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Found 4 results

  1. Version 3


    Hello dear sacred community Today I've got a little bit of a challenge for you: I'm happy to finally present you all unskilled level 216 heroes with all sets and a whole bunch if not all of the uniques. And the best: I included five different savegames for farming lots and lots of goodies. Pretty much all of the items are completely self farmed with few exceptions (more below). Where is the challenge you ask? Well, basically to get the best bundle possible for the community there is still a little bit of work to do: 1. Questing: 2. Item refarming: 3. Even more item farming: 4. farming, farming, far... you get the idea Now of course I could do all of this stuff myself... and upload this file in ten years when I'm finally ready lol. Instead I figured what is the fun of sacred when there is no challenge anymore? So I thought lets give that stuff as a challenge to you, the darkmatters community, but lets at least give you the tools to actually complete all of this stuff - yes im evil. I think the best way would be to open another thread where I write down again everything that needs to be done and every now and then I check what has been completed and update the thread and this download. I'll do that when there is enough positive feedback for the challenge. Unfortunately I think there is no way for me to actually reward your effort if you completed a part of a challenge, but then again we're all profiting from the results. Now let's get straight to the action - there's challenges to do. What you're waiting for? Lindor EDIT: New Topic where we can trade our items: l'll check for new items every now and then. If somebody found a new or better item and wants to share it, you can post there. I'll upload the item here to this file and pin your name to the topic so everybody knows who shared which item. Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this project: wildundgesetzlos for contributing the icons set @SupremeJoker for contributing lots and lots of items, especially Jewelry, and getting me to update the file for Sacred ReBorn mod @alfchaval for contributing lots of uniques, sets, the instruments and the book of ancaria @Dax for contributing lots of high level blue and yellow items for Vampiress and Jewelry everyone on DarkMatters who makes hosting this file possible
  2. All unskilled lvl216 niob characters with all sets and everything you'll ever need + challenge View File Updating this description every single time I update the upload which has to be done manually because I can't quote from an upload description has become long and tedious, just check the original description please, this one right here will not receive future updates. Also I'm gonna copy-and-paste this text to all my other upload-discussion-Thread-descriptions from now on. Submitter Lindor Submitted 09/25/2020 Category Underworld Builds
  3. When reading runes after reaching the highest combat art level without penalty (HCALWP) and the respective combat art (CA) only increases by a fraction of a level, is this adjusted retroactively when increasing the corresponding focus skill? In other words, let's say the HCALWP is 5 and the CA is at level 5, so when I read a rune of that CA it increases to level 5.7 (for example). Afterwards I increase the corresponding focus skill such that the HCALWP is 6. Is the CA automatically at level 6 now? I'm unable to test this at the moment and I was hoping for a quick answer here.
  4. 1. How do I unstack runes, since the rune trader won't accept stacks? 2. I accidentally sold a stack trying to unstack it, and the buy back only had a single rune.
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