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STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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We begged we cried we hoped w pried and now at long last Bioware has answered. If you wondered what happens after KOTOR well its coming to a PC near you. :D

There web page looks great has a ton of useful info some cool videos love the Treaty of Coruscant video.

Heres a link check out the page and change your Light saber batteries because its Old Republic time.


The fiorst high VG trailer of the game is out. Take a look its very cool.

Posted (edited)

Well if doesn't turn in a WoW clone with monthly pay, then I'll try it :) .


Rather prefered a KOTOR 3 single player but that's just me.




Chareos Rantras

Edited by Chareos Rantras

Well we all wanted KOTOR 3 but its not going to happen in that form. This in a way is KOTOR3 since as they said they couldnt fit all the content they had ideas for in KOTOR 3 so they went this way.

The nice thing is that the game will be story driven even though it is a MMO game. It will have in essence own story for every one of the 8 classes you play for ether side. So thats something new.

As they have explain it so fare in the video diaries of the game it would be something like the story in the movies example Han and Luke team up to run around the death star save the galaxy and so on but at the same time they have there own stories and quests aka Han has to deal with Jaba and the bounty hunters Luke need to train with Yoda and so on. So in essence playing the "campaign" of the game or story mode would be different for every class and will offer a lot of game play time.

In the end we will have to see but I know for one I am not missing nother Star Wars game damn them for not making The Force Unleashed for the PC.

Well we all wanted KOTOR 3 but its not going to happen in that form. This in a way is KOTOR3 since as they said they couldnt fit all the content they had ideas for in KOTOR 3 so they went this way.

The nice thing is that the game will be story driven even though it is a MMO game. It will have in essence own story for every one of the 8 classes you play for ether side. So thats something new.

As they have explain it so fare in the video diaries of the game it would be something like the story in the movies example Han and Luke team up to run around the death star save the galaxy and so on but at the same time they have there own stories and quests aka Han has to deal with Jaba and the bounty hunters Luke need to train with Yoda and so on. So in essence playing the "campaign" of the game or story mode would be different for every class and will offer a lot of game play time.

In the end we will have to see but I know for one I am not missing nother Star Wars game damn them for not making The Force Unleashed for the PC.


Yea the active story line is going to be interesting, I read somewhere that a team of story writers will be always writing new stories & quest that they then add-on to the game.




Chareos Rantras






sounds pretty cool I wonder if it will have a monthly fee. O.o


I hope not, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did have a subscription (from a corporate point of view, WoW-esque monthly revenue is the entire point of MMOs :unsure:).


I would like 2 play it but I hear itz not going 2 be cheap


It will be pay to play for sure. But I will have to swallow the cash and stick with it. I have a really really good feeling about this game. And every info on it that comes out is nothing but high grades. :D


Now its time for the Second Trailer which looks as good as the first one. Here we can see the Republic trooper in action he may be fun to play.




The info on this game keeps looking better and better. Cant wait for it to come out. :)


It does look very good, I never played KOTR 1 or 2. Was it any good? Was it free-roam or were you forced to follow a story?

Posted (edited)
It does look very good, I never played KOTR 1 or 2. Was it any good? Was it free-roam or were you forced to follow a story?



Kotor 1 and 2 I thought were very good. Kinda liked the story behind 1 better but gameplay in 2 felt a lot smoother. There was a story that kept you progressing through the game, but you were able to choose which planets you wanted to travel to. Each planet was a part of the main story. Overall good games and the new MMO is looking to be really good.


I'm also a really big Star Wars geek (family was really big fans of the movies) so that's another reason why I probably enjoyed them so much.

Edited by ryanrocker1217

Do the planets enemies re-spawn?

Do the planets enemies re-spawn?


No it was a forced story progression but the option to chose in which order you completed the story tried to make the game feel more open.


I might give it a go, Steam has it really cheap.


I would encourage you to give it a go! If you've played Mass Effect or Dragon Age:Origins I can guess that you'll enjoy it because the structure of the game is very similar.


I loved Mass Effect 1, hated 2. I didn't really enjoy Dragon Age: Origins.


I am minutes away from starting my testing weekend of the game.

If anyone else is testing over this weekend maybe we could catch up in game and test it out a bit, :D

Will post on the experience I had over the weekend, :D


I've been in the beta for a month or two & it's managed to convert me from a staunch anti-subscription stance. Unfortunately the cost of childcare for 3 kids in Surrey is cripplingly expensive (& that's not going to change much until September & it won't significantly decrease until the September after that)...



I'm in the D3 beta too. ;)


Oh this is one that I would love to play - but the monthly subscription is what puts me out of the race here... But this is a game that really should have monthly subscriptions - new content will reside a lot on story and voice acting! Perhaps, someday... :sigh:

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