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DarkMatters Sacred Specialist Modder
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Everything posted by SLD

  1. Watched a couple minutes of the video. Never seen this game before. Reminds me a bit of quake 3. Obviously with my limited eyesight and no knowledge of the game it's quite hard to follow what's going on there. May the moos be with you ...Now I imagine two of those nice black and white cows. One with almost no black spots and one with almost no white spots trying to hit each other with an electric fence Now I also know where the word "fencing" comes from StarMoos would have been so cool... please, someone, help me return to reality... Reality returns to me and I notice why this mo(o)vie could never happen. Someone would latch onto the fact that the white cow fights a black cow and the black cow is depicted as "evil" and therefore this is racism... All innocent and happy fun ends when you apply the rules of reality Edit: Oh sneaky, sneaky gogo. I just noticed you can edit your posts without them showing that they have been edited. Those Jedi mind tricks don't work on me!
  2. Well of course it is warp nine point... oh, you mean the internet connection. I had around 6Mbps download for a long long time and nowadays its about 2 or 3 times as fast. I don't intend on using the measuring site however. It has no limit on the actual amount of data. The upload rate is a lot lower, but I don't really upload anything so I wouldn't know the speed limit there.
  3. DId the original game where you got the mount close properly? Because crashing while saving the game is like the number one way to get a corrupted save file... What problem did you solve? The one with your TG not getting into a game or something else? What false alarm? I'm confused now... Where there is a Dmitry, there is hope
  4. Come on, the 5 to 10 second one while the "Submit Reply" button turns into "Saving" for the time is still "ok". I only really got worried that one day where I had one take more than a minute and the "Saving" had already returned to "Submit Reply" long before it was finished posting... Not perfectly sure but I think it was the first one, that would be 11:50AM in the addendum download thread. I wouldn't worry about that single instance. There's always gonna be "badly timed" post that take a bit longer to process. Edit: This post for example took a third second but it was kinda through before then, my browser just had to refresh the entire site because this ended up being the first post on "page 2"
  5. I actually had one quite delayed post today (more in the 5++ seconds range), but everything else went quite well. I even just thought for a moment, that I might have lost a post because it went through so quickly that I didn't even notice it was properly posted already
  6. Yes, I understand more now. But I just meant from an ingame perspective, taking one of the mods increasing the projectile count would at the same time directly reduce the tooltip damage. That felt odd because those mods don't say that they do, while the mods from Ancestral Fireball, Archangel's Wrath and Flaring Nova all say they do reduce damage per hit. (Used the descriptions from the Wiki here, might not be the same as vanilla game). I would have never guessed that Flaring Nova would be considered a "missile" But I do understand the "et_missile_adapt" system is just a balancing tool used for spells that can hit the same opponent multiple times. Thanks for all the details and of course for always being so perfectly precise I just look at it from my naive "player" point of view: "What does it look like in the game" while many of the things you post here have already gone far past that toward the "modder" point of view, linking the values from the game files to what is happening in game. I always end up looking at the things you discover and then trying to revert that "modder knowledge" into "how does it affect my gameplay". For example you just found: "The maximum possible value for Projectiles is 255. Past that it overflows". And I would be thinking "without modding the game there's no way to ever reach that->discard information"... I look at you finding out that critical hits don't affect the attribute based damage on attacks, so I learn: for builds mostly based on attribute damage scaling crits is a dumb idea. Don't know why I wrote this paragraph. Probably to explain how my dumbed down versions of your science might end up missing a screw a modder might turn. Oh and before it gets misunderstood, this is not a critique of your accurate answer. I'm happy you pointed out the parts I may have overlooked and I'm sure others reading through this stuff in the future will be happy about that as well
  7. How often do I have to tell you, these are "moos" this is a "moose" And then I looked at the wikipedia entry for "moose" just to find out that a female moose is called a cow ...
  8. Where the hell did you get that number from? Was that from the secret test of his subspace transmitter? If anyone had one of those around here I would have thought it would be Lindor. The post from Flooxim you already linked in the first post showed 20.94Mbps download speed. You turned the number into 20.74 and then put GB behind it. GB is a file size not a speed. And turning it into a speed like "GB per second" would have been so insane that I suggested the "subspace transmitter" as only possible explanation. I guessed 20.94 ->20.74 was a simple mistake when typing the value by hand and "GB" instead of "Mbps" was just some Giga Brainfart But then: GB is still not a speed... What's going on here? But lower settings should only affect the client side of things. Lowering settings helps when your pc isn't fast enough. It shouldn't affect the connection at all.
  9. Great, so Glacial Thorns does less damage per projectile when you take the extra projectiles mod? interesting. Oh boy did that factor<=1 confuse me. Until I realised that the ingame tooltip is just the opposite perspective. In game the cone would look like you could do up to ~3 times the tooltip damage. I love chewing on your science until finally white smoke comes out of my ears
  10. The current discussion is only one and a half pages long. Starting with a post on 08/19/2024 01:07PM. It was specifically about the "et_physical_to_poison" token and its effects. The wiki Token page lists a formula for that, that given the values from spells.txt doesn't make any sense to me at all. (These odd formulas were put into the wiki by a guy named "pugi" who hasn't been around for many years. His Source was as far as the search function told me not a discussion on this forum) [Edit: link to said wiki token page: https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Tokens ] If you don't want to read up on the details of this thread, you wouldn't have to as dealing with conversion and the related tokens with your scientific method building the knowledge from the ground up would also lead to all the information needed here and therefore @iskoeby can just be sent to your results for answers. I hope my summary put everything here in a useful perspective. Go back behind your door, Butcher! Androids don't have "fresh meat".
  11. So, how did you link the problem to the mount? Did you get the mount in one game instance and every new attempt to start a game session with this character has crashed since? Please tell us more about what happened. I haven't played that much with the addendum, but I did play it quite a bit and never had a character file corruption occur. Do you have an older copy of that save? If not I suggest from now on that you make copies of the character save files every day you play. Just in case something does go wrong in the future you'd at least have a "recent" backup. There's also the possiblity that something went wrong with your installation and installing Sacred 2 and the mods in proper order again might solve your issues. If you manage to brick a second character I'd definitely consider trying this. Oh, I noticed you haven't actually described the "bug" you have with that Temple Guardian. Is there any error message etc. that may tell us something? Or what exactly is the problem that occurs? With a bit of luck, there might be information in there that someone can interpret here...
  12. As you suggest a problem with the unique mount and new characters don't have mounts I guess you tried using an old character from a different game version. Not a good idea in general. As the addendum makes you spawn already riding the mount and I guess that needed a lot of work to make this possible I see also a high likelihood of that being among the most incompatible things with older saves. But it might not be the only thing broken. If you want to play with the addendum start entirely from scratch. That would be my advice. With the mods creator missing since January I sadly doubt you'll find anyone here who can figure out the problem with your save file. Oh, and if you find the original creator of this mod, please bring him back to us. His name is also "Dmitriy" and he's also from Russia, there can't be that many of those, right?
  13. I guess you managed with low bandwidth while duo hardcore gaming because gaming barely needs any "bandwidth". For running two diablo 3 clients at the same time 1% of what you posted here now would be super comfortable. Only patch day would be a pain and d3 had patch day days ahead of a season so more than enough time for downloads even in that case. Where the hell did you get that number from? Was that from the secret test of his subspace transmitter? If anyone had one of those around here I would have thought it would be Lindor.
  14. My first guess was that there may be a tutorial entry that you already start with, but I just checked and there is none under the "books" section. And the Hero/Character section has both something on the character and on combat arts you have already read so it doesn't behave anywhere near the way a book does. It might be possible that it was originally supposed to be a book and was than replaced by the current system, but that "guess" wouldn't be helpful in the current situation. I couldn't come up with anything better either...
  15. You mean there might have been a scroll reward for safely returning the chicken from the quarry. Or was it the cemetery? Well I'm sure some broken twigs would have shown you the way
  16. Welcome! Welcome back? Wel... I don't know, you've been here longer than I have so you choose A quick glance at your post history reveals you've already dabbled in a variety of topics and met some alltime forum legends along the way. I'm sure you'll (re?)fit right in. Either you are very forgetful or those two things seem to exclude each other, so quote 2 will break the pattern of quote 1. Well, I can tell you that you're in the right place. If you want a place to start, xeyp the wise is currently working on the question of what version/ mod combo of the game to play over here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/72692-sacred-2-questions-from-a-newreturning-player-setup-and-installation-cp-ee-pfp-differences-help-a-newcomer-understand-where-to-start/ Also if you're looking for information the wiki is probably the best general source. However I must warn you that it at times can be more than just slightly wrong about things. When in doubt, ask here on the forums. Now I'll stop
  17. Same on the first one, but I haven't lost anything directly related to that. The only post I lost so far was some immensly well executed user error And so my burst begins... Edit: and now it ends again. this one was quite short, less than an hour. Site was quick and responsive all through.
  18. No, I did not. But I also post in "bursts". I come online check out the "what's new" section and follow up on everything that happened since my last visit than check out what happened "while" I wrote my new posts etc. and when I'm the last that has done something I log off again. Those bursts are usually multiple hours long and may occur more than once per day. It's just the only way I can keep up with the forum activity
  19. If you want to do some testing on the speed, I've found that the "post time" spikes correlate with "page load time" spikes. Makes sense, obviously. But that also means you can "simulate" a post by clicking the "WHAT'S NEW!" button. For me that results in a page load time that is more around a medium size post so right now it's less than 2 seconds. When bad times are around it'll take 6-30+ seconds depending on "how bad" it is... So if the problem doesn't remain "fixed", we could try that method every hour or so to see whether it's linked to daytime or any other metric we can think of. At least we can easily test and log when it's present and when it's not.
  20. Thanks for offering but please don't feel obliged to investigate this further. At least not for my sake. I always show up with more questions to help uncover mechanical details, but I just want you to know that I have no personal stake in this one meaning the details of the conversion tokens can stay as unknown as they were before for all I care. I'm currently not trying to build anything around them. You already laid some nice groundwork to throw some doubt on the formulas from the wiki token page. Anyone can pick it up from here. As "damage conversion" is certainly a part of damage calculations, I also would guess that if he's not running out of steam @Maneus might someday figure out the details to this... in a far more precise way than we ever could. In case you want a taste of his glorious work, it's over here: https://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?/topic/18511-how-is-sacred-2-weapon-damage-calculated/ Sadly I can't help you here either. I'm such a noob at the inner workings of the game But I'm pretty sure engame monsters in D2F can hit far too fast for the normal attack speed cap. So I guess @Flix would know how to do this. Though I have tried summoning him in a far more "elaborate way" in the recent past and that did not work out yet either, so it might take a while...
  21. All I can say is that it's not a constant issue. It shifts all the time and I haven't noticed a pattern yet. The only thing I'm always wondering about is what the 50-80 permanent "guests" are doing here all day Edit: Forgot to measure this one, but it was certainly too fast to measure anything anyway. So right now everything is fine
  22. but... but, you always play hardcore... I know why this test is gonna end sooner The shield is a unique hield, Sethi was faster and already posted that one. As for one-handers I also only know of the mage wand and the "one-handed two-hander" Sword. So as far as I know you already have all the Base types, and a screenshot of the shield. To "min-max the hell out of their damage" people should already know about the "one-handed two-hander" as it only needs one hand but ptherwise has stats like any two-handed sword including the socket count but also the base damage... Mis-spoke I meant Weapon Lore (and all +% Fire Damage sources. I was just confused by your original statement of: "albeit still being capped despite scaling from Wep Damage". And while something scaling from weapon damage and being capped would be a completely new thing, scaling with weapon lore and being capped(like BFG and Dwarven cannon skills) would be nothing special. So guessing you meant weapon lore would not make the original statement less odd.
  23. What do you mean by "scaling from Wep Damage" ? There should be no connection between the flame wall's damage and your weapon. As I explained before, It was a lot easier to notice when there was no cap and you just started over again, Had your dwarf gone from 95k+ down to below 1k you would have noticed that as well... THough I guess it was fixed before there were any dwarves... The thinking one gets bored when the game always looks the same and there's nothing more to think about. I am a bad influence, I am a bad influence, I am a bad influence... Are you sure the dual claws would be "better"? Remember dual wield has actually different damage calculation making these more frequent hits do a lot less damage each. That will get even worse when you find the 4 socketed shield Btw. in cases where it doesn't have to be a claw, there are 4 socketed 1h weapons as well... I just had to pull that stomping gladi thread up just to make sure I didn't bind you to some stupid task by accident. Couldn't find out what you might be testing other than your resolve, trying not to eat more than those 30 runes you already had in there I did however find myself over there arguing against the "blood damage" set. I want to point out that was before we found out that it more than doubles damage in niob... So it's quite a bit better than I thought back then.
  24. interesting, but it would also be just ~33% of the whole ca damage. What I noticed however, is that it would also match almost perfectly your non ca base damage 82-30=52. Just as possible that this is a coincidence again, but there are too many coincidences here for my taste Can you make a copy of the character and then for a test spend those 66 attribute points on strength to prove I was right about the converted amount not changing in that case? We expect Phys dmg go up, CA phys dmg go up, but ca poison damage stay at the same value.
  25. yeah, we started over there: Watering down that pure attack build with magic lore and blazing disks... bah! Typical noob hybrid build... No please, not the grave. You haven't even started your thornbush character yet.
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