Hello to all here and I wish to thank all here at Dark Matters for making this site be possible. I like and love Sacred 2 so much that I have it for my PS3, my XBOX 36O and Sacred 2 Gold via GOG. Anyway, I like the character of the Temple Guardian and his backstory and indeed the detailed history of the Temple Guardians as told through the Temple Guardian's own personal quests and the information provided at the original location of The Hub, where at the end pillar a Temple Guardian tells you why they had to move the hub, etc. What really intrigues me is the location of the half sunken temple past the save pedestal where there is a merchant, a rune master and a blacksmith and it's before you enter the main Temple that takes you to the Great Machine. I'll include a screen shot of the location when I reach there on my PC version of the game, but hopefully some of you will now know where I mean, in simple terms it's where the last but one merchant is, top far end of the Waste Lands, you can't miss it, there. If you go to where the save pedestal is and look to your left, you wills see a half sunken temple/dungeon area that cannot be reached and obviously, it's not. But what if it were, what would it look like. Sadly I am not blessed to have the same exact textures as used in the dungeon level of the Great Machine. But I did my best to get as near match, though not exact, so please bare that in mind before commenting please on a dungeon level design that I made using SketchUp. Model Link: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/682cace2-0bde-4acc-9880-1a51ad416885/Sacred-2-Sacred-Hall-Of-The-Temple-Guardian-Chambers
It's best vied in 3D if you like the design, please let me know and please be gentle, I'm not a pro expert model maker, just someone that loves to make 3D models. And if you really like it and are interested, I can post here for you all the link to the second level design to this first one. I like my 1st design so much that I decided to make a second one of which the first dungeon level design leads to.