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Posts posted by idbeholdME
  1. 13 hours ago, SLD said:

    Map exploration shows its mf bonus ingame(exploration/4). Is there a source for the other two having any effect on mf?

    Loading tip says SB has an effect on it. Not visible in game.

    As for difficulty levels, it's mostly observation. I always notice a marked increase in rare drops. Or it could be that higher level enemies have an intrinsic bonus to drop rates. So say a level 1 enemy has a 0.5% chance to drop a yellow item, which can go up to say 1.5% on a level 150 enemy. Used example numbers, but you get the gist. One of the two is definitely happening. Generally, the further your character is along the enemy level/difficulty curve, the better the drops seem to get.

    • Thanks! 1
  2. On 8/30/2024 at 5:15 PM, Hooyaah said:

    The CM Patch is already included in the GOG version of Sacred 2 Gold.

    It is not. You get the regular install version.

    On 9/1/2024 at 6:02 AM, SLD said:

    I don't know how GoG versions work, so I consider it possible that a recent(past three years) change to the GoG version included the cm-patch.

    GOG provides the version of Ice & Blood with the latest official patch. Nothing is pre-installed and you can freely choose what you go with, be it CM Patch, PFP, EE or anything else.


    On 9/1/2024 at 11:09 PM, SLD said:

    at least that one is easy to answer. Always on. :)

    Unless you are playing a triple aspect build, which is entirely possible. Not being able to use CAs instantly from various trees because using one triggers a mini cooldown on all your other trees too can be quite detrimental. But I doubt the OP is going to go a triple-aspect build :D 

    On 8/30/2024 at 3:56 PM, Jacek said:

    And I remember sth about m,odyfying a .txt file to get better drops - can u pls remind me the trick?

    Easily done in balance.txt. Open it and find this:

      ZRareExpectation15 = 2,
      ZRareExpectation14 = 6,
      ZRareExpectation13 = 14,
      ZRareExpectation12 = 16,
      ZRareExpectation11 = 24,
      ZRareExpectation10 = 34,
      ZRareExpectation09 = 46,
      ZRareExpectation08 = 58,
      ZRareExpectation07 = 72,
      ZRareExpectation06 = 88,
      ZRareExpectation05 = 106,
      ZRareExpectation04 = 124,
      ZRareExpectation03 = 144,
      ZRareExpectation02 = 166,
      ZRareExpectation01 = 456,
      ZRareExpectation00 = 1000,


    Those are the drop rates for various rarities. 15 is legendary, 14 is rarer sets and uniques, 13 is most sets and uniques. The numbers represent a % chance of the rarity dropping. The list goes sequentially. So it first checks "Did rarity 15 (0.2% chance) roll? If not, proceed to 14. Did rarity 14 (0.6% chance) roll? If not, proceed to 13" and so on. The 1000 for 00 is just a safeguard for when all previous rolls fail, the game gives you a trash (grey) item. You will pretty much stop seeing these as you get Chance to Find Valuables for Survival Bonus, Map Explored % and going up difficulties. However, there is a hardcoded limitation on legendary drops (rarity 15) - only enemies with dangerclass 9 or 10 can drop them. This pretty much includes only bosses.

    Anything below 15 however, is fair game from most enemies. Chance to Find Valuables increases these numbers. Don't go too overboard, because if you consistently succeed rolls for rarities 15 or 14, you will stop seeing blue or even yellow items completely and be flooded only with sets and uniques.


    And finally, as for a good starting char, can't go wrong with High Elf. Just pick Fire or Ice, support it with Delphic Arcania and you should be able to steamroll pretty much everything. Fire is more offensive and easy to use, Ice is more defensive and requires good positioning and spell placement/targetting to play to its full potential. High Elf also has the only CA in the game, that has absolutely no drawbacks in pumping to 200 runes as soon as possible, it being Grand Invigoration. Plus you get to look at a scantily clad and lean elven lady :drool:Bonus points for picking the Shadow campaign - the snark levels are through the roof :devil:

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  3. The spawns can be tweaked for each sector of the map, but it has to be done manually, is quite time consuming and won't happen on the fly. I don't think there is a way to do what you describe. You'd have to clear an area in the game and once you quit, go the the sector definitions (denoted by coordinates) which correspond to the area you just cleared (an area can have dozens of them, the entire map is mechanically split into squares), adjust the spawns (completely remove them or reduce them) and only then resume the game. And you'd have to do this each time for every character and for every area while also juggling numerous spawn.txt files based on your progress through the game.

    The spawn delay in balance.txt just makes it so that enemies won't respawn in the same session, but they will of course be back when you quit and re-enter the game.

    • Thanks! 1
  4. On 8/27/2024 at 10:58 PM, Maneus said:

    When you did your tests, do you remember if the creatures were at or above level 225? @idbeholdME

    Sorry for the hiatus. RL got in the way.

    For Spell Resistance, I only tested enemy DoTs vs player skill. The moment I mastered it on a character, DoTs started to get reduced.

    As for enemy skill levels, I always based it off of enemies with Ancient Magic. Who seemingly start penetrating a huge chunk of damage mitigation long before 225 and assumed all enemy skill levels thus behave the same. Should be pretty easy to test with the small red dragons in the dragon caves that shoot homing fireballs and a character with very high fire mitigation. Those have Ancient Magic (not the green ones). The only other option besides a couple bosses is near the end of the game, with the Elite Temple Guardians that throw Fire Traps, no other regular enemies have it.

    On 8/28/2024 at 8:09 PM, Maneus said:

    Burning and poison appear to work the same. But the different "wound" effects are an entirely different mechanic that I'll need to look into. It's best to ignore my previous posts when it comes to these effects.

    Wounds used to work the same as other secondary damage effects in the vanilla Sacred 2 if I remember correctly. However, with Ice & Blood, Wounds can only happen if given either through a Combat Art mod, or by bonuses from gear. It can't happen simply by dealing physical damage anymore. Wiki used to say that it was the same as all others, but I went over the relevant sections a while back and added that Wound effects work differently.


    20 hours ago, Maneus said:

    Edit: Left-click attacks use both weapons. The normal animation consists of two hits - one with the right hand weapon, and one with the left hand weapon, in that order. The triple attack animation does two hits with the left hand weapon, followed by one hit with the right hand weapon. Don't know if there are any other animations, and whether this is true for all character classes.

    Indeed. This always bothered me. They were able to make normal attacks cycle weapons, but not Combat Arts. Which also causes visual confusion, because the animations do perform hits with both weapons visually.

    Meaning that my originally planned Damage Lore focused Inquisitor build was relegated to mostly a left-click build in order to apply poison and fire damage secondary effects regularly. Ended up working quite well, but a lot of power was lost due to CAs only using the main weapon. Always had to use a CA to apply the main weapon one and then left click to apply the off-hand effect, which was considerably weaker because of that.

    And as for the triple attack animation - the chance for it to happen increases as you put points into the relevant weapon lore skill.


    As for the conversion stuff, never toyed around with non-weapon conversions much. Damage conversion gloves are quite rare in the first place and never really found a good use for them. Either way, some very interesting reading on the topic :)


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  5. On 8/21/2024 at 4:18 PM, SLD said:

    interesting, but it would also be just ~33% of the whole ca 

    I think that might be correct. A lot of the game's math uses 1000 as base and adds any bonuses to that base. Combine 1000 physical and 500 poison portions and out of that total, you get exactly one third poison damage. The game uses this method in places where it doesn't want you to reach 100% values, e.g. diminishing returns, like for cooldown reductions. The only real exception to this is damage mitigation, which always stacks additively up to and over 100% (for the purposes of interacting with Ancient Magic Mastery).

    I assume that if the conversion token value was 1000, it'd result in 50% conversion. 2000 would result in 66.6% conversion. 3000 in 75% conversion and so on.

    Wiki used to be full of this. Someone looked at the token, saw 500 and wrote absolute 50%, when in reality, it's 33% relative. Fixed that for most Shadow Warrior and Seraphim CAs when I was playing them.

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  6. On 8/17/2024 at 11:37 PM, Maneus said:

    CreatureSkillLevel = FLOOR(CreatureLevel / 3)

    Still unconvinced by this, because enemies with Ancient Magic do get the mitigation penetration bonus from Mastery at high levels. The small red dragons with homing Fireballs and Elite Temple Guardians that throw fire traps are extremely deadly in late Niobium because of that, even if you have heavily stacked mitigation.

    So it either works diffeferently for different skills or once again, is a change caused by the PFP.

  7. Just a note:

    A lot of things are hardcoded in the .dll files and can't be changed in the script files. Things like spell classes, what tokens can be applied to what or even the behavior of the tokens themselves.

    So it seems that the magic and poison DoTs were programmed differently than the other elements.

    Also regarding DoTs, they are unaffected by armor, can't crit or cause secondary effects and are not subject to the Spell Intensity/Spell Resistance check. They are affected by damage mitigation, which reduces the total duration, but not tick damage, besides the final one (50% reduction will cause 2 full damage ticks and one half tick). And as far as I can tell, Willpower has no effect on built-in spell DoTs, only actual secondary damage effects.

  8. 13 hours ago, Maneus said:

    These parameterers from balance.txt are also used to determine the damage based on the item tier. In my previous post, I was using a tier 13 item and that is where the constant 12.9 came from.

    If I remember correctly, this acts as a multiplier on all the values of the item (damage, bonuses). Meaning a tier 13 rare will have 29% higher values, than a same level tier 1 white item.

  9. 9 hours ago, SLD said:

    well, wearing many items with "+1 to all skills" never results in an extra point beyond that, therefore the value shown is also the value applied. The decimal part does however matter if you socket an item with "+1 to all skills" into a silver/gold socket. Those sockets increase the modifier values by a small percentage that for "large enough +1s" can reach +2.

    7.5% for silver sockets, 15% for gold sockets.

    For All Skills, yes, you have to break through the next whole number for the bonus to increase, so 7.99 will still give you only 7 to All Skills. Always important to check the bonus value in silver vs gold sockets to maximize gains and not waste a gold slot for basically nothing.


    Regarding CtfV, I'd be interested in:

    1) Why at Mastery, it's shown as 2 values.

    2) I suspect the lower value is general CtfV, which works on everything while the (4 or 5, can't check at the moment) times higher value only works on lootable containers and not enemy kills.


    Because it they were both the general CtfV, it would improve loot quality from kills much more noticeably. There are also some notes regarding this skill in the script files, where it does say something specifically about lootable containers IIRC.


    Another thing that I've been wondering about: Chance to bypass armor. I always assumed it only worked on weapon attacks and CAs, but not spells. Never actually got around to testing it. Could probably be done by using an item with the stat (preferably unique) and massively increasing the value in blueprint.txt do that it's 100%+ while giving a specific enemy ludicrous amounts of armor and just testing it.

  10. 16 hours ago, SLD said:

    You don't give any explanation as to how you get this. I guess you have bonus points. But you would have to use the full number of points pre reduction acording to this:

    so your calculation is off and as I don't know the number of bonus points you have I can't tell what the correct values would be.

    Assuming we do have to use the runes read = BaseCombatArtLevel, which in the previous example would have been 125, we get a result (6723) that is further off from the tooltip in-game (6751). The original discrepancy is also maybe caused due to having a fractional CA level. The game is also finnicky when it comes to rounding those. It could easily be either 125.81 or 125.89.

    16 hours ago, SLD said:

    I do not understand how you can come to this conclusion. At higher Levels a character is expected to have access to higher attribute values. But also:Higher Level weapons have a higher base damage. So for attacks if you had no "diminishing returns" on the attribute effectiveness 1000 str would add the same relative amount on lvl 1 and a lvl 200 weapon yet its supposed to give about the same absolute amount.

    Simply in-the-field experience. At later levels with high level weapons, the damage increases from STR and DEX are basically meaningless, with the base value of attrWdam_fact being as low as it is. Try it yourself with the character editor. Give yourself 500 free points, pump strength and see how slowly the damage goes up when you have a character with level 150+ and have a 175+ level weapon.

    The lower level weapons actually do gain much higher attribute bonuses. As can be seen from the table, a level 1 weapon will get roughly 12 times more effective increase in damage from the relevant attribute than a level 200 one. Even then, due to the very low value of attrWdam_fact, the increases are still irrelevant. A single flat damage ring will give you the damage equal to a couple hundred strength points. There is no realistic scenario where putting that point into vitality, stamina or even willpower won't give incomparably more to your character.

    Here is a video from a level 200 character with a level 242 weapon (shown at the end of the video), where I dump over 100 points into strength. Strength goes up from 684 to 868 and the tooltip bonus goes up from 347 to 441 and the minimum damage of basic weapon attack goes up by a mere 78 points.


    Even tried removing the converter to check whether Strength only increases the physical damage or something but no, the damage increases at the same speed even without the converter.

    As for STR and DEX bonuses not being multipled by extra damage, performed a very easy check - Battle Stance with the Aggression mod, which currently gives my character +453.8% extra damage. The value of the STR bonus did not change before and after activating it. So no, they do not scale with % bonuses and are just added additively to the final result, not even the base weapon damage like rings, but just a flat + after all other calculations are done. Meaning irrelevant in the later stages of the game. This is at least how it works with the PFP.

    One of 2 things was done in Ice & Blood:

    1) Either they disabled the attribute bonus scaling with % bonuses (most likely)

    2) They somehow changed the formula for it.

    Either way, it used to be viable to put points into STR and DEX before Ice & Blood release and you could meaningfully increase damage with them. So much so in fact, that it was deemed worth nerfing (into oblivion) in the expansion.

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  11. 7 hours ago, gogoblender said:

    I dont think I've seen pelting strikes at a super high level... is there a video somewhere.. is it any fun?

    Don't have a video on hand. But it doesn't even have to be high level. If you play with CM Patch, just get enough Regen per Hit to fully reset Pelting Strikes, max your attack speed and just spam the button. You can get a nearly endless stream of projectiles.

    As for fun, not really. Maybe for a while, but the game just turns into "everything just dies instantly", which can get boring quick.

    Shadow Warrior with ranged Scything Sweep can also double as a shotgun. Particularly fun with the hurl enemies mod + it has a knockback by default. And it's a bit more balanced, as it can fire at most 3 projectiles, given there are at least 3 targets. Meaning you can't just hose down singular enemies like bosses.

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  12. On 6/5/2024 at 5:45 AM, steinerrr said:

    Try a ranged Seraphim with pistols or BFG using Pelting Strikes, combined with Regeneration per hit on a couple rings on character she is a machinegun. Its pretty ridiculous really and not very balanced ). Double hits dont matter, just Pelting Strikes.

    Depends on the patch/mod you play really. In Vanilla and PFP for example, Pelting Strikes only fires 2 projectiles per execution with ranged weapons. In CM Patch and probably a couple other mods, it's like 4 IIRC.

  13. Whatever you do, make sure you play in a window. For whatever reason, the fade in/out transitions to/from black, like on loading screens, tend to get stuck on the display for 10+ seconds when the game is running in fullscreen, even if the loading is long finished and the game is already running in the background. Seems to be some screen refreshing issue tied to the engine behavior. This goes completely away if you play in a window. That should solve the vast majority of critical issues (other than the occasional crashes of course).

    • Thanks! 1
  14. 5 hours ago, Maneus said:

    I'm curious, did you look at what is displayed in the inventory screen, or the actual damage - the floating numbers when you hit enemies? My tests above suggest that there is a difference between the two. In the inventory screen, yes, the attribute bonus is not multiplied by any percentage bonuses (Tactics Lore, +X% damage rings and whet blacksmith arts, the % bonus from pelting strikes, etc.). It might be multiplied by the et_mult_weapondamage - I will do more tests with combat arts to figure these things out. But when it comes to actual damage dealt, the floating numbers suggest that the attribute bonus is multiplied by all of the percentage bonuses. Unless the floating numbers are misleading too, which is something that I plan to test too.

    As for testing with weapons instead of with fists - I'll post some results soon :)



    Just the tooltip. Couldn't really do mild tests because because it was on my fully built level 200 character. So wouldn't really notice a difference between 60K damage and 60.3K damage with the big weapon spread.


    But it seems like it'd be pretty easy to test. Just pump Strength to ridiculous levels through character editor, equip some % damage bonuses and then check whether the damage went up by the difference on the attribute tooltip or a lot more.

    Also, there is a hidden level scaling for the effectiveness of the attribute bonus based on the weapon level. The higher the weapon level, the less effective the damage bonus from the attribute. Theoretically, if you equipped 2 weapons which were exactly the same other than item level, the higher level item would get lower damage bonus from the attribute. IIRC, this change was introduced in Ice & Blood. In vanilla Sacred 2, the attribute bonuses to weapon damage did actually scale.

    It is also possible that the PFP adjusted some weapon calculation logic when it comes to the tooltips and the tooltips actually show the correct values. I know for certain that putting points into Strength or Dexterity for the purposes of weapon damage has next to no effect on the overall damage, even with massive damage bonuses equipped, which made me pretty sure the bonus is just flatly added after all calculations.

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  15. The level difference bonus depends mostly on the color of the circle the enemies have under them. The paler the circle, the higher the damage bonus, reaching max when it becomes fully white. Same the other direction and deep purple. The acutal levels for the min and max vary depending on character level.

    As for attribute bonuses, do a test with weapons. I wouldn't be surprised if fists were a special case scenario and the behavior was different for actual weapons. I am 99% sure it's just additive. Even just tested. Pumped 100 points into Strength, the Weapon damage bonus increased by 68 and the tooltip damages went up by basically the same amount. Slightly more for Pelting Strikes, so if anything, Strength bonus gets multiplied by the et_mult_weapondamage of a given CA. Definitely not % bonuses, because I tested on a character with nearly a 1000% bonus to damage.

    Although..... I'm on the PFP patch. If you arrive at a different conclusion in the full vanilla game, then it's yet another thing that is different. Eagerly awaiting results.

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