as some of you are probably aware since quite some time nvidia refuses to let us use Fog Table Emulation anymore and since Rivatuner supports only up to 9xxx models we had to believe in the developers of D3D apps (games) to allow us disabling fog via configs/options.
Here's a solution to this problem for Sacred 2 if using high quality graphic settings
(If your system is bound to use any lower this might not be in your interest anyway):
In ...\Sacred 2 (Gold/Fallen Angel....)\pak\graphics01.zip\hq\fx\ is a fog.dds (volume map, no mipmaps),
either edit it for a pure transparent texture or simply reduce the intensity if you want a moderate fog instead of none at all.
Same again for
...\Sacred 2 Gold\pak\graphics01.zip\hq\env\lighting\
fogDensity01.dds ... fogDensity26.dds
and there you go, ingame you'll have either no fog until renderdistance or moderate depending on how you edited the files.
Doing so is easy enough with either Photoshop or GIMP using a dds plugin, all your choice!
Thanks goes to my buddy "Neovita" that lead me to the idea for this, for the story about it go to post #6
Best wishes,
P.S. Call me an asshat but no, I won't answer "How to.." or anything of this sort, it's easy enough