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DarkMatters Celebrates
20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2021 in all areas

  1. Hey @n33k33, if you host your own server at home and register it to the open net lobby, it is not enough just to have the gameservers port open on your host. It also needs to be open on your router and you have to setup portforwarding from your router to your host which runs the gameserver. Otherwise, your servers appears in the lobby, but is not accessible from the outside world. Important is also, that the gameserver starts with an option "-externalip" which has to be your WAN IP (you can figure that one out for example by looking at https://www.whatismyip.com/). With many ISPs it changes every 24hrs, so without further adjustments the server might became inaccessible from the internet if it runs longer. I know it is difficult to setup that at home, that is why I added a few default servers for some popular gamemodes to the lobbies server list which may be used anytime.
    1 point
  2. eggs -> guinea pigs We had a cage for the guinea pigs of our oldest. Soon lost interest when we moved countryside and had REAL animals like dogs, horses, hens,... The guinea pig cage turned out to be a near ideal home for egg laying quails. So when you wonder how eggs lead to guinea pigs ;)
    1 point
  3. Birthday -> twins The twins were calculated to be born around x-mas. So at my birthday short before x-mas we invited family and friends for a last party to have calm days before the birth. However it was too much and we had to stop the party and drive to hospital. Boy was born before midnight, girl short after. Was the last time I did my birthday. I promised myself that as soon as they do their 16th I will leave for the day and do a birthday daytrip with my wife.
    1 point
  4. The award ceremony for the contest will be live streamed on the 20th (in 3 days) at 18:00 CET on http://wndevcontest.wnhub.io. I have been invited to join the studio, so you may see my live reaction.
    1 point

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