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DarkMatters Celebrates
20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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DarkMatters Sacred Specialist Modder
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File Comments posted by SLD
  1. Hi there, I've tried downloading the files a couple of times but it seems google drive downloads always fail after exactly 60 minutes and with my connection there is no chance of getting 3gb+ through in that time. The other download links don't work and the textures don't have a second link anyway, so now I wonder wther these archives could be split somehow to make them more accessible and why I seem to be the only person on the planet to have this problem (according to a google search). I have downloaded larger things before so it seems to be a google drive specific problem.

    Thought I'd share my experience here in case something can be done to help me or it ends up being relevant to someone else.

    And to make sure there is some constructive feedback in my post: The changelog part with the Inquisitor changes shows a copy of the  shadow warrior changes instead.

    In any case, thank you for spending so much time on creating something and sharing it with others.

    Edit: Solved the download problem the obvious way... with a faster connection. Should anyone else run into this problem, I can however confirm now that the large files could easily be split up into 2 or 3 parts each.


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