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Everything posted by Hooyaah

  1. Yo, is this the "Drunken Elf Tavern? I'm looking for "old man Grackus," I have the tax delivery from Sloeford."
  2. Oblivious to any side quests, save the Silver level acquisition of his special mount, the Shadow Warrior focused solely upon the objective of advancing to the Niob level as quickly as practicable. Invisible to his enemies with his Shadow Veil, and well enough protected by his Grim Resilience buff, he pressed his way unrelentingly toward an uncertain goal. In just barely over 24 hours of play, his body once again reanimated by dark magic in the Niob level, he strived to diligently complete every quest, even the most trivial and seemingly mundane. Alas, his Skeletal Fortification was hardly a match for even the lowly Kobolds or rogue wolves, for his first skill was, as of yet, not remotely close to mastery. Nevertheless he trudged on, doggedly determined to gain in strength and power in order to attain a level where his capabilities would be unrivaled by any and all adversaries. Now, still yet with many quests left to go behind the great Elven Wall, he had finally mastered three crucial skills. His resolve and heroism had earned him a chance to accumulate lower numerical level Niob items which he planned to share with his colleagues. Placing numerous valuable items in the shared chest, he breathed a long and confident, even self righteous breath, as he summoned up his amassed knowledge and courage, and pressed ever onward, until the very last foe was forever vanquished.
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  3. "Such a sword in a stone, it must be an enchanted blade intended for one other than I."
  4. I understand the chagrined response to perceptions of anything less of an improvement to, and an enhancement of, an already mighty Sacred franchise. Perhaps that's why I believe that Bill Gates may be an alien. Who else would change an OS which we grow to appreciate and understand and every other year and jam a new one down our throats, whether or not it works well or even runs programs that are important to us, particularly games like Sacred 2? Perhaps this is a good reason why many are leaving Windows by the back door and selecting Mac. In the same manner, if Sacred 3 is a letdown to fans of things Sacred they, the gamers holding the money, will find other gaming venues. Perhaps I will be compelled to check out Skyrim after all. However, I will reserve judgment until I have enough information to do so. Even with the Sacred 2 Gold edition there is unused real estate for additional land development and the story could continue as hinted to in the ending lines, "that is a different story." Why would not Deep Silver survey they who play the game now in order to find out what is liked and what is not, so as to better determine how to proceed? Who knows, for even the film industry stumbles into a good movie now and again. Making a thing fun and entertaining is perhaps a bit less complex than may be thought to be by so many in the industry of doing so.
  5. Blast my confounded negligence in relating cartography accurately in a post. You are quite correct good sir. Upon your advice I did check the bucket, although it was quite devoid of anything but virtual air, I was, however, careful not to "kick it". Here is a rather curious situation, so remarkable in fact that I decided to add to this post. Apparently a rather well-off couple in Griffinborough have retained the skeletal remains of their departed toddler in the crib in the upstairs bedroom. This does bring again into question in my mind why I only seem to notice older children and never babies. Hm, quite perplexing and simultaneously puzzling, indeed.
  6. Here, my Shadow Warrior, "Smithy," has discovered yet another bus stop which lies between Griffinbourough and Wargfels. The bus schedule is displayed, yet, is alas indecipherable.
  7. I believe that each (original vanilla) region has at least one bus stop.
  8. Here we see the remains of a poor soul who had been waiting for the "bus" from near El-Darrag to Teardrop Hamlet so that he could see his sweetie. His gift of a dozen red roses, yet remain, albeit scattered, and even a box of chocolates still rest just behing him on the bench, no doubt now melted. Oh, what we fools will endure for love.
  9. The Shadow Warrior, using his Skeletal Fortification, may often spawn a tower in just the right spot to give a significant degree of lift to an NPC. Just last weekend a Kobold was flung in such a manner up and out of my monitor and the bugger landed approximately 125 meters over my right shoulder. Now that's some serious air, my friends. I didn't capture that shot, but this is a small example which illustrates this most fascinating and humorous phenomenon.
  10. I had ever intention of posting here, in a more timely manner, some of my favorite jewelry and the reasons why. At any rate, I am duly impressed with the detailed and well thought out replies. Bravo fellow sacred 2 players, your responses were remarkably well done. OK then, I'm certain that each of you have noted that if one's balace.txt file is properly amended or if Bargaining is mastered at a level at or higher than the toon being played that a "special offer" is, upon occasion, discovered when shopping. For instace, two of my favorites, "all skills" and "opponent's level for death blow" is double the normally vended amount for the average level of goods offered. For example, your character is at level 170 and the items displayed for sale are between that level and about 186, then, instead of "all skills +13" (offered in conjunction with another modifier) it may be randomly and rarely discovered as "all skills +26" and "opponents level for death blow 26%" (also offered in conjunction with another modifier) may be found, with no other co-joined modifier at, say, "opponents level for death blow 53.1%." Also and rarely "chance to halve regeneration time" may be found alone and doubled, as may be "stamina", "vitlaiy", and "constitution." (there are others as well) I have used such improvements to make a toon perform far beyond my expected limitations. I have a Seraphim at level 170 with "damage mitigation" at over 100%, "chance to halve regeneration time" at over 100%, all skills +330, and "opponents level for death blow 69.4%." The right shopping for armor was needed for the chest & shoulders, of course, in addition to use of Megalcarwen's Garments of Mutation and Endijians Wings. Depending upon the character and what skills one is attempting to augment much may be accomplished in building a formidable toon. Even early mistakes in a build may be softened or negated effectively enough with the right choices in jewelry and the friendly forging of one's blacksmithing Shadow Warrior.
  11. Use the map in the link below to keep a diligent record of the employees that you have contacted along your way during the epic office quest. Simply save the map and copy it as needed, naming it for the character/level that you are currently playing. You should never have to forget one of them again. http://www.sacred-fr.com/images/sacred2/map/Ancaria_Map_Ascaron.jpg
  12. This thread is intended as a place where a discussion may be hel regarding what rings and amulets each of us prefer. Of course so many are character specific, yet most are a great benefit for any character, depending upon the build that is chosen. It would be instructive, in my opinion, to see what items each of us value most and why. Some, like DOT, Damage Mitigation, & Chance to (wound, weaken, freeze, poison, burn - protection) may get confusing as to which are best and if they stack well or not. I haven't done the maths, yet, I don't think that "Chance to" could stack anywhere close to 100%, yet if it could would that not fully protect the toon? I'm curious to read the thoughts of they who have invested so much time and effort in playing and mastering Sacred 2 Fallen Angel.
  13. Changing the line in gold font to a value of 2000 will result in two unique items dropped in the completion of a quest where only one item would have been given. local beValues = { NORMAL_STANDARD = 350, NORMAL_RUNE = 15, CHAMP_STANDARD = 700, CHAMP_RUNE = 45, BOSS_STANDARD = 1000, BOSS_RUNE = 600, EXTRAGOLD = 0, EXTRAPOTION = 0, EXTRARUNE = 0, Trader_Item = 2300, Trader_Many = 10000, Trader_SpecialOffer = 0, Well_Potion = 1000, QUEST_UNIQUE = 1000, SUBFAMDROP_LOWCHANCE = 10, SUBFAMDROP_HIGHCHANCE = 100,
  14. Here are a couple of my funny/interesting screenshots, I hope that you all enjoy them. "Hm", my Sepaphim, Gwyneth remarks, "I wonder where this Bat'leth came from and who brought it here? "Another Bat'leth affixing the remains of this poor soul to the mausoleum wall, this quest just keeping getting stranger and stranger."
  15. Below are the values in the balance file which address your query. I recently started toying with the integers myself, so adjust them at your own risk. You may try doubling the values with a base number greater than zero, to begin with. ChanceForAdditionalSlots = 450, ChanceForSlotToImprove = 200, ChanceIncForSlotImprovePerRareLevel = 50, ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForBlankItem = 0, ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForMagicItem = 0, ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForNormalItem = 250, ChanceToBecomeSlotItemForUniqueItem = 0,
  16. A nice mixture of greens (top of plant above the root) is really tasty when mixed and served together, not to mention all of the great nutritional value, lack of effective carbs, and zero fat content. I am especially partial to an even blending of Mustard, Spinach, and Turnip greens. Like Wolfie said, just add some bacon (or ham/ham bone) and bake some cornbread, fix some blackeyed peas and you have a proper southern style meal. Bon appetit!
  17. Arguably ending all debate, the answers are all spelled out here. I have personally follwed this build with remarkably impressive and devastating results. In the words of the Master himself:
  18. One certainly cannot take a screen shot that would capture the moment, yet when my character goes to get the Scroll of Release, the Coroner is working on a corpse. Has anyone else noticed that the corpse seems to be the one talking? Maybe I had one to many of the Ancarian cuvee XX last time before I went questing. I was thinking of starting a thread about humorous or strange events while playing the game, but I didn't know where to post it. I like your pictures because they really tell a story. Thanks Flix for sharing such interesting moments.
  19. Update, my tag-a-longs didn't join me whe I went to Gold. I'm up to level 81 and she's doing very well, following Loco's wicked "Piromante" build.
  20. I'm happy to have stumbled upon this thread. I read through most of it very well, and seem to have my settings pretty well in order now. However, if there were a way to have an increased angle of tilt downward (looking down) with zoom out it might make navigating and fighting in enclosed areas easier, especially caves, where walls can get in the way. It would take a lot of effort to post a Wiki article outlining what each of the parameters that affect the camera are and what changes could be made to them as well as what they would look like with screen shots. Regardless, if there is a way to be adjust the optionsCustom text file so that one could look downward a bit more when zoomed out, it would be great to know how. If anyone could post a helpful reply it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
  21. Someone mentioned free drinks in my introduction forum. If it's not too much of a bother I'll have a double vodka, neat.
  22. Thanks, Flix posted a link. Now I have two Soldiers when I start. When I stop paying attention, they eventually do become vulnerable and are killed off by other NPCs. However, when I begin again, there they are. If I get a third, I'll have quite the entourage.
  23. He just stands in one place, only moving just as I'm out of range. He's invulnerable, but he finally left. I wonder if he'll come back, not that he was helpful, just standing there leering at me.
  24. Thanks for the link, Flix. Yeah, the runemaster's son Zaman is common. What is so freaky about this is that the Soldier won't leave, not ever unless I switch to Bronze. I can backtrack by adding my files back from several levels before but after one or two game re-starts he's back, no matter which quests I select or region I go to.
  25. This seems to be happening regularly and it even sounds a bit humorous. I'll start the game after an hour or more and when it loads the character I had been playing (my High Elf) she has a tag-along. I had just completed the chain quest in the desert with Skeik Yerbouty after having an entourage of soldiers. I left the game and came back to have one of the soldiers attached to me. (she is rather fetching... but seriously) I had saved the character/status files several levels ago so I can backtrack but I'm wondering if I should just do a clean re-load first. I'm wondering if I still need to use the revocation tool since I'm loading it back onto the same PC. I'm playing Vanilla Sacred 2 because the town in which I reside is too small to have any storefronts that would stock or even order Sacred 2 Gold Edition. I also could not find it online. Maybe if I wasn't so busy playing the game I would have searched a bit more thoroughly. I did a clean re-install and placed my character and save file back with the same results. Perhaps I should have deleted all remaining vestiges of Sacred 2 from my PC before starting over fresh. I can load the same character at a lower level but whenever she reaches level 63 and I start the game again there's the attached Soldier.
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