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5 Screenshots

About This File

* This is a collection of skins from all the versions of Sacred 2.  Any skin can be installed over any version of the game.  Pictures are included as a visual reference.

* Install the Generic Mod Enabler to the Sacred 2 root folder (for example C:/Sacred 2) -get it at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml 
* Move the GUI folders into the MODS folder created by the Generic Mod Enabler in the Sacred 2 folder.
* Choose only one skin to install at a time.  Hit "Enable Selected Mod."
* Disable before switching to a different skin.
* Install order shouldn't matter, these skins should override any others, but if you want to be sure that these skins will override all other mods, then install these skins last.

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Hey there @Flix !

I made myself a new version, the fallen angel theme with the alternative questlog, I just wanna put a link down below for anyone who's interested.

Have a nice day :)


Edited by Azrin14
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Hello, @Flix, I want to inform you that when using the classic version of this mod, the chest image (on the right, in the chest menu) is displayed in green :)

In other versions, everything is OK, the chest is red.

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Also in the classic version of the interface when used with Addendum in the quest book there is an extra empty tab at the bottom left. And the quest book itself is displayed alternatively, as in the Black Glass version, not in the form of a classic book.
In the Ice and Blood version, the quest book appears as a classic book, but its right side quest pages are always blank.

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