A pernicious Boss Creature, resembling an Ice Phoenix, known as The Narmul, resides in a lonely, stony, and icy courtyard; many frozen Seraphim stand scattered throughout, frozen in combat and posed as statues accompanied by other wandering unfortunate creatures, all now mere trophies of this abominable beast. The Narmul must surely be the mightiest foe that our brazenly determined High Elf has yet faced. For, he has an array of formidable Combat Arts and four giant crystals which provide protection from any damage. His initial attacks are not dissimilar to Dragon Strike but for inflicting intense Ice Damage instead. He may, after the second protecting crystal is destroyed, command an avalanche-like attack of icy chunks that inflict both Ice and Physical damage. If the remainder of the crystals are destroyed the nasty beast may then draw his opponent closer to him and he may drain the energy away from their Combat Arts and begin some wickedly potent Magic based melee damage attacks. Watch now, as the chilling scene unfolds before you.