progress)
      New Diablo-related quests (in progress)

      Old enemies have been redesigned, and all kinds of new enemies will appear across the map. Look out for the new bosses and "super-unique" elite enemies that will have special abilities. Read about all the enemies in the Diablo 2 Fallen Creatures Thread.
        • Like!
      • 1,076 replies

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