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Buy Sacred 3! - Officially Announced for Deep Silver


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Kiy: Agreed. After what I've read, I doubt I'll even bother with the demo, let alone buying the full game...

Really wish we'd hear something more about S3, suspension's really killing me.

And about those game commus; they are few and far out. Top of the head only Titan Quest forum comes in mind. They still publish monthly(?) newsletters and such, but other than that and DM, nothing really comes mind.

We can only hope some miracle happens, or they'll alter their methods somewhat due community. (I wish!)

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Well I like Sacred Citadel. It is a beat em up and really just set in a period in the Sacred universe so that did not bother me. I am worried about Sacred 3 now though since it seems the open world has been axed...

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  • 1 month later...

I want to control and keep my own team of heroes like in dungeon siege 2 which was awsome also I want the temple gaurdian and shadow warrior to remain

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  • 9 months later...

Is Sacred 3 going to have local co-op?


It will have 2 player local co-op.


"Sacred 3 features classic arcade Hack ‘n’ Slash action centered around drop in, drop out cooperative multiplayer for both offline (2 players) and online (4 players) play."

(Source: http://sacred3.deepsilver.com/en/)

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Gamebox has that great fantastic character art. This is a nail biter... hoping this game still has the fans at heart!





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Thanks Tornado! Good to see some officials pop over here every now and again with some juicy tidbits of info :) I like the detail those three newest pics show, they're 4K and show off the world detail very nicely. It looks impressive!

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  • 3 months later...

And a fun trailer (not real gameplay):


Lol, I was about to post this! Honestly I find this film to be a slap in the face. They're throwing production value at this CGI clip, when we don't even have any actual information on the GAME that comes out in 2 months.

Edited by Ryanrocker
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Still, if all the clips are like that in humor, it will be worth getting this game eventually.

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We know a lot facts about the game, but no official word and that is a little bit confusing.


I hope deep silver make a more trailers with real gameplay and longer as one minute.

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We know a lot facts about the game, but no official word and that is a little bit confusing. I hope deep silver make a more trailers with real gameplay and longer as one minute.

Yes, gameplay is what I think a lot of us want to see!

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Doesn't that just makes it worse... approx. 1 month to go and we still know very minimal about the game. Even a gameplay trailer would be nice!

Yes it does make it worse, very disappointed with the devs so far :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to DarkMatters Haven!

It's a pretty large change from the original series's vision, less builds here, but it's certainly fast





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  • 2 weeks later...

At least the cinematics team is having fun with it.

Minotaur werewolves?

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