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Posts posted by Dax

  1. Don´t get fooled by some angry guys, who wrote :eek:-reviews about Reborn. I assume, they simply tried to hammer-smash their way through obstacles, which where
    max immune to their current damage type. After their technique did not work out, they lost nerves, sat frustrated and confused in front of their PC. (Solution: Pick
    other damage type instead) Reborn mod plays joyfully with monster-resistances, but leaves the player always a way out, never acting against him.
    The team put a lot of efforts not only into the mod, but also into the documentation. It is worth a read. After all, it is a big, fat modification, inviting to try
    it out, giving the game a new life. Don´t be shy. It is not difficult. And if you are really stuck, just ask. There are many ppl with vast insight here.

    Speaking of Sacred 2, what keeps me miles away, is that Sacred 2 is not beginner-friendly. You might survive the easy difficulties with a poor build, but not the higher ones.
    So, the chance that you scr!w up as a noob is very real. And putting two months of work into a character, only to find out that you skilled him wrong and have to
    start it all over again? No.
    As for the remaining Sacred 2 players here: They are top elite, playing the game for a very long time already. So handling the latest mods like D2, or the Patch Addendum,
    is a piece of cake for them. Before you begin, get yourself a guide to prevent a rough and painful belly-landing.

    Back to S1 again, the Vampire is a pure summoner class if you want it. She is also one of the more flexible characters due to her shapeshifting ability. You can
    easily build ranged melee (day <-> night), devastating spellcaster and, as mentioned above, summoner. It all raises and falls with the gear you can access and
    the style of play you prefer. There are no doubt, things to consider. I´d recommend to visit the wiki, or just ask right away.
    Look. I think I got a Vampire starter, well stuffed with gear, laying around somewhere in my digital lumberroom. Nothing is cheated. Everything is farmed and bought
    nicely together. You can give it a run, then decide if it is something for you. Sounds good?

    • Appreciation 1
  2. On 8/2/2023 at 1:11 PM, Dathor said:

    Hi there, as a new wiki-worker ^^ I appreciate this helpful guide and would like to make it a bit more accessible (easier to read) for newbies, polishing the structure a bit, without changing any content. If there is no objection I will do this tomorrow.

    Are there new players at all? I mean, new to the franchise? The youtube videos I have watched, well, there are dozens of gamers, who love Sacred to bits, but are obviously not aware of any mods or even fan sites.

  3. I got the gog version. It never caused trouble for years. So I believe it has something to do with the updates, while Sacred itself is most likely innocent. I am not playig much anymore, but having a functional Sacred is important to check the stuff I work on ingame. Since there are many obstacles and pit fall traps, a running game is crucial for QA reasons.



    Found it!
    For some reason my graphic card was deactivated after the win11 update, and Sacred refused to start as a result. Just put the driver back online to solve the issue.

    • Like! 1
  4. Greetz. After making my win11 updates, Sacred crashes all of a sudden directly after getting fired up, usually in less than a second.
    Checked the internet a bit, the problem does not seem to be new, but the affected gamers did not find a solution yet.

    Any ideas, guys?

    I tried the possible solutions found in the gog and steam forums, but no. Fresh installation does not help either. I am grateful for any help.

  5. No, there is nothing new on higher levels. You repeat the same thing over and over again. There are no new areas, no new enemies and no new quests. In theory, there is not even a difference between Silver and Niobium difficulty. The only thing you do, after maxing your hero out, is to look for highly specific gear, to make him even more deadly. Or, as soon as you have farmed enough stuff together, you can try an entirely new build with seperate gear and switch from axes to ranged/pole arms and so on. But after all, it remains the same.
    I suggest to check out Reborn Mod and Sacred NL.

    • Thanks! 1
  6. 13 hours ago, chattius said:

    I think there was more 'love' in the shadow warrior (Schattenkrieger). He had 5 (in words five) audiobooks to boost his story.


    It was quite common back then to boost your product with some goodies. In the early days, some game studios added real neat stuff to the game box. :Kas:Ultima:Kas:

    Btw. If I understand things correctly, the user @Kashenkon is not only removing typos from the global.res, but is also rewriting some things for Sacred 2. Like thestoryline for example.
    It might be a nice opportunity to support him a bit and to add some of your own ideas to his to do list. But it means as well, that users here have to raise their voice, since Kashenkon is neither a fortune-teller, nor can he read your thoughts.

  7. Vanilla is incredibly misbalanced imo, you will turn into a rampaging death machine with every class. However, the laziest and most devastating, but also
    coolest hero is the Demon I´d say. Since monsters do not have spell resistance (yet), you can easily eliminate anything moving using your spells and
    the dive-bomb attack.
    Speaking of invested time, I understand you. It took me years to get my stuff together and having a maxed out character makes the game incredibly boring.
    I do not have the time however to start it all over again. So the remaining heros get a smaller run now and then, usually up to level 50. Sorry guys.

  8. Dimitrius, I dont know what your plans for Sacred 2 are exactly, but what do you think of a caravan system, just like you know it from Fallout 2 for example? The player could explore the gameworld by joining a caravan as a hired gun, running into various encounters and monsters from across entire Ancaria. A neat little trick to implement role playing without enforcing it.

  9. 10 hours ago, Kashenkon said:


    It is a text based overhaul for S1 which gives +1 to all attributes. Since I believe, that the door always swings to both sides, aka modders help each other, I give it free for Sacred 2.
    Yes, S1 will take a minor hit because of that and will loose some hitpoints, but after giving it some belly rubs and putting a plaster on it, it is all good again. So I will send it to you via pm. You might take what you want.

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