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DarkMatters Sacred Specialist Modder
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Status Replies posted by SLD
  1. Hey gogoblender,

    I registered to edit the SacredWiki, but appearently I don't have the permission yet. Here you ask to contact an Admin - sadly I am not allowed to write private messages yet so here we go!

    Best regards

    1. SLD


      At the same spot I have a button that says "Unread Content" with the same symbol left of the text.

      The "mark as read" to the right of it is only there in halloween and default themes but not in titan that I usually use.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hey gogoblender,

    I registered to edit the SacredWiki, but appearently I don't have the permission yet. Here you ask to contact an Admin - sadly I am not allowed to write private messages yet so here we go!

    Best regards

    1. SLD


      I can't find a "View New Contnt" button... Only an Unread content button but that one would probably be useless as almost the entire forum is "unread" of course...
      The "What's New" button shows a perfect timeline of everything relevant on the forums and is my main and basically only way of keeping up with what's going on. Please don't button it up :) 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hey gogoblender,

    I registered to edit the SacredWiki, but appearently I don't have the permission yet. Here you ask to contact an Admin - sadly I am not allowed to write private messages yet so here we go!

    Best regards

    1. SLD


      I actually had no clue of the feature Aethanol used here to get in contact with you, saw it in the "what's new" section and first thought it was somehow on his page, which is also why I @ed you there, so you don't miss it. Well as I stated above you had noticed already anyway.

      If there's anything worthwile to note here it's Aethanol's immense creativity to use this feature instead of a post to contact you, which in turn kept him away from member status :)
      That was a hilarious choice.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hey gogoblender,

    I registered to edit the SacredWiki, but appearently I don't have the permission yet. Here you ask to contact an Admin - sadly I am not allowed to write private messages yet so here we go!

    Best regards

    1. SLD


      Make a post on the forum, either in the thread you linked or anywhere else, the "introductions" section would also make sense, but in the end afaik all it takes is one single post anywhere and you'll turn into a "member" which should allow you to send private messages. For the Wiki pernissions you need a reaction from an admin but once @gogoblender sees this it should only take a few days at most :)
      Oh, and while I'm at it, thank you for wanting to improve the wiki. Helping hands are always welcome!

      And now that I checked the recent activity I already found his reaction here:


      Odd that the things I'm saying are already "outdated" when I'm saying them, but I'll say them anyway :)
      Welcome to DarkMatters and the SacredWiki!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)


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