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DarkMatters - Member
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Chrona last won the day on October 20 2014

Chrona had the most liked content!

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  • Why do you want to join DarkMatters?
    Sacred 2
  • All time best video game ever played
    golden eye
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Chrona's Achievements

Prince of Helium

Prince of Helium (11/20)



  1. finally done with all achievments- now its time to check out Valheim
  2. Hey gogo, yes we are all well. I cant leave the house at this time, because of existinc health handiscaps- so more time to play ;) Had an accident in dec 2019, lost two fingers, but they rescue the fingers...but for now-> no therapy to learn using the left hand properly Doin some basic training at home I play minecraft with one hand rent a small server and started to build some viking stuff Hope you are ok too cheers
  3. Hey all, long time no see Hope you are all well
  4. Hey :) no, played for a few years from beta until now its a great little game. can use a lot of mods and never get bored
  5. Hey sry, long time not log in here. Still playin Grim dawen, Guild wars 2 and starbound
  6. Finished gr93 , now RANK 200
  7. Season 7- first time in leaderboard!
  8. gameplay is still the same-> run to level 70, grab your "free" set, farm 1 week for BIS gear -> try to reach a good position in the leaderboard but this time you can get lots of new transmogs, 20 pets and 2 wings-> the best part for me yes, seasons are pc only
  9. Season 6 is a lot of fun
  10. started again with season-> lots of new transmogs, 2 cosmetic wings and 20pets witchdoctor works really well with patch 2.4.1 failed by 6 sec...lol
  11. I really enjoy my vitality conjurer, you're immortal- except undead nemesis (forgot the freeze duration potion...lol)
  12. Fabius is lot of hard work for my pet build easiest nemesis for my vitalitycaster is moosilauke
  13. mp works for me...most of the time... hehe my gf activated piercing aura and I died... (happens from time to time ->hope they'll fix it)
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