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Dryad Shopper - help with last 3 skills choice


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Here's the ranged shopper build I'm planning to use (inspired by chrona):



-Tactics lore



-Nature Weaver Focus

-Combat Reflexes

-Armor Lore


Skills I need help with (have to drop at least one):

-Ranged Weapons


-Nature weaver lore

-Capricious hunter focus


Nature lore will boost armor and healing from ancient bark and GGT.

Ranged weapons will increase attack and item level without penalty (attack speed is taken care of by sinister predator already I think?) - Will I need the extra attack?

Hunter focus will decrease hunter regen times - but I think viper's dw dryad build gets on fine without this skill?

Constitution adds hitpoints...


Which skill to leave out:)


Skills I would master first would be:

- Tactic lore

- Bargain

- Nature focus

- Armor lore... or nature lore if I pick it?


Any input on this?

Edited by ka243
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Here's the ranged shopper build I'm planning to use (inspired by chrona):



-Tactics lore



-Nature Weaver Focus

-Combat Reflexes

-Armor Lore


Skills I need help with (have to drop at least one):

-Ranged Weapons


-Nature weaver lore

-Capricious hunter focus


Nature lore will boost armor and healing from ancient bark and GGT.

Ranged weapons will increase attack and item level without penalty (attack speed is taken care of by sinister predator already I think?) - Will I need the extra attack?

Hunter focus will decrease hunter regen times - but I think viper's dw dryad build gets on fine without this skill?

Constitution adds hitpoints...


Which skill to leave out:)


Skills I would master first would be:

- Tactic lore

- Bargain

- Nature focus

- Armor lore... or nature lore if I pick it?


Any input on this?


IMO Nature lore is your option. it is very powerful in help AB and making nature tree a playable aspect but with EP and Bargaining you have to give up something. you will get lots of defense from armor lores boost to AB, tactics really is needed to boost your blowgun. at higher levels and nature focus inproves regens of all aspects by lowering the penalty from ab when its on. you also want hunter focus for the regens.


I run with


2 EP [5 pts]

3 Tactics lore [master first]

5 Bargaining [master 2nd]

8 Spell Resistance [5 points]

12 Ranged weapon [master 3rd]

18 concentration [1 point]

25 hunter focus [points to mod as needed]

35 armor lore [master 4]

50 nature focus [points to mod as needed]

65 constitution [master 5]


I use blowgun with regen per hit and Darting Assault. and a combo of TV/ GGT for boses then Ravaged impact moded from bleed and double shot

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You play console, hmmm. On PC my shoppers are normally fun characters. They have the purpose to reach a certain level like 80 and then stay at this level supporting other characters with equipment for this level area. Because they are sooner or later stationary I do fun builds, trying out some ideas, so idon't ruin a good character if they fail.


Then there are shoppers who level together with the character of a friend or your main character.


A funny stationary shopper for up to level 90 is a kungfu dryad, a character you probably won't play to level 200, but which is fun to play for a while.


A friend at firefighters plays such a character (PC-build, because of alchemy):

2 alchemy, 3 concentration, 5 bargaining, 8 tactics, 12 reflexes, 18 armour, 25 nature magic lore, 35 hunter focus, 50 nature magic focus, 65 constitution


We had the idea when discussing a kungfu build: it need rings like (x-x damage/+y all Skills) to get a decent base damage value. Also jewelry for attack speed, enemy can't evade, ... because there is no unarmed weapon skill.


We decided for alchemy to unlock bargaining: trophies can boost attack speed, hit chance, reg per hit for a boss fight. Also the x% life leech of the detheya set is a big amount of damage versus bosses. So at Bosses we use a dethaya set socketed with defensive jewelry and get the offense from trophies for a saver playstyle. At normal mobs the sockets of custommade (rather custom bought) rare gear are filled with more offensive stuff like attack speed, enemy can't evade, damage x-x, ....


So the Kungu dryad needs a shopper and it was nice that she was the shopper for her own.


I don't know how high you want to play your shopper, but if its just up to platin I would go for a fun character. You learn a lot of play tactics with fun characters. On the console alchemy is ugly, sadly. But there are more fun characters to be discovered, a boss hunter with divine devotion ?

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Hey loco, what's your character level total hp and how much is from constitution?

Why do you choose to master ranged weapons 3rd? It seems to me that armor lore mastery would give better benefits since blowpipes hit so fast anyways unless you were having trouble hitting things?


What's your attack speed bonus from sinsiter predator? Does ranged weapons help in this regard or is it only for the extra attack value?


What about hunter focus, do you need the regen bonuses/Combat Art level without penalty bonuses? We can get mod points from tactics. Viper's build seemed fine without it but that build had combat discipline to knock off some regen.


Dropping one of these skills would let us have both nature lore for the extra armor bonus and healing + constitution...


I wonder how much nature lore adds to ancient bark as I don't really have a good idea of this.

If you have the extra armor from armor lore + nature mastery is constitution useless even in niob?


The idea was to get the character as high as possible to buy stuff for others and self.

Edited by ka243
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Hey loco, what's your character level total hp and how much is from constitution?

Why do you choose to master ranged weapons 3rd? It seems to me that armor lore mastery would give better benefits since blowpipes hit so fast anyways unless you were having trouble hitting things?


What's your attack speed bonus from sinsiter predator? Does ranged weapons help in this regard or is it only for the extra attack value?


What about hunter focus, do you need the regen bonuses/Combat Art level without penalty bonuses? We can get mod points from tactics. Viper's build seemed fine without it but that build had combat discipline to knock off some regen.


Dropping one of these skills would let us have both nature lore for the extra armor bonus and healing + constitution...


I wonder how much nature lore adds to ancient bark as I don't really have a good idea of this.

If you have the extra armor from armor lore + nature mastery is constitution useless even in niob?


The idea was to get the character as high as possible to buy stuff for others and self.



I'll have to boot up the xbox to see my exact numbers. Poor thing is neglected now that I am on PC.


Mainly I choose Ranged to master because I was finding tons of blow guns with ranged mastery that I couldn't fully take advantage of. very good secondary (dot) damage bonuses from ranged modifier. you don't really need it mastered. as a matter of fact , only had 18 points ,you could put 1 point in it and let SP do the rest. but you would need to pump runes into SP and I mean a lot of runes. to Keep Combat Art level at or as close to Char level as possible. hence the Focus


Sinister predator helps with attack value and speed. We don't really take advantage of the weapon only shot in console. Never seemed effective. But on PC, weapon only shot with Dryad is impressive and OMG fast. I chose to take Focus for regen because I didn't plan on useing 3 buffs and left Concentration at 1. and At level 90 was able to hit 0.2s regen on DA. This gave me the opportunity to read runes. lots of them which really started to raise my damage. And with a 1.0s Regen per hit ring you can almost take regen of DA to 4.0s and still fire continuously. I felt like at level 100in noib I needed more damage. Also higher spell level without penalty allows you many more runes in SP. effectively using the Regen bonus mod. She kills plenty quick because of the 150% attack speed and 0 regen but it was taking more and more shots to finish off the Noib enemies. and now on PC with Add-on they hit back HARD!!. So killing with BFG efficiency was my goal


I had Ancient bark + Armor lore at 80,000 total armor with at least 65% phys. I had over 80% CTH. and by noib the bosses only had about 30% CTH. When I got hit, which was rare, they did enough damage to me that I wish I had more hit points. hence Constitution ( read insurance policy) even though I put Att points into Vitality until level 65. And a hard hit from a champ or boss would hurt. Again on Ice and Blood Dragons and other bosses are not the pushovers they were on Console. I 've lost 2 toons to Dragons so far on PC and 1 was at level 45.


I saw Nature Lore more necessary if you wanted to take advantage of the other Combat Art on nature. like Tangled Vine was powerful.


Ok Here are the specs off the Xbox Dryad


Level 108

Total HP 16,954

Attack Value 3,552

Defense Value 9985

Attack Speed 150%

Armor 79,914 with 42,724 phys

Strength 371

Stamina 381

vitality 406

Dex 644

int 419

will 366


+all skills of 97


Skills hard pt ( total)


Tactics lore 100 (226)

Concentration 1 (98)

Hunter focus 75 (172

Nature Focus 75 (172)

Ranged 18 (148)

Combat Reflex 5 (114)

Armor Lore 35 (132)

Constitution 75 (172)

Combat Disc 17 (114)

Nature Lore 60 (60)


200 runes in AB and 212 runes in SP


Level 124 bargainer for all jewels

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K, so I'll probably take your advice and drop nature lore.


I'm finding this character woefully underpowered compared to my Bfg seraphim. The hugemongus advantage of BFG is you can get a weapon so far above your character level by just rune reading. Level 30 so far using a blowpipe about my level upgrading every few levels... This blowpipe just feels like such a twig compared to bfg.

Edited by ka243
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K, so I'll probably take your advice and drop nature lore.


I'm finding this character woefully underpowered compared to my Bfg seraphim. The hugemongus advantage of BFG is you can get a weapon so far above your character level by just rune reading. Level 30 so far using a blowpipe about my level upgrading every few levels... This blowpipe just feels like such a twig compared to bfg.



The upside of blowpipe is that, yes it takes 2 or 3 hits to kill a skeleton, but your killing 4 enemies at a time. and when you get "regen per hit" on or your regen low enough that DA fires everytime she does do pretty well.


And she kills swamp bats and Fens(was a problem for my BFG). but watch for the mounted boars and mounted scarabs. I kept a bow for them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The one I'm building atm is using the following skills:


2 - Tactics Lore (195)

3 - Capricious Hunter Focus (75)

5 - Nature Weaver Focus (75)

8 - Concentration (1)

12 - Spell Resistance (75)

18 - Armor Lore (75)

25 - Enhanced Perception (75)

35 - Bargaining (200)

50 - Nature Weaver Lore (75)

65 - Constitution (75)


I decided to go with Nature Lore over Ranged Weapons since the only thing you're getting form Ranged Weapons is the ability to use them sooner without speed penalty and the modifiers. The modifiers on blowguns is pretty lackluster in my opinion and while the chance to disregard armor on some bows is nice you can mod Ravaged Impact to do the same at a 20% + .5% per Combat Art level rate so by using Regen Per Hit and a level 60+ RI you've got at least a 50% chance of disregard compared to the 15% or so you would get from a bow modifier. Basically everything Ranged Weapons Lore gives you can be replaced by Dryad Combat Arts except for the ability to use them sooner without penalty.


Meanwhile Nature Lore gives you a stronger GGT, more regen from Ancient Bark, a harder hitting Vines and the mod points for the other Combat Arts.

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