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Sacred 2 - PS3 : PSN Accounts

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There's an existing thread for the 360, so I thought I would create one for the ps3 :twitch:


PSN: Mr_Sox

Posted (edited)

PSN -buttfedora


69 Inquisitor - Play a little, got bored. Pure melee build. Gold/Platinum (not playing)

93 HE - Pyro, new main. niob

38 TG (secondary char)

15 SW - Bronze, doing the 20% of map and no buying. If anyone wants to give me teleports in bronze that'd be hot.

17 seraphim - Trying to slowly build a BFG. Slowly. Very slowly.



Oh, mics are important. Have a mic. Mics make God happy. When God is unhappy, it rains. When it rains, my power goes out. See, mics are important.

Edited by buttfedora

I just found this site while looking for info on the game. I'm not all the great at the game yet, but I'm a fan of this type of game (was a huge fan of Champions of Norrath, Baulder's and many other PS2 games like those). I havn't gotten comfortable yet with my character, so I havn't played online yet. But now that I know the game a bit better, I'm probably going to restart my character and start playing online. Anyone can add me if they like. My PSN ID is Darth-Krayt.


PSN: ChoasAngelZ


51 DW seraphim

48 Shadow Warrior

Pyro High elf (in early stages)

PSN : ll--chrome--ll


I actually just cleared come space on my main PSN acct, Barcode-LiiLLiiL feel free to send some adds




Just got this game and I have a level 17 SW on bronze.


Had I known bronze was so easy I would have gone silver. :D

Posted (edited)

PSN = Golden_Bullets77


Shadow Warrior - Level 22


Seraphim - Level 10


High Elf - Not yet Started.


Feel free to add me.

Edited by Golden_Bullets77

PSN -> Xdemonoid


Right now I have a bunch of different characters, mainly because I wanted to try out several different builds. None of them are above level 50, so they are all still low level. My favorite classes right now though are DG Temple Guardian, Pyro High Elf and a DW seraphim. Especially the Pyro High Elf, she rocks :)

Posted (edited)

PSN: MantisPR


71 Shadow Warrior (Platinum/Light) First Character

29 Seraphim (Silver/Light) Bargaining/Enhanced Perception

39 Shadow Warrior 2.0 (Silver/Shadow), ***Going for Survivalist Trophy***


All characters are dual wield with 2 buffs up.

Edited by MantisPR

PSN: Waronik


I have one character and I plan on getting it to level 200 then playing as the other classes.


Seraphim level 40


Hey with online can you use a bluetooth to talk to other people or is it writing form only, as you can tell I have no gone online yet with the PS3 Sacred 2

Posted (edited)
Hey with online can you use a bluetooth to talk to other people or is it writing form only, as you can tell I have no gone online yet with the PS3 Sacred 2
Yes bluetooth headset or a regular usb headset will work.


As far as I know there is no ingame keyboard or typing of any kind. On the PS3 you could press the PS button and open up a chat room with you friends. I have not tried this, but im sure it will work if you want to type or have no mic.

Edited by MantisPR

You know I will have to go with the bluetooth since I have it hooked up to my TV, other wise that would really be a long cord for the head set, and the dog would run over it all the time. lol


Just joined, this site is epic


PSN Danshow


35 Inquisitor

35 Dryad

Posted (edited)

PSN= InsanePaine


I have been reading the forums here after I got Sacred 2 for my PS3. Today I decided to join.


I have played hundreds of hours so far. My best characters are a Shadow Warrior level 50- light side and a Temple Guardian level 58- dark side.


I need to clean up my friends list a little but if you would like to play in Silver or Gold sent me a friend request.


I have a mic and keypad.

Edited by insanepaine

PSN: Coldstorm



Im still new to the game but lerning fast :gun2: give me a shout if ya would like to play


I have just purchased this game... loving it!!


Cant believe it had such poor reviews although I believe it is an acquired taste.


Im getting to grips with the complexities although some assistance from you guys would be greatfully received. I have a level 11 inquisitor and debating what skills to learn ... >>> comments>>>


Anyone wanna play hit me up PSN = Wild_HawK888


And how do u cast magic I mean spart from the execution of the divine gift:)

Posted (edited)
So do you guys talk to each other while you are playing the game:)


Yes, usb or bluethoot headset will work.


Im getting to grips with the complexities although some assistance from you guys would be greatfully received. I have a level 11 inquisitor and debating what skills to learn ... >>> comments>>>


And how do u cast magic I mean spart from the execution of the divine gift:)


Go here for some good info on Inquisitor, go thru them and customize to your liking -- http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showforum=375

To cast your new spells (combat arts) you need to learn (memorize/eat) them first. Fine or trade for a rune of the spell you wish to learn. The runes are located I your inventory. Just learn 1 of each kind for now. To use the spell go into your combat arts menu and "slot" it. Basically you asign a button on the controller to it.



Good luck!

Edited by MantisPR

Will Be Getting PSN Very Soon.


PSN Will Be: Red Destroyer.

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