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DarkMatters Sacred Specialist Modder
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Everything posted by SLD

  1. I had nothing useful to say so I just played "Spot" the difference with this page and the file page. The cat is missing.
  2. Ah ok then of course health bars are needed for the test. You ate all the runes? That must be some horribly long regen time there. And of course the secret ingredient is the mysteriously op set bow I tried with +% spell damage and +% damage and couldn't see any effect. The demons hellpower doesn't seem to help either, so the fireball ca level would be the only interesting thing left. And it remained left out because you'd still have to cheat to get the set bonus on a battle mage in the first place, so I never cared. If it did however work the same might be true for the Orla-Aisling Lance and a demoness' energy demon. My unconfirnmed guess however is that the base damage of these spells is tied to your character level and afterwards only modifiable by stuff that would work after the cap like widd, crit, sb and the vampiress' damage tripling "claw energy buildup"? ... "bloodlust"?... "feeding frenzy"? ... whatever the glowing balls around her claws are called My advice is don't look for it. You know you still enjoy the game the way it is, there is still plenty to try till you're old and grey and thornbushing away. Having tools available that can go far beyond the bounds of normal gameplay will just make it almost impossible to resist cheating at least "a little bit". And it's obvious that you'd be one of those struggling at this the most as you already save-load spam for a few runes If you exploit every little bit you can get your hands on, make sure you don't get your hands on things that could ruin the game. Now I imagine you at 90 years of age. Our little "angel" playing happily on your thornbush character... but it's a hacked thornbush-Seraphim
  3. Nice for the armour formulas. Besides pointing toward the odd mod of dragon mages mind strike I currently don't have much to say about armour related things. I also remember the "direct damage" item modifier. Might be interesting to explore in this context. Otherwise I can only raise the tedious questions like: -are all armour types the same? They should, but we also thought all spell dot damage is calculated equally, right? -I couldn't find it right now but I think you already covered, that those dot's ignore armour, right? -Now that I think of it you might wanna check all the different portions of a hit against an armored target. So far you only hammered a spell's base damage against it. Maybe the attribute bonus or crit values or other bs ignore armor or are affected by it differently. After all armour was turned off for all those tests. Oh-oh, turns out I had more to say than I thought What do we say to me running out of ideas? Not today... May the cow refill you with energy!
  4. My bad, poorly expressed, I now know that, I was just aware of it before. I think you misunderstand what I meant. Lindor said someone else told him but I still dispute the content of that. Thanks for sharing the information, especially as it was so "frustrating" to gather. So for now we don't know how it works and have no claims of it feeling anywhere near a "massive multiplier". Just a clarification for others who might take this thread as a reference. As I suggested above hitting something with and without set bonus and looking at the numbers might already do but health bars are probably fine as well. Thanks for the detailed information on cheating strategies I don't know if you just wanted to share the general info but under the topic of this thread I wish to clarify that at least for testing damage caps widd wouldn't help as I already stated somewhere above. Widd is however a great tool for a character otherwise limited by the cap to scale their damage further. Nice to see that your chosen quotes more or less exactly mirror what has resurfaced here. More confirmation, always good What did you do to reach dark elf kind of damage there? A high level exploding arrow? Just curious. Is there no way to cheat the axe lore ontp the battle mage or the requirement off the axe and rings? Mod the set bonus to a different set etc. Some creative way must work, right? After all they had Vampiresses with wings back in the open net days For legit things the closest you can get is the auto lightning lance. Sadly I have never been able to find a good way to scale the damage of these autocast spells which makes the axe barely ok at a high trigger rate and the lance dangerous for potentially crashing the game(on average increasing triggers from itself doing almost no damage, scaling to infinite lightning bolts in seconds).
  5. Great, now we know it all yeah, yours just looks a lot more complicated
  6. We've already determined a formula (though I must admit it must be slightly off otherwise the picture should say at least 99%). The thing remaining to test is if sources like the mentioned does anything different like or just states "%" to cause confusion. On another note, welcome to the discussion Always nice to have more active people around!
  7. If there were critical rating and seperate %crit values the "best case" would not be two "seperate factors" as factors would be multiplied. Adding the two chances would give the greatest results ol course. But maybe that is what you meant... 100 gives 50%? That's an interesting pair. That stinks a lot like 200 rating giving 66% 300 rating 75% and 400 rating 80% etc. That would also obviously mean that: makes sense. This one I highly doubt though. There is no way without massive empirical testing to be sure but I think these "21%" will just be 21 additional crit rating. Now why the confusing "%"? Well back in the day when the game first came out crit was a % based mod and it stacked additively with no diminishing returns at all. At some point that was changed to the new crit rating system. Things that still say % are probably just an oversight from the change. As always, I'm not sure when the change was implemented, but it was probably either with the Underworld addon or a patch past that. Gogo may have some light () to shed but I think on such mechanical matters he's mostly in the dark. Oh boy, I'm outdoing myself again Swthi22 could maybe provide more numbers but I don't think we need any. As for a "more complete reference", my theory of [crit chance]=[crit rating]/(100+[crit rating]) seems to create quite accurate results. The only thing that certainly none of us could "know" is wether I'm right on the assumption that crit% would do the same as crit rating. One would have to make a statistically relevant aniubt of hits and measure the results. The easiest setup for this would probably be one that would reach 100% if the two potentially adding crit values were working as hoped and looking for non crits. Not sure how reasonable that test setup would be to achieve. Mostly depends on wether you could find more simultaneously usable % bonuses. Once decided what to use, Lindor has some downloadable high level characters with matching gear for such testing purposes.
  8. How can you be both Data and what appears to be an eyebrow raising vulcan? I can't see the logic in that...
  9. Well the ingame impact has never "felt" like a "very high amount" and it "felt" more like the given number of up to 14% that may or may not ignore resistances would be accurate. Are you sure that what he told you is anywhere near correct? exactly what I meant with the two mistakes. H->W and 11 only working in german... "Human error", be proud of it So far the Dark Elf traps are the only confirmed uncapped skills and they are not "spells". I don't share in your hope but you are right not to assume. "hardest hitting" "spell" yes, most scalable, not necessarily. You have the Hell Disk on your list, you can have multiple of those at once so overall damage can't be compared that easily. And you have 3 skills on that list that aren't "spells" at all. So the thornbush would only beat mortar grenade if you could scale it past 131k and the bottomless pit will always win no matter what. I'm confused what you're trying to say. My understanding of the Ca scaling is it gives a base dmg at lvl1 and a flat increase per level that makes for some standard linear scaling. The regen time works the same. Why would it be any different? A hard hit with a full second animation? That sounds quite slow, but I don't have any experience here to contradict that. I haven't made any high lvl spell casters either. The Ebolts are a spell but it's just a super fast auto attack with range so I wouldn't count that. I would never consider something like lightning strike even if it did infinite amounts of damage. Killing one enemy per CA doesn't seem too interesting to me. Maybe it's just my modern greed of aimlessly slaughtering with speed That every hit rolls the split chance is correct. My argument was just about the split more than once per enemy part. Yes it does. It's just the value on your CA icon that is capped (the round thing you put in the bottom right slots). What ends up being applied and shown down there is capped everything that happens afterward should be fine. That's why %damage increase runs against the cap and Survival Bonus or widd don't. I would argue that we don't "now know" that. Regardless, there's no reason to believe that the special damage would be affected by the cap. As far as I always understood the secret damage it is supposed to give 14%(or less if not Niobium) of your damage as extra resistance ignoring damage on top. Not sure if it does ignore resistances and wether it is "14% of damage dealt" or "14% of damage taken by the enemy" but I also never felt it was far off from this so I never did any investigating int that. If you do have one of those sets however, you could easily run some test equipping/unequipping a piece that is otherwise not damage affecting. Not again!
  10. Luckily you do have super fast hands, unless they're currently stuck in some kind of finger puzzle
  11. What exactly would you have expected the "special damage" to be? I mean it says it does a bunch of % extra special damage and as far as I can tell that is exactly what it does. I guess with H11:) you meant a bow woodelf with 2 seperate mistakes in the abbreviation. If not please enlighten me Theres supposedly a third use case on Call of the Ancestors. For the general usefulness of that bow maybe Sethi22 will be able to tell me someday... Ah, I understand. You just like playing weird stuff Sadly I have no clue about the modding side of the game so I won't be of any help here. Oh boy, after seeing how dimitrius' attack on the item tiers went in his addendum beta I'm worried what ypu might do now First of all thank you for collecting the numbers. Also good job for detecting the odd connection, that all skills seem to increase in damage by ~60% from lvl 1 to 2. I howeverdon't understand why you'd shoot for the hardest single hitting skills unless you want to run into the cap. I don't understand why you would scale damage solely with single elemental % rolls. The resist idea is correct. But we wouldn't "want to focus on one damage type as much as we can, so we take the largest component in any spell and focus on that". That is the whole point of this thread. for example: Mortar Grenade beats Cannon Blast because both hit cap mortar just does it with two elements effectively dealing twice as much damage in endgame(Ignoring the "bug" of Cannon Blast hitting twice "sometimes"). That makes Thorn bush one of the worst spells on that list assuming you do hit the cap with it and if you don't it will be a really bad skill in the endgame doing less than 100k damage per hit. Unless of course thorn bush isn't capped at all and you can scale it beyond the cap value. Then it would still at best beat the skills on the list that are capped. Haven't tested thorn bush. Expect it to have a cap. If you want a "Wood Elf Spell Build" use Call of the Ancestors. If you manage to hit the cap with that you'd be dancing like a Spider Arrow scales with nothing so you use it with multishot. The game is also really bad at dealing with it, so it's gonna be bad no matter how much damage it does. I was first surprised, that you listed the % increase in your list. Reason for that is, that as far as I know the flat increase per CAlvl is a fixed amount. That should also explain why you now thnk that it "falls down some". Relatively it does, of course. How often per second does your gladiator use hard hit:) The ~10k damage on Ebolts is "enough" for farming platinum sakkaras. It's certainly not the greatest build in raw damage but it's not necessarily unplayable either. Spell damage does however scale really badly independent from that. No, that is just a mistake on your part. Split cannot apply twice on the first target and can't happen at all to the split copy, so two orcs can at best turn into 4. How do I know for sure? Well, builds with 99% split chance(9x11% socketed) and the icon set would otherwise create hundreds of mobs out of one. I never said that. Sad. It's the only build with its own emoji
  12. I can say for sure that it's not "the same" as the infernal power fire% dmg stacks additively with some other stuff the spell casting demoness has. Not sure which ones but it's not as op because of it. Testosterone on Poison Mist is so OP because it doesn't get watered down by anything except dmg% on gear. Weapon Lore, Ballistics and the attribute etc all fall into "different"/at least "a different" category. How did you scale all the Battle Mage and Seraphim spells to that kind of damage? I somehow can't Imagine a way to both scale their level and damage that far. Just as an example I loaded my Energy Bolts Seraphim. She's only lvl 130 or so but that shouldn't matter too much. Her LVL 415 Energy Bolts do around 11k magic damage at that point but only increase by around 800 magic damage by adding another "50% increased damage". Assuming you scale that to lvl 510 (~x1.25) we get 14k dmg +1k per 50% increase, so to hit cap you'll need around 50x50%=2500% bonus damage from gear. It gets a slight bit lower by increasing Magic Lore above the 168 I had and som from the attributes as well but still you're gonna needaround 2000% bonus which would be around 100% per socket for 20 sockets. But how do you get such a socketable and where do you get the 255 bonus to the combat art from when you didn't socket that? I see no way without cheated gear to reach cap on Energy bolts. Rotating Blades of LIght seems to even do slightly less damage. So that one is also quite unlikely. Her lightning bolt gets around 150 magic damage per level x510 that would be around the cap so I belive that one can be tested but the others are so far off. It could of course very well be that you cheated somehow for these testing purposes which would be totally fine my questions are just for making sure you know what you're talking about and your conclusions are correct. Dude what would you need that for. If you can hit cap with the disks that would be somewhere between 100k and 200k damage per hit per disk. Compared to a poison mist trapper throwing like 700k per second traps, they both would just obliterate everything. My worry would rather be that the disk doesn't reach cap at all. Under what circumstances does that do anything. If I understand it correctly it supposedly lowers enemy physical damage resistance. Restistance doesn't matter much when your hits are large enough. And removing all resistance should still only allow you to do the damage you do, never more. I admit I have far too little experience with that bow so I'd love to hear more about the use cases where it really shines and why. What makes cheat codes in Dungeon Siege an "important part of the game"? I never felt the need to melee hit at 100 range and making myself invulnerable doesn't seem to make the game more interesting, rather less Dungeon Siege is a great game but I don't understand what the cheat codes have to do with it. Do the enemies reach 255 at the end? Otherwise I could understand that it's extremely difficult to reach levels that are past the level cap Otherwise I would consider reaching max level in Sacred rather tedious than difficult. There is nothing ever stopping you from progressing after all. I agree with you on the Idea that once you seen high enough Sacred gameply the motivation to push up there again is very low. The game just looks and feels exactly the same at lvl 50, 100 and 150. It just gets boring unless maybe if you love the campaign and quests as much as Sethi22 and therefore get to see some variety along the way. Hearing your balance complaints makes me look forward to your Sacred 2 mod. I'm curious to see what a game would feel like assuming you achieve the level of balance you seem to want in games. Why would you need "hundreds of thousands of energy shield" in a game where you can reach 100% mitigation? Of course having some energy shield is defensively OP in Sacred 2 as it is the only guaranteed protection against the sometimes double hitting 66%leech ligthning from those demon champs in the desolation. 2x66% kills every character that doesn't have energy shield Offensively the BFG Sera wasn't that OP. When the game came out there were other issues like disease dryads Going CMPatch and beyond however the BFG Seraphim got buffed and buffed with more and more projectiles for the already most broken cannon in the game. No clue why they did that.
  13. Who wouldn't want to be a boss monster? If the mod ends up being crap or your boss monster horribly misrepresents you, at least you could beat yourself up about it
  14. Just ran some tests by accident and found out that it's probably a lot more complicated than I thought. Here are some values from stomping jump. On a LVL 77 character CAlvl 16 is not enough for 100% in silver difficulty, but CAlvl 17 is enough. In gold I need CAlvl 18. On a LVL 79 character it now needs CAlvl 18 on silver and CAlvl19 on gold. On a LVL 131 character you need CALvl 31 in Gold and CALvl 33 on Platinum. Maybe these numbers help at least give some idea of what is needed. Sadly I don't see a formula in there. I'm just not Maneus enough for this task
  15. No, I have not. You might be correct about the fact that this could help in some cases. I have never tried this so far and honestly don't plan on doing so. I guess I am just too lazy to put in the work required to make things better. I apologize for my lack of quality, that makes your genuine efforts to help me seem so "wasted". Now that I think about it I'm also not sure what pushes me more away from playing Sacred. The mechanical and accessibility issues or the gameplay loop becoming too boring. After all I did play a bunch of characters recently and despite all my problems I did just yesterday reach Gold on a Gladiator build I had never played before. But then the levelling is slow and with all the game knowledge I have it feels like there is no mystery left in where this build would be going. I'm still curious how much/often I will return to this character, how far it will actually get over time. I have no clue. The more I think about myself the less I seem to know. Interesting
  16. Another thing that helps with testing. Glad I could point you in the right direction again That one is a bit more sloppy than your usual work and did confuse me for a bit. Your example below shows that for this calculation you treat "SurvivalBonus" as a value between 0 and 100 and then you say: So you first dump the "%" and then you miraculously add it back. I think it would make more sense to just change the formula to: FinalAttribute = FLOOR(BaseAttribute * (1 + (SurvivalBonus * 1000) / UBquot_attr)) treating SurvivalBonus as a value between 0 and 1 just like the game client does. If you have neither flat attribute bonuses nor other % based attribute bonuses the fomula is good enough. Everything is "good enough for now", I'm just as always hinting there's more to be discovered here I'm sure you'll figure it out, so you can move on to more interesting things, like changing the gravitational constant of the universe How come we have a Spock but no Q? Fascinating.
  17. Believe me young one, when 900 builds you have played, look as good Sacred will not. A severe lack of little green emojis I have just found.
  18. No darkmatters contrast is actually ok for reading, just reading in general takes some time and thereby strains the eye. The only "bad" parts of the theme are the top and bottom parts basically everything with a brighter background for obvious contrast reasons. The light colored skin has good contrast, that is correct however it creates a different problem as my eye generally doesn't like light too much. Just imagine my eye has a broken cable. Eyes are sensitive to light so they try to pass on what light they recognize. The broken cable doesn't allow as much information through as usual and the eye isn't "intelligent" about what to pass on. Therefor the more light the less relevant information makes it through. Dark red and dark blue might be easily distinguishable but bright red and bright blue on a bright background will at some point just be bright and bright on bright. To a certain degree this is the same for healthy people in bright sunlight, that colour contrast might suffer it's just worse for me. And remember that is just on top of all other kinds of "broken cable" stuff. T&he quality of sight is just very bad for me in general and too much light usually makes it worse. There is no science about this damage as far as I know, so all the complicated stuff like which colours I can tell apart and which I can't and why etc. it's just guesswork. It is also affected by how I feel. So smetimes it's better, sometimes it's worse. Oh and it is a lot different from a broken monitor cable because there is a brain on the other end applying massive amounts of aftereffect work. When the brain is missing information in a picture it will just fill it up with what makes sense. That also applies to a certain degree to colours, so I have had something where I knew the colours that was however printed in "shades of grey". When I looked at the print I saw the colours... makes me wonder how much "actual" colorsight I do have... Brains are really freaky stuff. So to summarize, darkmatters should please stay as is. Also reading sucks, sunlight hurts vampires and it's always nice to hear someone cares Just some fun test: moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo moo || From the standard text colour palette available here NR5:"moo" NR11:"moo" maybe NR20:"moo" and of course NR24:"moo" are among the worst to read, and a few others certainly not too great. But only 24 is actually impossible to read. If you however tried to use the others to make a point visible through their colours, forget it. Most don't look that different to one another and I would also not dare to speculate what colours they are supposed to represent. I mean 24 is obviously supposed to be black and the other problem cases 5 and 11 are probably somewhat blue while 20 has definitely a red portion. But what exactly 1,2,3,6,7,8,12,15,17,18,21,22,23 are supposed to be I don't know. I just noticed 24 can be made visible by highlighting the text while highlighting 5 or 11 makes it worse So this was just a fun test for me and to give you a hint on how freaky my eyesight is. To give some information on what that might cause ingame: The way from Silver Creek past the trading post towards the bridge into Porto Vallum is as far as I remember supposed to be some kind of "grey stone" road mostly. It goes across the gobling lawn which is mostly green. It's usually a way I follow whith all of my characters. I know where it starts, I know where it ends and more or less everything in between. Yet I can no longer properly see it. The colour basically doesn't help at all, the "Stone pattern" on the ground is really hard to make out in some spots on the way easier in others. The best indicator wether the way I see is actually the "way" that is there and not a misinterpretation in the grass pattern or something is to listen for the sound my character makes when walking on it. The stone creates a different walking sound. Imagine that Is this a problem? No of course not, you get a feeling for where the way is and when in doubt you can always go "below" the way. You might hit the river first, but it will also guide you to the Porto Vallum bridge. It's just an example for what kinds of things that we usually take for granted like "seeing the road" might suddenly go away whith messed up coloursight. With my small field of view I can also get to the problem of: I hear a goblin shooting arrows at me. But at what part of my screen do I have to look to be able to find that goblin? That thing can be hiding quite well. The power of the alt key at least gives that tiny goblin a large nameplate. That is really great to find the goblins. But when you killed a pack of goblins and you now want to loot, you press the alt key and you get a bunch of items mixed in with all the goblin corpse names. Yes, I know the corpses are grey and the items are not but how does that help me now? I can of course always wait for the corpses to disappear if I have to. Just a bunch of example stuff I just came up with what playing Sacred with my affliction might entail. Don't worry guys it's not gonna keep me away from playing it, but it might explain why I play other games that I have less problems with more. Did I ramble on enough? Yes? Ok, than it's time to conclude with my beloved
  19. Oh, I think I found the hidden message. You want as many as you can get and eventually come out on top of them otherwise you can't get no (dududum) satisfaction
  20. "need" might not be the case here, "want" would depend on build. A trapper darkelf might be able to get "enough" poison mist and testosterone levels form gear but he can also easily reach enough regen reduction that he could eat 255 in poison mist without the regen time feeling "limiting". And of course you can always eat 255 testosterone runes without the reg ever reaching the duration. At least with some regen reduction. But technically the poison mist darkelf can also eat and use 255 runes in adrenalin and both pak-dain and pak-nakor. Does the trapper darkelf "need" all those runes? no. But he might "want" them anyway And then there are builds like bow woodelves that might not want to read more than one rune in multi-hit and thats it. Everything else they get from bonus and they probably never reach enough combat art regen to allow for more eaten runes. They also don't necessarily have any support combat arts worth the effort. Odd. We just stopped in one thread and now I already feel like derailing another
  21. I agree, that when things change not all might be immediatly known/figured out. People may find new strategies. But with Sacred being out for two decades with no major changes, the chances for finding something new are slim. The only reason that chance isn't non-existant is because sacred has never been tzaken apart as thorougly as stuff like diablo 2 and poe and a lot of community knowledge also disappeared with the loss of the official forums and almost all fansites. Very few have the will, patience and restraint to commit to communication until understanding is achieved. "Xeyp the wise" was not an overstatement. You have a very valuable gift. The Underworld isn't that bad, it's got the best levelling spot in the entire game. If he permanently banished us to bronze however that would really suck. After some time progress would get so slow that you might just as well go push
  22. Thx Sethi22 for forcing me to do something good The dwarves flamethrower can also reach cap, so all three cannon combat arts can hit high enough values and they are properly capped so no overflow. They show ever growing tooltip values on the CA but have no actual increase past the cap. The BFG hits the cap and overflows on the CA tooltip, yet the actual damage is also properly capped. That the fireball might reach the cap is purely a guess so far. We would need a high level mage to see if it does and wether it was properly capped or not. I just loaded a darkelf and can confirm poison mist can on really high level reach the cap with its poison portion without testosterone. The CA tooltip is uncapped the inventory screen tooltip overflows and the actual damage does at least not overflow. I could not get the damage high enough to see if it's capped or somehow unlimited. Testosterone works properly and allows for sick damage With Bottomless pit I could also reach a high enough value to prove that its poison damage does not overflow(except for the inventory tooltip). Again, I couldn't find out wether it was capped or unlimited. Testosterone works the same as for poison mist. Bottomless pit would also reach high enough values on its fire portion if properly scaled/leveled. My darkelf was not equipped to do this. He also didn't have explosive charge to test. So again a pure guess would be that explosive blast would be able to hit high enough values, just like with fireball a character to test this is currently not available to me. So those were all skills I ever encountered wher the cap was relevant, but I never had a high and mage or a seraphim using her lightning bolt. Never used the dwarven mines either. I guess they'd work like the cannon skills. No clue wether the woodelf's thorn bush does high enough damage. And the there are the demon's spells, not sure how far you can push those either. Well I guess I did my part now. If anyone has a character that can give us some solid information on all my guesses, please share your experiences. As far as I can tell, the fun in playing Sacred has not been capped in any way, yet I've noticed that there might be some weird diminishing returns formula at work like with the accumulation of survial bonus.
  23. Great I missed that 95 minute window to specaluate on who might find out Moo?
  24. And you managed to show that you can almost perfectly predict the ingame tooltip. Looks great The only thing still missing is shooting something with and without tech lore to see if the difference lands in the right ballpark, "proving" that there is no new "lie" in the character screen. After all we don't expect another "lie" but there was a point in this very thread where you did not expect the first "lie" in the tooltip either. Wow, that was on June 15. One and a half months of quality science and you're still going. Where do you get that energy? Yes, go break whatever you want, you've earned it! This is interesting. Especially Spectral Hand as it is weapon based. So it seems completely random which skills they chose it should apply to. And another thing we didn't know before. Those wiki numbers seem so undisputable until someone actually tests it. Though in this case it might be that the number was from pre expansion times or something, so it might at some point have been correct. Well, you already did a great job proving there is an effect and finding rough limits. Beyond that testing chance-based mechanics would basically require creating large volumes of test data to improve precision. Ultimately the accuracy would still not be perfect and you could at best make a guess if numbers show something close to a "nice" value, that the developers might have chosen. That would all also be based on the assumption that the system used by the game creates accurate and repeatable results for the supposed chance values, meaning that "chance" is properly implemented into the game. All we know here is that it's not far enough off, that we would have noticed it in regular gameplay. Seeing how you have been chasing down rounding issues etc in the damage calculation I don't think you'll ever be happy with the results of testing a chance based mechanic. It would just be lots of work and in the end still be inaccurate. Why can't you fix that? I'm not sure where your lvl 200 characters with no or specific skills chosen come from but I would guess it's a character editor. If that editor had the option to set the survival bonus to 100% I assume you'd already have used that option. Survival Bonus increases with time spent in combat obviously changing more quickly at lower values ruining your tests, but afaik the rate can be somehow modified through the easily accessible game files. If that is true you just either set it to increase at an extremely slow rate and test away with 0% or you would set it to increase super fast and test at 99%+. If I'm wrong about the ability to change the rate you'd have to get your test character to a high enough value so that during testing no measurable changes occur. That can always be achieved by letting a wolf chew on you for a while, whith high enough hp regen of course. That works afk and even with the game running in background so it doesn't necessarily create a lot of extra work. Once a high enough value is achieved backup copies of the character would obviously prevent the need for doing that again.
  25. Thanks for clearing this up. You could get even more information on this if you put all kinds of other things that effect damage like tactics lore/+%dmg and a combat art with another additive +% and a multiplicative +% and see if it all fits your current expectation, just to check that this tech lore multiplier doesn't somewhere else add with something instead of being fully multiplicative. Just an idea as I saw you tested it without any other dmg increases at all. I just pulled together 4 giant quotes from different posts you made on dot stuff to explain a potential mistake. When I was done I found out that I had managed to prove myself wrong in the process. So sad I had to delete all that again So far it's just an alleged reduction of the duration, there's no documented case yet. Spell resist mastery or "-% dot duration" would make sense to cause such a thing. No clue if enemies in an unmodded game can have those. "-% DOT" is confusing as there's also a "dot mitigation" mod that could be meant by that. As far as I know that one again does for dots what normal mitigation does for all damage. The two effects are expected to stack additive for dots making it easier to achieve "immunity" but this has not been thoroughly tested yet. I wonder who might change that I doubt there is a source of equivalent quality where you could have read anything of value about this. The poison and ingnite secondary damage effects are however "damage" that is "calculated" somehow and looking at your track record I have this odd feeling, soon we'll all know exactly how it's being calculated. I doubt that willpower does anything "on its own". No other attribute does either, afaik. The moment I wrote this, I already started wondering wether I was wrong. All known effects of Strength, Dexterity, Stamina, Vitality and Willpower are shown in their tooltip, but intelligence supposedly has a hidden +% crit chance for spell combat arts. Has this ever been tested? Or did I just find another thing that could go on the long list of things to test for the one and only person motivated enough to do so. As always, thank you for doing all the hard work we are to lazy to do ourselves. If Ancaria had a nobel prize I think I know who'd win it.
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