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  1. This is my personal collection of songs I use for playing Sacred 2. After I played Sacred 2 for a while, I got very tired of always hearing the same 30 second loop of battle music over and over again. I had "listener fatigue." So I did the trick where you disable the fight music in options.txt. This was a little better, but I again noticed I was only hearing about 5 minutes of background music for each region, repeated over and over again. Furthermore, these tracks were too peaceful and ambient, which makes sense because they were meant to be heard out of combat only. Rather than just load up a playlist in a media player every time I played Sacred 2, I decided to actually integrate new songs into the game. I learned from Wardust's great music mod that all that is necessary is converting an audio track to .ogg format, giving it the correct file name, and placing in the game's pak directory in a subfolder called "music." This is the result: Flix's Music Mod. I didn't alter the battle music, since I don't use it anymore. Instead, I think most of the tracks have enough energy and interesting parts to suit battles and town visits alike. I like most of the original regional background music, so most of it is not gone. Instead, it's supplemented with a much wider range of music. So not only will you hear new and different songs, you'll actually be hearing about 150% more music total. In Sacred 2, day time lasts about 45 minutes, night lasts about 15. There is usually enough night music to fill up the entire time without any looping, and the day time music might loop two or three times at most (assuming you don't change regions or go into a dungeon). Download: *Using Enhanced Edition? Music Mod is now packaged as part of EE! Use the version included with that mod instead.* Enhanced Music for EE (Standalone) OR Flix's Sacred 2 Music Mod (Old) Install Instructions Download the Generic Mod Enabler (GME) and install it to your Sacred 2 root folder. Mod Enabler is available at http://www.softpedia.com/get/Others/Miscellaneous/Generic-Mod-Enabler.shtml For Steam the root folder is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sacred 2 Gold For GOG or disk version, the root folder is wherever you installed the game, for example C:\Sacred 2 Gold After running the GME once, it will make a folder called "MODS" there. Extract/copy/move the folder titled "Flix's Music Mod" from the zip file you downloaded into the "MODS" folder. Run the GME and enable "Flix's Music Mod." The GME will allow to you to easily enable/disable the mod as you wish. Recommended: Disable the battle music in options.txt, located in the following folder: C:\Users\<Username>\AppData\Local\Ascaron Entertainment\Sacred 2 Search for the line "volume_group02" and change the value to 0. This will let you hear more of the new music instead of the repetitive battle music. Compatibility: This mod only works with the game's audio set to stereo - it will not work if audio is set to 5.1. This mod has no other requirements and will work with any version of the game. Should be compatible with any other mod that doesn't explicitly add audio tracks. About the music: Basically I picked interesting tunes that I never really get tired of hearing, which was the whole point. Most of the original music is still present in some form too. I tried to stick to the general tone of each region. Night music is usually more peaceful, although in the Swamp, the Blood Forest, and Nor Plat it is more menacing than day music. Dungeon music is mostly unchanged, but in some places it is more ominous. Full Tracklist: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IFao4qkufCtYk6y2F1ewqTsISZIK6h6L/view Tyr Lysia's music is generally enchanted and peaceful. There are plucked strings and harps, elf-like woodwinds, mysterious and wistful themes, keyboards, harpsichords, even some whistling and chanting. The dungeon music is generally more intense and oppressive. Artamark's music is folksy and medieval sounding, like a gathering of minstrels. During the day the tunes are mostly in the Celtic and Western European folk vein, while at night warm strings tend to dominate. There are also a few more epic, grandiose themes intertwined in this region. Nor Plat's music is all-out warfare. Intense battle music with percussion, winds, brass, strings. Seraphim Island is way more solemn and forlorn. Almost every track has male or female chanting vocals of some kind, in sort of soaring, hymn-like reverie. It's designed to really evoke how far the Seraphim have fallen but also their majesty and grace. The Dragon Caves now have an additional song that makes me think of wandering sweltering lava caves with crazed cultists. Swamp daytime music is now much more pleasant. In fact it probably has some of my favorite tunes. In the daytime it is generally melancholy and solemn, with some rhythmic cult-like chanting. The night music is quite ominous and fearful and will make you look over your shoulder. The music of the Bengaresh Desert is much more entrancing now. Daytime music evokes the hot sun, scorching wind, and some various Egyptian themes, while at night you'll hear some pulsing music that may make you think of sultry Arabian Nights. The Jungle and Dyr-Lain are marked by tracks with more intense jungle drums and melodic percussion along with tribal flutes and nature sounds that enhance the ambience. Crystal Plane has more icy ambient music that evokes the frozen gems of the region. In addition to the beauty of the region, there is also the slight sense of something unnatural and eerie, like maybe the Seraphim shouldn't have made such a place. So now that's reflected in the music as well. The Blood Forest now has some music that evokes being lost in the woods in addition to the original spooky horror-movie type music. Some of the music matches the weird beauty of the Blood Forest. The Wastelands now has some more epic and heroic themes intertwined with the lonely and sparse default music. This is the lead-up to the final battle and you see skirmishes between the forces of light and shadow all around, so some more rousing music was in order. The entirety of the Great Machine plays the Nameless Guardian boss music because it's a longer track and it's appropriately intense for the final stretch of the campaign. The music for Northland/Christmasland has cold wintry songs that walk the line between gothic and playful. Just as the region is one of holiday delights, it is also one with deadly dangers lurking in the snow. Multiplayer Island music is unchanged. If you choose to leave the battle music enabled there is some new fight music for the Gar'Colossus and the Grand Inquisitor, but nothing too special. Enjoy!
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