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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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DarkMatters - Moderator
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Everything posted by Hooyaah
  1. repulsor rays => tractor beams
  2. kids => playful Kids make everything exponentially more fun!
  3. Please Note: The conversation which began here regarding a method of resetting all quests in Sacred 2 has been moved to its home as shown and linked below. Thank you to Sethi22 for insisting that I share this information with everyone. HUZZAH!
  4. You are welcome, my dear hobbit ally. I reside presently in Lothlórien, a guest of Queen Galadriel and Lord Celeborn. Please accept my apology, for my lack of respite, as of late, makes much effort the tracking of time. Pedathanc hi sui vellyn (Sindarin) "You and I shall speak now as friends!"
  5. Very well, my good Hobbit friend. Before I begin your lesson, please finish your second breakfast while I puff some pipe-weed. Then, I shall know that you are fully paying attention. Step One: Proceed carefully and at your own risk. You are strongly advised to save a copy of your characters save and stats file and your chest file. I advise, regarding the remainder of your characters to save them all and name the new folder you save them in something like: "Saved Sacred 2 Characters." This is so that you can have a good copy in case you wish to revert later for whatever reason. Now, find the quest file in the game. In the Sacred 2 Gold folder go to and open the scripts folder. Now open server folder and make a copy of the quest folder and rename it "quest original" and save it as a fallback and do not delete it! (Not EVER!) You might want to make a new folder inside the shared folder and after you have named it quest original, put that original quest file inside it. Now the remaining copy of the quest file still in the scripts folder may safely be amended. (I prefer using Notepad++) Go to line number 99 and 100 Change the lines from: local pos_table = {} local pos_named = {} to: local pos_table = [] local pos_named = [] (Please notice the bracket style change.) Now save the quest text file and with your mouse over it right click the file and open Properties. Click the box and set it to "Read Only." BE ADVISED: Next time you open the game, any character you load will not see any available quests. If this is so, then the process is working and the quests will be reset when you reload the game and play that character.* *VERY IMPORTANT: You must delete the amended quest file now and reinsert the original quest file in its place, before restarting the game.** **Yes, please do this before you play the game again. Then, and only then, you may open Sacred 2 and: Start the game and load the same character. Navigate your character to where they begin the first quest of the game and you may start over with the first main quest and play through all quests in the game once again. All of the portals that you had previously activated will still be active and all of the chests, etc. that you had already looted will be empty. Have fun!
  6. Ah, then I shall keep this clandestine knowledge to myself. Perhaps this is a fitting analogy: "Why read to someone who is either asleep, apathetic, or uninterested at the time?" One day, when your Niobium character, one which you love with the fondness of a father, has completed the game and you just want to "do it all over again" without having to work so hard to create the perfect toon, this arcane knowledge will be priceless to you, good sir.
  7. The following is a conversation which was moved here to the appropriate location where the key information in it may be more readily accessible and thereby a service to all: You are welcome, kind sir. Would you like to start any one of those characters fresh? There is a (secret) way to keep your characters just the way they are, but reset so that none of the quests have been started. This includes resetting main and side quests. Even the percent of the Map Revealed, Inventory, Chest, Character Level, Skills, Combat Arts, and the Survival Bonus would remain unchanged. It's especially appropriate for when you finally get your character at a high Niobium level and you just want to play all the quests over again without starting over from scratch. You would be the first person with whom I have shared this arcane knowledge.
  8. trifle => Eiffel (Get an eye-full of that tower!)
  9. You may download this file: There are also certain rare chest armors which have damage mitigation which may be obtained by shopping in addition to unique armors which occasionally drop. Other jewelry, namely Gruma's Talisman and Darwargen's Circlet also possess this modifier. Glacial Defender is not in fact terribly rare; in addition to a generous amount of damage mitigation, it also adds base armor of all types and a nice boot to Combat Art Range.
  10. ewwwwwwwwwwwwww => onomatopoeia
  11. @Flix Ben, I altered the creatureinfo file found in the Purist Fixpack by setting the lines for the relevant characters to: eq_fallback = { }, I will redo the quests which weren't completing properly and let you know if there are any issues, though I think that it's resolved now. You might want to update the affected mods on the Nexus so that they will be compatible with PFP. UPDATE: The quests with bosses which were flawed before, worked flawlessly after employing the corrected creatureinfo file.
  12. hooked on classics => hooked on phonics
  13. A midsummer Nght's Dream => Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
  14. A fresh cache of the freshest steak is even better! By the way, the weekend is coming up; how do you like your rib-eye grilled?
  15. The reason could be that I had deleted my internet cache earlier today after yet another unwanted Windows update. Afterward, the site was downright speedy.
  16. @gogoblender The site was very slow loading the maim page today. I checked my speed with Ookla and it was great on my end.

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