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About RyanKO14
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  1. ah yes sorry about that but still as I previously said crystal skin increases only physical armor rating
  2. ok whats you're live name and we can play together if you want I see what your saying about EP and I agree completely about its usefullness but to me the game is more killing which is odd for me as I prefer the more defensive route but this game you can go all out but the difficulty jump from gold to platinum is massive indeed so even if your character is killing things and taking little damage in gold doesnt mean it will do the same in platinum so thats my main reason for going more offensive generally because I think that the best defense is a good offense.
  3. Well first of im afraid you cant use indascent skin and crystal skin at the same time. CS only gives an armor rating to physical damage which is actually quite handy as physical damage is the most common type of damage. It does however reduce ice damage but will increase damage dealt by fire damage
  4. I can see your point about DA Lore but my friend knows how to dupe things so he gave me an officers saber thatys level 20 with 102 +all skills so points arent a problem for me as I can use it as soon as I get it level 15. I also like to EP and think its better than bargaining but I dont think its worth using up another slot just to get it and if you get a high enough survival bonus then uniques are easy to come by as my lv 55 has a survival bonus of over 75% so I almost always get uniques from killing the white griffin. Its also good to see another scottish person online 2. BTW do you play on the xbox?
  5. could you also replace riding and Ep for CD and Bargaining/DA Lore for a more offensive focused elf
  6. ok well chattius I used your build and tampered with it a bit and got this 2.DA Lore[4] 3.Concentration[10] 5.DA Fcous[3] 8.Armour Lore[5] 12.MS Focus[1] 18.MS Lore[2] 25.Shield Lore[6] 35.Constitution[9] 50.Ancient Magic[8] 65.Bargaining[7] GI-Buff: ice[1], life regeneration[2],?[6] Magic coup: hit chance[3], life leech[4], stray damage[5] raging nimbus: hurricane[6], roar[7], extended nimbus[8] glacial thorns: fussillade[3], pierce[4], fussillade[5] crystal skin: mirror[1], focalize[2], frosty breeze[9] The numbers in the []'s are the order you should mod or take to mastery. I'm going to give it ago because I heard a respectable leveled CS coupled with armour lore mastery is suppusedly very powerful. I like using the ice skills for damage too and are mainly for mob killing until I fully mod MC then ill use a combination of both. So ill start testing it now until the release of forza 3 and modern warfare 2 so I hope to have it in the 100's by then
  7. Ok thanks for the advice I have changed the build even more and would like more advice before testing 1.Sword Lore 2.Devout Guardian Focus 3. Tactics Lore 4. Armor Lore 5. Toughness 6. Warding Energy Lore 7. Constitution 8. Combat Discipline 9. Concentration/ Enhanced Perception 10. Source Warden Focus/ Bargaining Im having trouble choosing the last skills. I plan to get concentration just to allow me to use T-Energy Shroud and Untouchable force and get Source Warden Focus to get points to mod it and decrease the regens on my Area of Effect skills. To boost the damage I would use CD but I could also get a high level shopper with bargaining or I could replace constitution with SW Lore to have powerful Area of Effect's but im not sure if the damage increase is very high and if it will be worthwhile. So if anyone can offer any advice or reccomendations on the matter id be very grateful. Edit I also have another build I need advice on. Its a DG/LF build. I dont know if this will be effective but id imagine that it be good for bosses,support and still have one or two skills to pwn mobs with (DS and AD). If I were to use it heres my build 1.Devout Guardian 2.Tactis Lore 3.Armor Lore 4.Lost Fusion Focus 5.Lost Fusion Lore 6.Warding Energy Lore 7.Combat Discipline 8.Sword Lore 9.Toughness 10.Constitution Id use AD with two ricochet mods for most mobs aswell as furious emblazer and DS. For bosses id use a combination of DS,JT? and dedicated blow with BE active for double hits. I play on the xbox so I'd like the builds to be for the xbox and so I was wondering if JT's self-repair fixed and if not is this build still viable without it and useable later on in the harder difficulties (will it do well there too) or is a SW/LF build a better hybrid than DG/LF please let me know with your reccomendations and advice.
  8. Well recently I decided to try a DG and SW build and because I have no high level shopper I thought that bargaining would be useful to me and because I play on the console I thought I would choose EP instead of riding because well I dont use my mount much and would prefer finding better items on each drop but riding is an option. Heres the skills: 1.Devout Guardian Focus 2.Tactics Lore 3.Concentration 4.Armor Lore 5.Source Warden Focus 6.Source Warden Lore 7.Warding Energy Lore 8.Combat Discipline 9.Enhanced Perception/Riding 10.Bargaining Now as you can see it has DGF to decrease the regen times of Dedicated Blow and Deathly Spears and Tactics Lore to increase their damage. You will notice that I have not chosen Sword/ Hafted Weapons Lore this is because I felt that dedicated blow is already very powerful for bosses due to the conversion so using a strong sword attached with increasing physical damage should be fine throughout the game. Deathly Spears is also a very good CA and will be your main boss killer so it should be modded for jab so you will have extra waves every 20 CA level so as the damage increases for one row you will still have several others doing extreme damage to bosses. Now onto the source warden aspect at low levels these Combat Arts will do pathetic damage but with SWL and Combat Discipline boosting damage they can even be powerful enough to kill something at high levels especially with +All Skills affecting the damage increase of SWL and CD. Concentration I only got so I coukd use the T-Energy shroud and Combat Alert(Battle Aura once fully modded to be a buff) together so I wouldnt increase it but if you want to use Untouchable force too then try and get it to mastery but its a waste of 74 good points in my opinion. Armor Lore is one of those skills thats pretty much a "must have" for every build. It decreases the regen penalty, allows you to wear higher level armor and increases the resists the armor gives you. Now this build is very offensive because I like to think that the best offense is a good defense but others may disagree so we have warding energy lore to increase our shields power and if we add 40% of absorption warding energy and have our T-Energy Shroud active our shiled will take all of the damage we recieve also with a powerful T-Energy Shroud the more damage our shield can take and it can be modified to regenerate whilst in combat and warding energy lore increases the power of the shield as well as the rate it regens at so a high powered shield can take massive damage and so at higher levels like niob this can be a life saver. Our general skills EP and bargaining allow us to have a shopper to kit out our items with powerful stuff such as +All Skills and EP lets us find better drops such as set items and stronger potions. So that is basically the build and I am in the middle of testing it at the moment he is lv 9 his source warden skills are weak due tohis level but can be helpful to slowly wear down champion mobs. He is killing everythinh with ease though like all TG's he will need to use lots of health potions to stay alive to begin with. I have an officers saber with +104 All Skills so he should be powerful enough early on until I reach higher levels and get better weapons and armor and still be able to get good +All Skills in my armor. Some things may be wrong so I would appreciate any help/advice and all comments are welcome.
  9. Well this is my first post here on the forums and well I have been playing for a few weeks and have struggled to really find a character that I like and have been trying out so many different builds but when I played the High Elf I knew it could be good but I prefer more like a battlemage character who also uses melee which is why I never used her much. I played as an ice/fire elf combo and when I discovered that with Crystal Skin up I could regenerate more HP than my opponents could take off I thought it was godly so I decided to make a melle elf that slaughters foes and can heal at the same time. I came up with this build recently when I wanted to start with a new guy however this build has not been properly tested and so I dont know how well she will function in platinum and niob but here we go. #1 Attrbutes Intelligence - 100% #2 Skills 1.Concentration-1 2.Delphic Arcania Lore100 3.Mystic Stormite Focus-100 4.Armor Lore-100 5.Mage Staffs-75 6.Delphic Arcania Focus-100 7.Bargaining-75 8.Tactics Lore-75 9. Constitution-75 10. Optional Now there is lots more skills points you can allocate I just think that the points I listed are a good minimum for each skill. Now this seems like the pyro melee build in skills just edited slightly and thats well because it is. I based the build off it to an extent. Anyway we only want 1 point in concentration so we can have CS and GI active at the same time.Armor Lore is taken nice an early and should be kept at your characters level for a while because that with CS provides godly defences. We want DA Focus so we can have a nice and high level of GI. I chose Mage staffs over swords because you will want to pump points into INT which increases there damage and the damage of your spells. #3 Combat Arts: Delphic Arcania Aspects Magic Coup - Target Focus - Life Leech - Stray Damage Shadow Step - Phase Shift - Sanctuary - Explosion Expulse Magic - Expansion - Pentagram - Protection Grand Invigoration - Mystic Stormite Expertise - Life Energy - Resilence Mystic Stormite Aspects Crystal Skin - Glacial Mirror - Feel Cold - Frosty Breez Glacial Thorns - Fusillade - Pierce - Fusillade Cascading Shroud - Faint - Inconspicuous - Steam #4 Overview Well thats the barebones of this character I dont know if it should all stack accordingly like pumping points into INT to increase mage staff damage and spell damage and I think Magic Coup damage is also increased by it but if anyone can help with this I would like to know and if it gets good revies ill test it out and add more so thanks everyone.

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