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Everything posted by chattius

  1. We bought a second hand tandem and a kids trailer (which could transform into a tri-cycle) last summer when our 3rd suffered from borelliosis. It summed up to like 1700 euro. The 2 older's had their cross country racing bikes with a frame as old as 25 years (guess who was driving them then). We added the trailer with the third on our tandem and put the twins in transport bags and each of us parents attached one of the twins to either the back ot the belly. We call the type of tandem Stufentandem, (Stufe = Step), picture is similiar but a bit older modell: We had luck that we got it with a wind shield,so we could put the twins out of the wind. The old owner had a handicapped wife who sadly diseased and it was modified that the front person could use the hand and not the arms adding power. We transformed it back, so that the front person can be in any size from 120 to 190 centimetres and can use normal pedals. We found some picture seeing how such a bike can be driven by 2 adults or by an adult and a kid, or 2 teenagers, ... Very flexible we thought When we drove on country roads most cars slowed speed and wondered about our caravan, without getting angry, mainly smiling. The trailer looked a bit like this one, you can attach a third wheel easily so that it will be a tri-cycle. And the child can add to the power in its own speed, individual gears for the chain driving the trailer wheels. When we found the picture we considered it a good long time investigation to buy such a tandem with a fitting trailer. As you can see both drivers can see the street, can easily talk with each other and can even kiss at low speed (proved ) So we considered to buy a second one , but prices at ebay exploded, and new ones cost about 5000 euro and more. Who told the secret that such a bike allows kissing? The second hand one we have is from Hase-Bikes in germany. I know that Bilenky in america builds something similiar, but in no way cheaper. We know people who own a Strada: But they are from flat netherlands and don't have the many hills. The Hase Pino weights no more than 18kilo. The Strada is nice, because the front person has not the frightening feeling and fear for the first drives that it will have no control over the bike. and sitting above the wheel. But too heavy Anyone knowing other manufacturers?
  2. BUG? I just take magic coup as an example: mgr.defineSpell( "he_ar_magischerschlag", { ... entry0 = {"et_mult_weapondamage", 1200, 2, 0, 9 }, entry1 = {"et_AW_rel", 500, 20, 0, 5 }, entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 200, 350, 0, 5 }, ... I really wonder if nearly ALL weapon Combat Art's have a way to high hit chance. Now Regeneration per Hit is working so you can have a weapon Combat Art near or above the malus. With a mastered weapon skill at 200 you get like 378 base attack value. With magic coup at 100 you will get 3520 base attack value. It seems there is a factor of 10 wrong, if I translate it to 20+35/level. Currently weapon skills are not really needed once the combat art's are high. Or is the base attack value from a weapon skill too low? There is stuff which has +300 attack value at level 200. P.S.: The weapon damage multiplier has a flag 8 too, marking it as can't be raisen by equipment?
  3. Compared with a weapon skill this seem to be really really high, or? Magic coup for example has: entry1 = {"et_AW_rel", 500, 20, 0, 5 }, entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 200, 350, 0, 5 }, it gives even a tiny x% attack value. About a year back, not knowing the spells.txt, I asked a developer in the GSF if combat arts would have a hidden hit chance. Because even CtH showed only 70% for normal attacks I was hitting all the time with my melee elf. They said, yes, there is a hidden chance. That was the time I gave up on weapon skills for my melee elves. I think that: entry2 = {"et_baseAW", 20, 35, 0, 5 }, would be a more balanced entry. Given that you can reach really high Combat Art-levels now with rph. The attack value at 200 weapon lore is less than you get with 20 Combat Art-levels. Hybrid Combat Art's: magic coup, archangel's wrath, shadow hand. There the attack speed is from the magic lore, no double hits possible, the malus from a too high leveled weapon doesn't count since it's useless attack speed and even the attack value doesn't matter out of the above reason. If you look at my visible astral lord, or at my lady in black, no weapon skill used anymore.
  4. mgr.defineSpell( "boss_flyerbase_blitze", { ... tokens = { entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 4, 0, 8 }, entry1 = {"et_hits_persec", 1000, 0, 0, 4 }, entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_magic", 350, 175, 0, 133 }, }, ... mgr.defineSpell( "boss_crystal_explosion", { ... tokens = { entry0 = {"et_life_leech", 170, 85, 0, 9 }, entry1 = {"et_spelldamage_ice", 700, 350, 0, 133 }, entry2 = {"et_range_area", 300, 0, 0, 4 }, entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 700, 350, 0, 133 }, }, ... Duration and life leech damage can't be modified by anything, or? Could 8 mean that there will be no check if it is boosted by items? Hit's per sec and area range have blanc 4, another thing I have to put more thoughts in. Wonder what a 32+1 or a 32+4+1 will do with the buff. mgr.defineSpell( "enemy_spawn_sandpeople_grp", { ... tokens = { entry0 = {"et_summon_officer", 900, 395, 0, 8 }, entry1 = {"et_summon_soldier", 2500, 267, 0, 8 }, entry2 = {"et_summon_mylevel", 4, 1, 0, 4 }, entry3 = {"et_sacrifice_health_rel", 2000, 0, 0, 17 }, }, ... Other blanc 8's which can't be modified by anything. The sacrifice health is 16+1. Start to wonder what 16 might be.
  5. Edit: obviously I was typing this while Meister Czevak was ansering already Since the calling of the spell routines is hard coded and can't be modified by editing a script: All you can do is: If you play single player/LAN: Modify exisiting spells in a way you like. That is what I did with horse combat arts for my daughters. I did a script they had to do before starting a character which was loading the changed spells.txt and creatures.txt: depending if they wanted to play with flame horses, unicorns or normal horses. Community Patch and hoping that it gets a real patch: You can only use and modify stuff which was planed for future AddOn's and unlock it or which is already in (but then it will be only bugs which would be fixed, no changing into different spells). Some set's, unique's, quest's.... You can edit the scripts of existing combat arts/ enemies if you think that they are really buggy. Combat Art's used in the dragon mage transformations Demon champ mage's, crystal boar(?), ... Cvevak invited me to join the community-patch team. If I would join the community-patch team I would have access to their documentation. But I won't do promises I can't keep. I don't know if I will find that much time in summer. If the weather is better there will be less playing/coding and nearly all the spare time on sunny days will be spend with family,driving the kids to their vaulting, hockey, soccer, bow shooting clubs, ...
  6. Could it be that on console the CtH calculation is only refreshed when changing weapons? Tried to see CtH, then turn buff on, and then CtH, then change weapon and change back and then look again at CtH? Did you get different results this way?
  7. Flags are yes/no answers. So they are normally binary. I learned flags when doing coding in assembler=machine language. Memory was small, and so you tried to store several informations in a single byte. You can put 8 yes/no answers in a single byte=8bit this way. Is it used in damage calculate: Yes/No? If it is yes you add 1 Is it used summed up with equipment , if Yes add 4 Does it have to be done first when executing a combat art, if yes add 8 Doing it this way you can alway rebuild the answers if you see a 8 bit number. 8 bits are enough to represent the numbers from 0 to 255 (2^8 -1) The numbers in the 4th row looked like if they could be flags when comparing several combat arts. Call it a belly feeling. Every number between 0 and 255, similiar spells sharing same numbers,... Because I am a technical mathematician and not a paid coder I hoped for a coding expert to jump on the train
  8. Close to 5pm and leaving my fast internet at work: Speaking about a bike. I have to check our Stufentandem (english?) when I am at home. We plan a bicycle tour at sunday to visit Braunfels castle and the animal park there.
  9. When I read about bangers: seems the name is because the british can't fry/roast/bake even a sausage? We call them Bratwurst. I normally take the pre-cooked variant with rough and not fine hacked meat. I serve them with mashed potatoes and either red cabbage, Sauerkraut or baked onions. Raw, not pre-cooked, sausages are tricky. You have to use them up the same day you buy them, so not the best for a sunday meal. And the inside may be still raw while the outside is already black. When I was at army I learned a trick from a soldier from Thurengia how to spray them with beer while having them in the pan. So the outside was cooled but not the inside.
  10. But for melee block I reach numbers close to 200% if doing this. Which is probably a display bug. Else I would never be hit by melee combat when having my character optimized for shield blocking.
  11. The Kubota is a bit bigger than my Lamborghini but smaller than my Porsche, the ones in my signature. I have no digital camera so I just searched for pictures of my ancient beasts/tractors in the web. Will have to look, but just 4 days and nightfrost. Don't think we have tadpoles already. Wonder if the nightfrost is because of the vulcano ash. My car was covered with it in morning. Seems you have added some goats to the pictures while I was editing. You seem to have an as big collection of animals as we have.
  12. My wife uses speech magic. She has to document mainly medical diagnosis, so the number of used words is quite small. English is quite easy for voice recognition, german needs a WAY bigger dictionary = WAY more training. So here it is used mainly from doctors with a small medical dictionary. Perhaps you should fight the reason for your suffering? When I had my KTS , CTS in english, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, I was buying a real good keyboard and a trackball. The trackball had the most effect. No need to move the hand, just the fingers, helped a lot. I still use the trackball when I work with my notebook while travelling per train. I am used to it. Since it is wireless, I did even presentations with it, pressing it on my upper leg while I was recovering from the hand surgery. I can even do some playing with it, since my builds are normally very defensive in nature. When our then 11 year old daughter had an cast on her arm (goalie at soccer, and trying to parry a shot from a 15 year olf boy at close distance) she couldn't use a mouse because the cast was hitting the desk so that she couldn't grap it. A trackball was possible. CTS: I am not female, I was not pregnant, I am not a drinker... The reason I had CTS as an adult was a fracture of my hand when I was 12
  13. Gogo, I think Geraardsbergen is in Belgium. So probably still a bit too early for big tadpoles? We have just eggs at the moment. We stopped collecting toads just 4 days ago. Collecting: do a plastic barrier so that they can't cross a secondary street and collect them in baskets and bring them to the lakes on the other side. The newts come out of the forest and don't have to cross the street. And for the garden, I wonder if the yellow fields may be rapeseed. The small bushes in rows I can't guess. Sorry that I am curious but my grandparents were farmers And I am even guessing which type of tractor worked the field, I think it is a small one. Smaller than my Porsche, more in the size of my Lamborghini, hmmm...
  14. Well I think the english teacher was referring to the fact that my oldest learnt english on the street and not at school. When I was still at army and my wife studying we were living close to the living area of a big US garnison in germany. So she grew up with american kids and a ton of slang expressions. And she had to learn that most of the words she used were slang and not english, hard and frustrating job for the teacher.
  15. And not knowing if the poster plays AddOn or Consoles: combinations use either casting speed or weapon speed... And consoles won't have left and right clicks
  16. The correct german name is Kaulquappe. Local slang sword is Dickkopp ( thick head). Kaul is old german for thick head and quappe means, damn I lack the words, some slimy stuff (quabblig, quabber, schlapprig- german slang). Wasn't there a movie with Robin Williams with a similiar sounding title? Flubber? But our thickheads are less frogs, more from alpine newts. We have fish breeding ponds (from a fishing club) in our surroundings. So we always have some herons, cormorans and common kingfishers preying for the young fish and the thickheads. Sadly most of the nice colourful Kingfishers didn't survive the extremely cold winter, too much ice. I like to watch them preying and then diving. The main enemy for our thickheads in our small 1.50m*2m garden pond is however the larva of the dragonfly and the great diving beetle. The kingfishers learnt not to dive to near to gras, where most of the thickheads are. Currently the pond is covered again with an iron net, because our 2 and a half year old twins explore the area. Our Leonberger dogs are trained to do water rescue, but we want to be on the save side. The german word for witch is Hexe, quite similiar to the norwegian.
  17. The Artamark's Star and why to use it We have to understand how damage is affected by armour to understand why I think that an Artamark's Star is so important. We had a long discussion in Dobri's thread how to become a demi-god how to find out the formula behind it. But all we need is the graph I did it in a thread in the GSF.: Schaden= damage, Rüstung= armour. Understanding the graph: We had always the same beast bashing on us at niob difficulty. Last kill showed that it had a damage of 224. Then we varied our armour, naked, only torso,... . At around 1750 armour it was dealing 224 damage, the same amount as was shown in last kill. I defined this as Fix-Point-Armour (FPA). The amount of armour which is needed to receive the same damage than the enemy is actually dealing. FPA varies with damage, difficulty, level..... But I wanted the formula easy so I invented FPA. Then I did calculations with the new term FPA for a fixed level, a fixed diffulty and a fixed damage to reduce the number of variables. The result is the function you see in the link. If an enemy is dealing 224 damage in niob, it shows how much damage you receive at your armour class. At 0 armour it is 744. So the original damage is multiplied by a factor of more than 3. In silver the damage multiplier at zero is close to 1.5. Because the graph of the function accelerates quickly the closer you are to zero I always have an artamark star socketed in niob. So even if I forgot to adjust my relicts, I am enough away from the y-axis to prevent a factor 3. So instead a factor of more than 3 I might only have 1,5. This means that I may receive only half the damage with a single amulet, given that it is boosted with armour lore or other x% armour. Hope it was not to mathematically.
  18. The english teacher (a brit from birmingham) of my daughter said that american can not speak a single language, since they can't even speak a proper english. There was a mathematician from Hungary, think it was one of the Varga's, who said: The reason that so many good mathematicians per million are from finland. hungary and a lesser degree from germany is, that the languages of these counties have a more complex grammar teaching logic to babies and kids without having them notice it. So I know the reason that I am not a famous mathematician. I grew up at a place in germany which had a non german dialect: Manisch. So I still use many of the words from this language. I never had english at school, started with latin and language history. We moved a lot, from french border where english could only be done as a second foreign language, to central germany where english was only possible as a first, ... So I always came to a school who said 'You can't' when I asked which modern (not dead as latin) language I could sign in as a newbie in english. But english was easy, having latin and language history. Grimm's law and mathematics helped: understanding sound shifts like b->f/v, t->s, c/k ->h.... german Rabe -> english raven, german Weib -> english wife, haben->have, lieben->love, ... I could guess a lot of words when reading english, to some degree this works even for swedish and norwegian. But don't ask me to speak something. Speaking needs training and feedback
  19. We used edge enhancing around text, black and white recalculating and printed it black and white on 16 A4 sheets with a linux program. I had bought an old used blackboard at a sell out at a school years back and we pinned it on it. Being cheap and black and white it has already a lot of writings with colour felt markers on it to highlite starting places of boss quests and all such stuff.
  20. If you do a combination (shadow step, expulse magic, cobalt strike, magic coup) you may wonder if the expulse may scare the group away so that the follow up combat arts don't fire their explosions into a tight group. There are 2 factors preventing this: Teleport can stun and (not fully proved yet): scaring monsters away works only if you are visible. I noticed that the beasts start running as soon as my invisibility has gone. So if you are no longer protected by invisibility, most of the beasts are running away and can't hit you. Since we are an evil elf it doesn't bother as much that at early levels the invisibility may have went off before the combination is finished. We just use our gun to shoot their backs.
  21. I posted a Astral Lord who stayed visible to be party friendly. It was thought for a handicapped person, so it focused a bit more on defensive and used auto-targetting combinations and it is not n the guide sectoin because it was kinda a special build: Not invisible Astral Build You could use it as a start to build up an astral build.
  22. I think there were some people from austria. But I can't remember if it was darkmatters, ISF or GSF. One was from the TU-Wien = technical university of vienna. If I stumble above it I will check if the same nickname exists in darkmatters.
  23. Well it is a bit shifted so that at armour=0 a division by zero is prevented. I have a function of the damage to armour formula somewhere. Damage function I did it in a thread in the GSF. Schaden= damage, Rüstung= armour To understand the graph: We had always the same beast bashing on us. Last kill showed that it had a damage of 224. Then we varied our armour. At around 1750 armour it was dealing 224 damage. I defined this as Fix-Point-Armour (FPA). The amount of armour which is needed to receive the same damage than the enemy is actually dealing. FPA varies with damage, difficulty, level..... But I wanted the formula easy so I invented FPA. I than did calculations with the new term FPA for a fix level, a fix diffulty and a fix damage to reduce the number of variables. The result is the function you see in the link. If an enemy is dealing 224 damage in niob, it shows how much damage you receive at your armour class. At 0 armour it is 744. Less than a division by zero, but more than a factor of 3. In silver the damage multiplier at zero is close to 1.5. The full discussion you find in Dobri's thread how to become a demi-god. Because the Graph of the function accelerates quickly the closer you are to zero I always have an artamark star socketed in niob. To prevent that an enemy hits me with a damagetype I have no armour in. Close to zero a single artamark can reduce the damage by half or more if it is boosted by some +x% armour from barkskin. Hope it was not to mathematically.
  24. I live in Hesse, the state mid in germany. It has a nice coat of arms, a striped lion. At roman times legionairs who returned to Rome nicknamed the tribe in my area as chatti = Cats, because in difference to wild storming other germanic tribes they used hit and run tactics, hiding in the forests. With time the word Chatti was transformed by Grimm's Law to Hesse. Grimm's law is not a political law, but a discovery the Brother Grimm (the ones with the faerytales) did when they researched the german language. They were working on the first german dictionary and traveled the lands to search for ancient, nearly forgotten, words. They interrogated old women who never traveled far away from their birthplace. They also wrote down the stories these women were telling. Centuries later the dictionary is nearly forgotten, but everyone remembers the faerytales. So following Grimm's law the t was shifted to a s and the _ch_ to a h. So we hessians still feel a bit like cats. Decades back my sister named Katja was frustrated when she found out that her name Katja was already taken by someone else in the IRC. So I made a joke and said she should write her name as Chattia, a mix of to chat and the ancient name of the state she is from. She did so and I thought that Chattius might be a good nick for myself. I did the coat of arms of Hesse as my avatar for some years, a lion is a sort of cat too. Then a moderator of a math forum wrote me that only the government of Hesse is allowed to use this coat of arms. Outch So when joining the Sacred2-World I had no avatar. I didn't know that darkmatters has nice people who do avatar's for others so I did my own avatar quite quickly. I just took the coat of arms of my birth town. Even the town is located in Hesse it carries the german eagle. The main court for whole germany was located in the town for centuries because it had a central place. So it was made a free german (the eagle) town, not belonging to any state, protected by the emporor (the crown). The silver cross marks it as a town which was allowed to make coins/money. And now my avatar is an eagle, even I am a cat at heart, stupid politics Who else has a good story about his/her avatar/nick ?
  25. Even you are not connected to any other computer or the internet you can start a multiplayer game. Every time you start a free game the bosses will be back. No need for modding.
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