I don't know if this topic or question has been asked and discussed or not in this exact form, but none the less I want to make it.
So my question is if there is any known, "unknown" or derelict mod or attempt of a mod for making potions stack in Sacred Gold or Underworld? Are there any mods for multiple tabs or a shared tab (for loot sharing)?
I played Sacred extensively back in the days and I picked it up again recently and it made me remember the absolute "clusterfrak" of an inventory I had and I have now. Also, the unorthodox method which one has to go through every single time if one wants to share loot between his/her various characters.
It just bugs me that so many talented people are out there playing or have played this wonderful game and yet I couldn't find anything on google concerning these issues.
The mods I did find are basically useless as most of them are for cheating, which I despise, especially if comes to Sacred, which is a ridiculously easy RPG game. Seriously you have to be like ( and I do not kid you) an R-word to die in this game. Maybe that is because I only played vanilla or up to platinum and gold difficulty speaking, but honestly, if you die before platinum you are a noob. No kidding.