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How do you get Yellow Shrunken Heads?


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Can you really get yellow dragon head from young dragons (with the addon?) I have killed a lot of young dragon, got tons and tons of white dragon head, but no yellow or blue ones. :Just_Cuz_21:




I do not believe so. You need to go after the Dragon bosses if you want to get a yellow dragon head. The one in the Dryad area is easily re-spawned, and is ideal for farming Dragon heads.


Happy hunting!


I think the post with the heads says: yellow dragon heads will be dropped by dragon bosses. The ghost companion of a yellow dragon head is a small dragon.

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The community patch here apparently fixed some of the shrunken heads so more will appear! Let's go headhunting?


"V0064 is Up.




* Denderans Set (SW) added missing setboni.

* Fistweapons: Fixed animation issues, made them 1H (Dual-Wield and useable for all toons!)

* Throwdrinks added.

* Recurvebow added.

* DM Aspects were missing in the Random-Bonuslists.

* New rare Mace models implemented. (One is even animated.)

* TW Miniset XTM-2174: fixed the inventorysize of the chest.

* SW Special-Mounts sorted color to proper aspects.

* Fixed faulty animation of Seraphim on Specialmount when using Soul Hammer with equipped 2H Sword.

* New SW Set: Kankas Relics added.

* SW Set: Pandamoniums Glory: corrected some missing Boni.

* Unique Pistol: Deserteagle: Added and created special Soundprofile for Shooting.

* Unavailable Shrinkheads can now be obtained from some special enemies (Except: rare human-head and rare goblin-head, for which we need some suitable enemies, but we are working on them).


Several questrelated fixes, too many to mention here."

Edited by cloudblade70
  • 1 month later...
The community patch here apparently fixed some of the shrunken heads so more will appear! Let's go headhunting?


"V0064 is Up.



* Unavailable Shrinkheads can now be obtained from some special enemies (Except: rare human-head and rare goblin-head, for which we need some suitable enemies, but we are working on them).


I'm getting interested in this. As I understand it, if you play on the closed servers you can't use the community patch... is that correct? How to phrase this positively?


Question: To play on the closed servers can only be done with Ascaron provided patches, yes?

The community patch here apparently fixed some of the shrunken heads so more will appear! Let's go headhunting?


"V0064 is Up.



* Unavailable Shrinkheads can now be obtained from some special enemies (Except: rare human-head and rare goblin-head, for which we need some suitable enemies, but we are working on them).


I'm getting interested in this. As I understand it, if you play on the closed servers you can't use the community patch... is that correct? How to phrase this positively?


Question: To play on the closed servers can only be done with Ascaron provided patches, yes?


Yes, our CM-Patch is inofficial improvement and thus not available on closed net servers.


With the recent v0080, all shrinkheads that exist can be found ingame.

Posted (edited)


Question: To play on the closed servers can only be done with Ascaron provided patches, yes?


Yes, our CM-Patch is inofficial improvement and thus not available on closed net servers.


With the recent v0080, all shrinkheads that exist can be found ingame.


Soooo... time for a little SP head huntin' fun! :Just_Cuz_21: With the patch!

Edited by FrostElfGuard


Question: To play on the closed servers can only be done with Ascaron provided patches, yes?


Yes, our CM-Patch is inofficial improvement and thus not available on closed net servers.


With the recent v0080, all shrinkheads that exist can be found ingame.


Soooo... time for a little SP head huntin' fun! :thumbsup: With the patch!


Have fun! Let us know what you find!



Question: To play on the closed servers can only be done with Ascaron provided patches, yes?


Yes, our CM-Patch is inofficial improvement and thus not available on closed net servers.


With the recent v0080, all shrinkheads that exist can be found ingame.


Soooo... time for a little SP head huntin' fun! :D With the patch!




I knew there were a few heads missing. I can hardly wait to see the missing heads.




  • 4 months later...

Testing with a 3-aspect kungfu dryad made me think that the level of a shrunken head increases totem damage. At least same race, but different difficulties and therefor levels showed a difference. Finer tests would be needed if it is caused by the difficulty or the level of a head.


Anyone has pictures of the pets done by the new heads?

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

Czevak in GSF: Was ich euch soweit sagen kann (CM Patch):

Drache blau: "Dragon_small_red_elite" und "Dragon_small_green_elite" sowie "lizard_deathcult_priest_elite" (keine Ahnung wie die ingame heissen)

Barbar gelb: Walther aus der XMAS-Reihe

Untot gelb: Terus - General der Untoten Legion.

Tier gelb: Meister Petz XMAS

Goblinoid gelb: Lupus Kalthand

Mensch blau: "DR_cult_mage_elite" (Irgendwelche Kultisten auf der Dryadeninsel)

Hochelf blau: Archäologin Mishirla

Dryade gelb: Mazzagons Leibwächterinnen

Mensch gelb: Hexe Failitia


dragon blue - red and green dragon elites, dragon cult elite- unsure ingame names

barbarian yellow - Walter -xmas island

undead yellow: General Terus

animal yellow: Meister Betz XMAS = Bear boss x-mas island?

goblinoid yellow: Lupus Kalthand - Lupus Coldhand ?

human blue: cultist mages elites on dryad island

dryad yellow: Mazzagon's bodyguards

human yellow: witch Failitia

Edited by chattius
  • 2 years later...

Remember me to write a shrunken head hunting guide. Obviously such a guide is missing in the dryad guide section. But first I have to play the dryad a bit again. Last year was only dragon mages for me, but nice dragon mages, energy blazes covering the whole screen.


My test dryad managed to reach gold without ever dying at level 40, even it was close sometimes. It was played while sitting at the telephon(and citizen band radio) for possible calls for my wife as a doc or me as firefighter.


Tactics Lore-9 For the buff, sure hits and criticals, needed to recharge heal and totem spell via Reg per Hit, chance for early shrunken heads.

Spell resistance-5 to unlock armour

Alchemy-40 wanted to try this: long lasting trophies early on to fill holes

Armor Lore-1 mainly to unlock modifiers on armours early on

Nature Weaver Lore-9 only the heal spell till now

Cabalistic Voodoo Focus-40 totems for hybrid playing, curse to remove buffs at bosses

Enhanced Perception-23 did I mention that I started on a new notebook without any saves carried over?

Combat Discipline-1 took it now because of a bit damage and 10% regen wit ha single point


Nature Weaver Focus nature mages are hard to play early on so I take this late

Dual Wield I won't have more than a single point in this last skill, so two nlovae for better webs


For recharging:

Shurikens and a shield are nice and safe. But flying beasts are often not hit by the ballistic curve of the projectile. Take a blowpipe with instant hit at these enemies


Many Many people die because heal potions loose power if spammed. Alchemy is a good way to prevent this. 95.2% heal with a small potion instead of 40% without alchemy. A single potion to full heal intead of three... what to say more

Experience rate

Mentors last already significantly longer and enhanced perception unlocked some experience rate modifiers on stuff. So evern the kill rate is quite low yet, my experience rate is comparable to normal builds by now.

Regeneration times

15s cooldown +55s reg time for a totem, but with 3s reg per hit and darting assault often hitting 3 it is not as worse as it sounds. Sometimes I have 2 totems running, even at bosses. Yellow potions are used on a regular base at boss fights.


I have the pink potions with 93% undead ban permanently up at undead areas and still not running out of them.


Chattius, I just read through the last three posts. I forgot how much work Ascaron had put into the game regarding the voodoo heads.

Yah, I think that hunting guide would be awesome! I'd completely forgotten about the races and regions contributing to the head drops... more for the Wiki!






Lot of real life business, character reached level 46 by now. Funny character, just finished collossos. And this without barkskin or a life leech weapon. By using only the hunting buff even the griffon was no real danger in gold at level 42. If getting debuffed I loose only hitchance and regeneration time. So using trophies to get them back. Actually the wild boar and the stuns were more annoying.


What I am writing down currently are the modifiers found on shrunken heads, like:

white ones:

physical resistance

+one of:

voodoo focus

voodoo lore

base defense valie --- use this if having barkskin, effect will be multiplied even without modification

x% spell resistance


blue ones

collecting the combinations


yellow ones

here it will be a no-list I think, a blue one(?) added with another of any modifiers except:

no x to all skills?

no x to all combat arts?

no x% life leech?

  • Like! 1

That info is good. Hard data like that is kind of rare on teh game. What people can do with stuff helps them stay alive longer, and is always read and used





  • 2 weeks later...

Had a bit time for playing, character is at level 75 just reaching platinum. It is designed as a nature dryad in the long run. However the mastered skills are: alchemy, enhanced perception and voodoo focus. 4th will be combat discipline. It is still played without barkskin so hunting heads at the griffon or the undead prince is without much riscs. There is just no important buff on.

Playstyle is a detheya set ( levels spread from 15 to 90, thanks to enhanced perception unlocking magic find on items) with a blow pipe and 5.3s reg per hit. With darting assault and big boss targets a 35s voodoo spells for head hunt is recharged in 3 salvos.

The normal tactic is to place a totem, use x% life leech (detheya and throwing star) till the boss is at one third of health and then fire a combo with all headhunting voodoo spells at 27s reg time. Having a fitting head for the boss, disease allows fast kills so all 3 headhunter spells are still up at time of death.

  • 2 years later...

Not sure if this is relevant but, the blue monster head (werewolf) has a chance to fear opponents bonus. I think especially profound on humans, humanoids, elves and dryads?

Well, chance to fear is there for a fact.

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