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DarkMatters Updates - We'll be closed for a short time tomorrow 6pm EST for some updates and sprucing. Cheers Gang! :D ×

1 Screenshot

About This File

The Community Patch for the Sacred 2 Fallen Angel Ice & Blood PC game works with versions 2.65.1 and up:

Current version is: 0160 Hotfix released December 18th, 2017.

Currently supported Languages include: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, and Czech. If you want to help with localization for your language not mentioned above, feel free to contact us via: E-Mail

COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF ALL CHANGES ---> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_2UcD-_lE-D2-yokJ6_3Ywfm7375yXNB/view


Info below from DarkMatters.org by czevak

What does the CM-Patch actually do?

Marcuswob is mainly working on the questscripts. Main goal is to have a proper(!) questlog, and tweaking some quest-flow as we find it better/more consistent to play. Also reactivation of unused quests and complementing some unfinished new ones has been and will be done if possible.

I am pretty much working on all of the other stuff. (Items, Bosses, Monsters, odds and ends...) This includes unlocking Stuff thats already finished, but did for some obscure reason not make it to the game. That's the easiest part. Completing unfinished items, some legendaries and uniques or the T-energy-sets (= wrappings of mutation. :) ) takes a lot more time. Also balancing of bosses, items and spells is time consuming and we need a big crew of beta testers!

We already fixed and included in the Patch: Unlocking XMAS-Island, Fistweapons, Throwing Potions, New Sets for TG, SW and all other Chars, New Uniques, New Legendaries, New Quests, fixed the "Arkenmarks Refuge" Dungeon, Unlock Items can drop regularly, unavailable Shrinkheads can drop now and various other fixes and additions too numerous to mention all here. Just read a bit in the thread. wink.gif

Before you proceed to Download, there is some legal stuff to mention (you know how it is. wink.gif ):

DISCLAIMER - This is a private, non-profit patch for the amazing Sacred 2 community. Use it at your own risk. We are not responsible for any damage to chars, data or hardware, that (may) arise or issue from using this product.  Old characters are NOT COMPATIBLE.  For best results, you should create new characters when playing with the Community Patch.  Expect broken quests and items if you use character created before CM 1.60.

The ZIP includes two files: cm-enable.exe which is used for installing the CM-Patch, and cm-disable.exe which removes it and restores your previous version of Ice & Blood.



Developers: Marcuswob, Czevak, LazyTomcat, Pesmontis, Silver Fox, Dimitrius154, Flix

Thanks to all bug reporters, testers, and translators.  Your contributions, discussion, and feedback helped make the patch what it is today.

Special thanks to Mr. Norbyte for his tool which was vital in solving many animation problems.


>>Downloadable 1.60 Change Log<<



It seems that CM Patch 1.60 has introduced a minor issue. Its description can be found in this post.

This issue can be resolved by navigating to ...\Sacred 2 Gold\scripts\shared and editing spells.txt with Notepad++. In line 656 where it reads entry0 = {"et_mult_weapondamage", 1000, 0, 0, 9 }, replace 1000 with 1. Save and you're done. Be sure to back up the file prior to editing it. If you have any doubts about it please post in the comments section.

What's New in Version v0150   See changelog


  • --General--
  • Added a Merchant to Schlun'Zum.
  • Fixed a bug where a werewolf merchant in Lizurath was an inadverted killquest target.
  • Removed an invisible door on a cave entrance en-route to Twitty Tister.
  • Removed the sometimes nagging "Welcome to Ice & Blood" screen.
  • --Animation--
  • Fixed Inquisitor's Callous Execution on his special mount (now two hits when dual wielding).
  • --Graphics--
  • Fixed the inappropriate green haired seraphim icons sometimes seen.
  • Prepared some savegame thumbnails that were missing.
  • - You should never see the blue Sacred 2 Icons in the savegame list again. Tell us if you do.
  • The Dragon Mage's Commander Set was optically corrected. (Pieces did not fit together.)
  • --Sounds--
  • Corrected an issue where orc female merchants had male voices.
  • --Enemies and Bosses--
  • Buffed Gartor and Failitia, Dreamweaver of the Gods up a notch.
  • Added a new Boss: Shelob. (Ephrahim's Nightmare)
  • --Sets and Items--
  • Added a new weapon set for the Dryad: Memories of the Trees
  • Fixed an error in drop.txt that was preventing the Cloak of Death from dropping.
  • Revised the fistweapon families to make them unlock their fitting type bonuses.
  • Added a new general weapon set with bonuses based on dual wielding: Remnants of Drizzt
  • New Feature - Introducing the sigil system.
  • Made custom Atherton bracers for the Dragon Mage.
  • Added a new Legendary reward for the Ephrahim's Nightmare quest: Spider's Bane
  • --Balancing--
  • Reduced the mitigation bonus of Gruma's Talisman.
  • --Skills--
  • Increased the duration and chance to infect of Viperish Disease and Eternal Fire a bit.
  • Increased movement speed for summoned creatures of the inquisitor and the dryads pets.
  • --Quests--
  • Keep an eye open for the most famous travelling merchant of all time...
  • Added a new Quest: Bugs!
  • Extended Ephrahim's Nightmare with a bossfight and epic reward: The Root of all Evil
  • Correction of many spelling mistakes.
  • Fixed many irregularities with missing NPCs or their illogical behaviour.
  • A quest called A Radical Solution is now properly sorted in the questbook.
  • Lt. Rinah is back where she belongs.
  • Like! 11
  • Thanks! 20
  • Haha 1
  • Respect! 2

User Feedback

Recommended Comments



Good job, and thanks !



Fantastic, it's a must have. One thing though Chrome browser on Win 10 flagged this malicious, might want to check that as I had to re download with safety settings disabled as chrome kept blocking it :D



Thank you! I can only imagine how much time and care you put into this patch (or Expansion: I only just installed it but it's already as good as an expansion with updated everything).



nice patches so far, but I cannot seem to download this version using either chrome or IE, it loads into a 404. any clues?



Hi, I have a small problem

I have one hard disk whit the game installed, and for avoids reinstalls, I make in the past imports from regedit, well, I loss one reg file of ICE & BLOOD installation, so the game works but.... I can apply any patch, because the paths thinks the game isent installed, can someone please send me one import from regedit of ice & blood installed please:) I dont want to reinstall everything because takes ages from installing , updating updating updating updating installing ice & blood and agaain updating updating updating updating and the final updating of comunity path, and I have my game update up to 2.65.1, just I need that reg file for apply the CP, I m on win 10 I want to test if this path quits me freezes & crashes.


Thanks very much in advance



Problem solved, sorry, afther think think think why why, I look again at my reg file and noticed I have bad path to game where is installed, dont know why the game works whit that bad, but since I corrected it I try again and it let me apply the CP


now I going to test how it works on win10 x64.


Mini question -- there is any kind of parameter like -multicpu or something that allow the game to use multy tread on multicore cpus:)

I ask because when this game came out I have a 4 multicore cpu at that moment a phenom I think





I play the game for this patch

  • Like! 1


Download dont work.



Download isnt working, it isnt loading anything on the onedrive page it links too.





32 minutes ago, bhav said:

Download isnt working, it isnt loading anything on the onedrive page it links too.



Hi Bhav, thanks for joining up :) We're just recently updated our entire forum, and we're trouble shooting all the areas.  We're looking at this download now, hoping to have it repaired quickly for the community







1 hour ago, AlenLjubas said:

Download dont work.

Hi Alen, thanks for joining up :) We're just recently updated our entire forum, and we're trouble shooting all the areas.  We're looking at this download now, hoping to have it repaired quickly for the community







Yeah whenever I go to download the CMP it goes to a blank Microsoft OneDrive... really wanted those lightsabers... also once its installed is there anything that will show or anything to KNOW that the CMP successfully installed?



Hi everyone! it looks like Schot's fixed the download issue

..u are all go for CMPatch download




Dragon Brother


5 hours ago, gogoblender said:

Hi everyone! it looks like Schot's fixed the download issue

..u are all go for CMPatch download




Awesome work Gogo, pass on thanks to Schot too! Just tested it and it's working again for me :)



Just wondering, is it possible to also host this mod on Nexus mods to provide a backup place to obtain it from?



6 hours ago, Dragon Brother said:

Awesome work Gogo, pass on thanks to Schot too! Just tested it and it's working again for me :)

Yee haw! Thanks for the testing..  Love how comments face up into the post feeds as well





3 hours ago, bhav said:

Just wondering, is it possible to also host this mod on Nexus mods to provide a backup place to obtain it from?

Yeah I've been planning on it, just trying to get 1.60 finished up first.  BTW there already is (and has been) a backup on Kirmizi Perfect, along with all the other Sacred 2 mods.

  • Like! 1


Hej, thx for the CM Patch! I wanted to test it but there was a big problem with Viperish Disease so I could not play for long. The duration did not increased, it was decreased to 1,7 sec, so there is no longer time to spread and for that, no chance to play as dryad with Viperish Disease spec. I hope u can fix this or explain to me, why itis like this. 
Thanks :) 

  • Thanks! 1


Duration was changed to avoid the spell crashing the game, because it would spread so far that it would effect hundreds of enemies at once, even several screens away.

I'll see about adjusting it for the next release.

  • Thanks! 1


oh thaks for the quick answer! sounds kinda fun and op but game crash would be bad ^^ 
I will wait, and thanks again :)

  • Like! 1


Great to see you are still working on the Community Patch. Looking forward to version 1.6, anything to stop my Seraphim running in circles.

  • Like! 1


Hello, thank for this.


I'm excited for waiting the 1.60 patch .Can you improve item drop to always being visible when monster are slain ?

  • Like! 1

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