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Totem Gold Mod

Von Bek

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Anyone know which gold mod is better for Totem CA?


The decreased cooldown mod has a linear increase of 100+1 per level, but more totems=more shots/targets


The increased attk speed begins to teeter off as you increase CA levels, but it's only one totem and one enemy target at a time.



At this point I'm leaning towards taking the cooldown one as that's something only a mod can do.

Edited by Von Bek
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Anyone know which gold mod is better for Totem CA?


The decreased cooldown mod begins to teeter off as you increase CA levels, but more totems=more shots/targets


The increased attk speed has a linear increase of 100+1 per level, but it's only one totem and one enemy target at a time.



At this point I'm leaning towards taking the cooldown one as that's something only a mod can do.


I seriously like modd shooting rate.

Around half time a shot.

And get Ancient magic and Acute to tweak its dmg a shot.

2: Solid - Duration tweak. - 1: Pointed - More dammage. - 2: Rapid fire - Faster shots.


With duration tweak you get longer duration than regen time, might do the trick for you. But from around level 30 ca.

Edited by D-molisher
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