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Sacred 2 Game/Lobby/Server Launcher

2 Screenshots

About This File

The Story :
First, I'm french. Sorry if my english is sometimes a little bit bad :)
I've never been able to play Sacred 2 when I was younger. A few weeks ago, I purchased and played the game and I love it. Then, I have tried to play with a friend but because OpenNet was closes several years ago, I had to try a lot of VPN but nothing had really worked. After many search, I've found this good community forum, here at DarkMatters and found out that some members (they will recognize) have worked on a lobby emulator that work, but I was a little bit confused on how to make it work (firewall, port forwardings, server configuration and parameters, etc...). But I finally managed to make it work. Cool :)

I like codding on my free time, and I made a lobby/server launcher and a game launcher with some feautures for my own use, but I would like to share it with others. Maybe it can help someone ;)

What is it :
It's a game launcher, like some games have, but with some features I like :

  • Automatic savegames backup :
    The launcher can create backup of savegames when you stop playing the game.
  • Manual savegames backup :
    You can manually create a savegames backup.
  • Simple game parameters :
    Easily select game parameters.
  • Include JSGME Mods Manager
    You can install/start JSGME for easy mods management.
  • Include Sacred 2 Server Launcher (Install it from the launcher) :
    Allow you to start a lobby server and a game server for LAN/Online play.

How to use it :
Just download S2Launcher.exe and move it the the root folder of the game. Then you can start it.
Don't forget to read the ReadMe files for the Launcher and the Server. I've tried to be as clear as possible on how it work.
You can read it here : https://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/PolluxTroy0/S2Launcher/blob/main/ReadMe.html

I hope you understand that I can't really help you about port forwardings etc... (it depends about a lot of things on your computer and environement) and it can take too much time for me to deal with, sorry :( But you'll find three usefull section (NETWORK REQUIREMENTS, USAGE and ACCESSING THE LOBBY/GAME SERVER) in the server ReadMe about how to make it work.

If you encounter bugs or have new ideas :
Feel free to ask me here, I will try to help you or I'll update my launcher if needed.
If you have cool ideas or feautures, don't hesitate to tell me, I could implement them ;)

Antivirus :
I've used AutoIt to make this launcher but sometimes, some antivirus may consider it as a bad file (because some bad people use AutoIt to create malware). Some antivirus have no pity with AutoIt program, and automatically reports them as malicious softwares. I'll try to send the launcher to those company to stop report it as a false positive.

A good advice for everyone : Never trust any executable you find on the web, even if the creator seems to be a good guy/girl.

You can find a virustotal report here

Source code :
You can find the source code here : https://github.com/PolluxTroy0/S2Launcher

Credits :
A big thank you to xrystal for his work on the lobby emulator that I've used for the launcher and everyone I may forgot to mention who worked on it.  And to gogoblender for his time and kindness.

Edited by PolluxTroy0

What's New in Version   See changelog


- New HTML ReadMe
- New top menu for more features (links for supports and source code, change game text/voice language (soon))
- Code debugging and optimization

  • Appreciation 1

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