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20 Years of Wyntertyde in Ancaria

From the Sacred 2 Christmas Island Soundtrack
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DarkMatters Sacred Specialist Modder
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Everything posted by SLD
  1. I always expected it to shoot twice, or buggedly thrice, at the same target. It should only ever switch targets, if the first one dies. All my experience in any mod with this skill has been like this. The only thing that I think might change this behaviour is the homing mod. If you doubleshoot while having that one it might home in on 2 different targets instead... 3 +1 matches the numbers from the wiki and at least at low levels I expect them to be accurate. The wiki is at best at CM patch level, so your number from EE is not a nerf, just unchanged. The scaling at higher levels is a different question. I don't have any experience there. I just checked, both in EE and cm patch the CA gets: entry1 = {"et_missile_count", 900, 45, 0, 8 }, and entry5 = {"et_missile_count", 300, 11, 1, 8 }, So projectile number should be exactly identical.
  2. Cheating is always a solution... So in the Diablo 2 Fallen mod the "barbarian" class, which is basically a reworked shadow warrior can use its jump skill with infinite distance. So all you got to do is turn the camera low and aim faaaaaar away and you'll just jump out of the active game zone. For example. you could jump from the dryad island harbour over to the turtle island with the poison lord... The game will lag a bit and then the camera will catch up and everything is fine again. The jump doesn't take extra time for the extra distance, so it's definitely the fastest possible movement in the game that doesn't involve some kind of portal. But as jumping is neither walking nor running I don't see it at all connected to this speed cap discussion... It is certainly waaay faster then the speed cap discussed here.
  3. Defense is the stat that is compared to the enemies attack rating, to determine their chance to hit you with an attack. It has no effect on the actual damage you take when you do get hit. exactly that. There is one debatable thing about the spell resistance skill, it's mastery bonus. That one might be useful under certain circumstances. I have never really tried incorporating that one into a build though and it would certainly not be taken to reduce damage, more like a utility thing... I also just checked, in EE with challenge mode winning the spell resist check still lowers the damage of that spell by 30%. Yes. The spell resistance from willpower is a base value for the same thing that the spell resistance skill increases by a %. This spell resistance is somehow compared to the attackers "spell intensity"(provided by their Intelligence etc.) whenever you are hit by a spell to determine wether the 30% damage reduction happens or not. Actually, I think he struggles because he's playing EE with challenge mode My Blacksmith at level 101 struggles his way through platin right now...
  4. If by "slots" you mean the number of sockets, there is only one thing effecting socket numbers on set items and that is the difficulty they are from. More precisely, there are a few sets that have less sockets on them when acquired in bronze. Those are afaik the vanilla game ones that start at lvl 15, but it might be more, or less. At least for the SW denderan, armantin and lucreti are all crap in bronze. That is one of the reasons why I would never play bronze. The banner has no mod that reduces damage. I don't think there are kobolds with fireballs. Afaik the shamans have some kind of poison spell, but what really made these guys significantly more dangerous is that the cm patch made their staves shoot projectiles. They have a high firing rate and do quite some damage in the early game. When they choose to shoot at least, which they luckily don't do most of the time. Spell resistance can only ever win you the "spell resist check". When you do that you take 70% instead of full damage in the base game. Might be a bit better in EE, I don't know. But the point is, you are usually not guaranteed to win that and when you do it's still not really worth it. Against Spells that do "hit" damage, like a meteor shower or the spell projectile from a kobold, you can have armor of the correct armor type and mitigation of the correct damage type. Against Spells that do "damage over time" like the ppoison plant versions or the spitting spiders, mitigation works the same, armor does nothing, but here you can also use "-% damage over time" mods on gear. All of those defensive options are better than spell resistance, as they are reliable. They always work, though I know that depending on the game version, it might not be as easy to get enough of them at early points in the game. I know that EE challenge mode is challenging as I'm currently playing my blacksmith under those rules, I will see what "the wet poodle" can do when my blacksmith is ready. But that will be far in the future as I at least want to reach niobium with the smith first. I don't have low level set items flying around after all, so the poodle will still have a harder time than your characters... There are still the options of stamina and dexterity. I would go with one of those. should you do that, remember that you promised: the wet poodle is mine
  5. Nah, I would never take spell resistance or vitality The level of the set items doesn't effect the set bonus at all. Only character level and difficulty.
  6. He can't. Alternate Spells replaces Shadow Veil.
  7. Phew! You almost destroyed my secret build plans there. So I will reveal them now. While I'm stuck on my blacksmith project, all I really wanted to build in EE was "The Wet Poodle". You came awfully close to ruining that plan Sadly I still can't get started on him, as the blacksmith just barely reached platinum yet...
  8. The first post already links to the entire step by step playthrough. And this is the download thread for the character so anyone wanting to look at details, she's ready to be downloaded. I also made a video overview of the gear and stats that you already uploaded. "Windows 10 sollte keinen Einfluss auf deine Meteore haben. Ich weiß leider nicht was da bei dir schief läuft." would be my answer to that. Did you read all three PMs I sent you? So far you only uploaded the second half, did not rename the playlist to make it match the new content, did mess up the order again and did not include the last video. I'm sure we're gonna get there someday Not at the moment. I am working on my Blacksmith, but I don't see any use in making videos of him. I'm pretty sure that is not gonna happen.
  9. Wow, that's like an entire herd... Let me visualize that for a moment: That looks like an ammammamazing party! Ammammamoo looks really happy there, next to her grand-Sun Gogo
  10. Ah ok, I did not consider the possibility of removing the cap Now it all makes sense
  11. Does it have to be Dimitriy? I've seen Eru show some magical superpowers at revealing the inner workings of the game, maybe he could help you?
  12. I am not sure what you meant with this. Is this supposed to confirm or contradict the rest of your post? My confusion comes from not understanding what "it takes ~2 seconds to cross the screen at trackdist 2000." means. Would that be "slow"(confirm) or "fast"(contradict)?
  13. If you plan on using the weapon with spectral hand and no other way, I would not pick hafted weapons at all. But if you don't have any better idea what to pick and end up with a bunch of +allskills, which I usually don't have, than you can of course pick anything. Yes and those questions and the resulting answers are what lurkers read, so they can appear smarter than you. Look at it this way: You are a pioneer! You create new questions and answers where none have been before.
  14. yes. You can summon the mount in any underground environment, with the CM Patch. But you still fall off your mount on cave entrances etc. Directly riding into caves is something dimitrius made possible with his addendum and supposedly, though I haven't tested that yet, it is also added in the new beta version 16 of D2F. In EE for example you still have to go into caves on foot and summon the mount inside. In the base game of course, tigers aren't allowed indoors. They need wide open spaces, so squeezing them into tiny basements would be cruel and abusive. I guess I was afraid. The point is, divine protection doesn't last long enough for all of them. Without it I am not well protected to elemental damage and the guardians do quite a lot of that. The video was supposed to be as short as possible, so waiting for divine protection between the guardians was not an option. So I decided to carefully kill them at a distance. Not relevant in this case, but technically you can pull them all out of the room. It also prevents them from restoring their energy shield via the "Egg". Back in the base game where people had :eek:ty characters, a guardian fight could take long enough for it deciding to generate a new full shield from the egg. That was annoying. Outside the room the egg is too far away for that to happen. Well the mount has a regen penalty just like a buff. It can also have a regen bonus but only to the aspect it belongs to. So the penalty is mostly felt on the other two aspects or all three aspects if you get a non-aspect mount. Not sure in what game versions those non-aspect ones exist, but I think at least they were present in pre addon original Sacred 2. The mount regen penalty can be lowered with the riding skill. So the mount is basically a "buff" and the riding skill is its aspect focus Yes, that's how it always has been, since the CM Patch. And before it was half as many shots but still the same animations. The odd thing about ric's character is the on foot style being so weird. And that is Flix's doing from EE specifically.
  15. Why do you host a wiki and then ask others to link its content to you? Somehow I feel I've seen a mod where it can be modded for area damage. But as the wiki says, the base game doesn't allow for that. Sadly I can't remember what mod might have an area option here, or maybe I just dreamed that up So the hand is quick, but it needs to be used against every single enemy. Technically, I think you can get away with any weapon, or even empty handed. But yes, the damage is based on that weapon and that means you want something that does damage there. Now there is a caveat for the base game, not sure if any mod fixes this, but dual wielding in the base game is not a good idea here. The execution time(animation) would become longer, but you still only hit once. So don't use Spectral Hand with dual wield. No he does not hate the aspect. He hates minions in all Sacred games(1 and 2) , because he can kill ten enemies and walk a whole screen, before the minion has decided wether it wants to attack something or not. He doesn't like using spells in Sacred 2 because the game isn't well balanced around them, meaning the most op offense stats can't be used with them. That alone didn't keep me away from caster characters, but the totem definitely is not a spell I would use. I don't like cooldowns. And on top of that, why place a totem that slowly shoots single enemies in range, when you can just skip the totem, shoot the enemies yourself and move on faster. Also, I can move, the totem cannot. For me this just disqualifies both of these totem type skills, the one from the SW and the one from the Dryad. There are no long, drawn out battles in Sacred 2 where such skills would make sense. So now we covered the 2 summoning skills and the one damage spell in the aspect and the reasons why I don't like those. Then there's the Spectral Hand. It is a nice and different way of building an offensive attack, but you already need the other aspects for the useful buffs, so it is kinda an extra investment to get it into a visible build, that needs/wants the defensive buffs. And that leaves us with Shadow Veil. That one is certainly an option in all game version where you can become perfectly invisible and when going that route, the Hand is also a viable and efficient choice, but invisibility comes with downsides as well. First, as far as I know, you have to be visible for the guardians to become vulnerable. If they don't see you they just remain in their waiting phase. Second, enemies don't aggro on you, so they don't follow you, or make you aware of their presence. Especially for someone almost blind like me that just means that more enemies will be skipped unnoticed. And third, when wearing a melee weapon you can accidentally end your invisibility with a left click. If you properly skipped all defensive skills and gear mods, this will almost always lead to your demise. Another thing that like the second might effect me more than others, as accidentally clicking on something I did not notice might happen quite often to me. So I don't hate the aspect. I just dislike most of the CAs contained in it. There are more such aspects in the game I played the invisible version back in the day. But the lacking aggro already annoyed me back then. The Spectral Hand on a visible build is something I have actually considered as a potentially quite good CA for mods like EE where you can get high enough cast speed on it, that the single target nature would no longer be that limiting. Honestly I never cared about attack ratings. Usually weapon based combat arts give some attack value bonus, not sure if that is an increase or a flat value. I guess it's the former. Spectral Hand,Magic Coup and Archangel's Wrath might have a flat bonus on top or just a flat bonus, I don't know. It just doesn't feel like it matters. The combination of "-%opponent's chance to evade" and "+%chance opponents cannot evade" will solve all hit chance problems eventually. I always go with those things. If you really need flat attack value, you can get that from gear as well. In mods that make enemies really hard to hit that can certainly help a lot. Yes, all the attribute scaling mechanics would work with it the usual way. But it probably won't make nice lightsaber sounds when "handing". As the creator of EE at the time of it's creation had no clue on how attribute damage actually worked, I would guess he did not change anything about the mechanic itself. So it should work there as well. moohahahahaha
  16. Maybe not in the orc cave, but when killing bosses it does a lot of damage...
  17. Expect months/years. The project awaits the return of Dimitrius154 who has for unknown reasons not logged in since January. I second that one and raise the Sakkara - to the chopping block. The Sakkara is also a summon... I am not sure if that holds true for EE. And if it does not, I would not suggest playing anything with shadow veil. If the perfect permanent invisibility is still achievable I would however also agree with dumping all the defensive skills except for armor lore. I would argue the other way around for sticking with the hand that can use %leech and duno the useless tower. In that case, I would also dump tactics lore and hafted weapons and if you really want to use all the skills you plan to upgrade via tactics lore, use the two focus skills instead. The only god power I ever found useful was the reflect one(inspiration?). It is also buffed in EE. But for an invisible build that wouldn't matter either. As you brought up the topic of escort quests, I guess you already know more about this than I do. I don't really play quests and escorts would probably really suck with an invisible character, making them draw all the aggro... On the build in general, I think I already pointed out most of the things I would do differently. But it's all based on wether it still keeps you perfectly safe in EE. If it does not I would drop the entire invisibility thing and make a proper character. If you choose to make this character please tell us if the perma invisibility really works in EE and there are no monsters that can reveal you anyway etc.
  18. I just found out, that in Sacred 2 the "warning level" cannot be adjusted. Another thing that confused me here and probably caused confusion on your end with my questions/worduing It is adjustable in Sacred 1. That is also where I got the name "warning level" from. Sometimes the nose is wrong
  19. It's at level 82 right now. I just wanted to inform about a probably lag induced problem that occurs when playing on the xrystal realm. There is no measurable lag to be felt but my melee sw when trying to us demonic blow often times "stutter steps" to close the gap towards an enemy, meaning instead of properly walking up and then attack, he makes a tiny step, waits a relatively long time, then makes another tiny step until he gets in range. He gets there, yes, but you basically have to break the target hold or wait far longer than usual to reach the next enemy. Nothing game breaking, but certainly an annoyance, so if anyone makes a char to mostly play on the xrystal servers keep this potential problem in mind. It doesn't happen when I play locally. Also, with both Xrystal and me located in germany I guess anyone else on the planet will probably rather run into more problems of this kind than less. @xrystal, other than that, there were no "server side" problems that I could find and I don't expect this one to be fixable. So your servers run great under single player load. As for other players I only ever saw 2 other people stuck in a campaign game. I did not want to bother them(and couldn't because they played shadow campaign ), but I did notice that the lobby overview still showed their server as 0/5 players. There may be a bug here. Solo I can't check wether I "count" while in a game.
  20. That would already put vanilla characters over the cap with movespeed gear, right? 190x1.5=285>250? Or is the 250 cap a pre bonus one and the 300 post bonus?
  21. Ah, that was my misunderstanding. The turbo wolf is unneccessary then. I mistakenly assumed the hitpoints would only ever go up when the tooltip was updated, so I thought the wolf could hit multiple times in a row always lowering your hp, as the regen would not yet be visible. Under that mistaken assumption he could "kill" you before you know that you have regenerated life. That also led to the question of wether the danger level ping could happen without actually reaching that low amount. All of this has been cleared up now, as every hit properly updates the health bar to the actual value. Thanks!
  22. You're talking to that insane guy, who decided to make a smith for the community, with no prior gear, purely on challenge mode
  23. Are you sure you turned the challenge mode back on?
  24. thank you! Could you make sure that constitution mastery and tg shield regen follow the same mechanics? I just want this stuff settled once and for all Such conspiracy theories are hard to debunk Thanks for the info on how the tooltip/red bar update. That explains a lot of the symptoms. What happens if you had like a 16k regen and a 4k damage wolf that hits like 3,5 times per second? Would that really lead to the health bar being "overdepleted"? Also, is the health danger indicator ping thingy that tells you that you reached below "warning level" based on reality or the red bar?
  25. I was already wondering why your forum avatar was gone. Well now you're shining in a new light

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