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  1. So, after finding myself in the ocean (image included), I also stumbled across this bridge in the jungle that you can jump off of and head downstream. I'm sure I'm not the first one, but wanted to post it for anyone else still playing on console.
  2. Ok guys, this time I'm writing a serious topic . This story begins in 2006, when I was ten years old. At that time I began to read books and I approached Tolkien's work (of which I then read 32 books !!!). So I started to get interested in the fantasy genre, and I soon came up with a story of my own. Two years later, from 2008 to 2010, I wrote three short novels (if you want to know the plot, simply ask me in a reply) set in an archipelago called the "Blue Islands". I have developed this world perfectly, so much so that I have invented toponyms in the languages of the respective regions, having made dozens of maps in different historical periods, maps of the typical production of the places and the annals of each kingdom and a lot of other things. Last week I found some notes on these novels and I decided to make a very mallet map, joining all the others. So, as you can see in the picture, I started working on it and tomorrow, when I finished it, I will post another photo where you can see the map perfectly and read it. The map is 23 x 33 inches (59 x 84 cm)! It is a very hard work!
  3. Looking for feedback - where do you wish there were portals in Ancaria? Strictly speaking these will be ports unlocked by Ship Captain NPC's, since the limit of portals is already reached, not to mention we can't add the static portals to the map. This is why Ascaron added Hot Air Balloons instead of new portals to Ice and Blood. What makes this really worthwhile is an upcoming change to the code that allows ship ports to be accessed from the main map, just like portals. In essence, every unlocked port becomes just like a portal. You won't have to visit a captain to travel to other ports; you can get there from wherever you are. Since ports will function like portals I'm working on a new icon (subject to change). Here is a map with all ports shown. Here is a map with all ports and portals, to give a better sense of where there are gaps (if any). This is the current list of new portals: Tyr Lysia: Forgotten Gardens - Home to a bygone Seraphim sisterhood Noriath Temple - Isolated spiritual enclave Bluestonbury - Quiet town on the Bluestone Lake Artamark: Black Oaks - The largest market in Artamark Skook's Corner - The DeMordrey seat of power Orcish Byway - Town on the border of the Human and Orc realms Lakeview Tavern - Peaceful retreat near the Bottomless Lake Nor Plat: Schlun'Zum - Ancient home of the Nur-Trak clan Dragon Sea Islands: North Seraphim Island - Ruins northeast of Seraphim Tower Blackhammer's Camp (North Island) - Camp of the human resistance fighters Swamp: Sethiaz - A settlement of the Nameless Cult Sar'Thaz - Village of Lizard people Desert: Dar Al Badja - A troubled archaelogical excavation site Tharum - The largest oasis in the Bengaresh Desert Rajab - Town in southern Bengaresh Dyr Lain: Eloeth-Sun - A recent settlement of human refugees Logaeiar - Deserted, crumbling ruins Wastelands: Wastelands Camp - Camp near the Great Machine entrance Blood Forest: Halko's Manor - Zombie residence
  4. So I used some video walkthroughs of the game to continue making a rough map... 6/7 of it are now available to all And one of the northern locations is Castle Braverock (destroyed). Sacred 3 uses the Sacred 1 map without the Underworld expansion. And so far I found NOTHING related to Sacred 2 I’m sorry... This is horrible... They couldn't even do the mission select screen right. If you look at the map, you will notice that the gray path is one-way corridor most of the time and you have to play the game in a strict order. The tiny shortcut paths are probably there for convenience than diversity. So you have to go from the south to center to west to north to center to the east. I’m so sorry... There is not enough humor in the game to make up for it,.. even the chihuahua. This game is worse than what they said – it only has minimal first game of lore, and is regurgitated Dungeon Siege 2 in atmosphere. Nr of Dwarves – 1 (weapon spirit), who went nuts being stuck in the afterlife with the dark elves Nr of TGs - null

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