gasconron 11 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 (edited) Inquisitor - "corpse Explosion" Necro (Caster) *Updated (02/02/14) - version 2 added. Introduction:Just Like my Invinci Shadow Warrior guide, this is going to be very equipment extensive. The objective of this guide is to direct you from Silver to Niobium mainly by levelling and just playing through the difficulties just doing the main campaign. Then upon reaching Niob, play Sacred 2, the way it should be played. Before making this guide There will be overlaps with the other guides posted by other users in this section due to the limits of a Caster Inquisitor's "variation." However, you will notice that I've modded some Combat Arts differently from the majority of the other Caster guides and I will be discussing specific equipment choices and why I chose them in contrast to the "general opinion" of what to use.As this is a HC caster you would want the optimal gear you can get. You will need niob Shoppers and Smithers and a hella' lucky EP Pyromancer Farmer or Dryad, for certain pieces of gear you need/want via end game.Skill Selection:level 2: Armor Lore - 75 pts maxkeep it at char level and stop at mastery. Inquisitors do not enjoy any Combat Art reducing buffs, we need this skill first because of 2 reasons. Helps decrease armor penalty to regen, and it enables us to wear higher armor at lower levels, this is especially good for us because this is a Caster HC build.level 3: Nefarious Netherworld Lore - 150+ (150-170) pts.this skill is developed later on, but needs to be chosen early to unlock the "Focus" skills. Like any other starter caster, you work towards making your spells spammable first before making them deal more damage. Put 5 pts, to unlock the "focuses" and leave it until Armor Lore, NN Focus, and AS Focus reach Mastery level. After that, increase at your own pace.level 5: Nefarious Netherworld Focus - 75 pts max2nd skill that must reach mastery by level 75level 8: Astute Supremacy Focus - 75 pts max3rd skill that must reach mastery by level 75level 12: Astute Supremacy Lore - 100+ (100-120)now we can take the lore. Leave it at 1 point for a while. let the + skills carry it for the mean time.level 18: Concentration - to allow for 2-3 buffs and further improve the regeneration times for our Combat Arts. After the mastery of the 3 priority skills (Armor Lore, NN Focus and AS Focus) Gradually improve this along with the NN Lore and the next skill.level 25: Combat Discipline - 75 pts maxIt improves REGEN and adds humungous damage to our Combat Art's. After the mastery of the 3 priority skills (Armor Lore, NN Focus and AS Focus) Gradually improve this along with the NN Lore and the Concentration. This is the primary reason why AS Lore can be neglected at 1 pt. Since the generic AS-based Area of Effect combo "CM + LA +(optional Eruptive Desecration)" is buffed up by this baby.level 35: Dual Wield - 1 ptIt's only use is to let you equip 2 weapons that will Potentially make your overall char better----Survivabilitylevel 50: Constitution - 75+ pointsThis skill and its eventual mastery is a must. Increase at your own pace.level 65: Toughness - 75+ pointsincreases our survivability... mastery is a must. any point in excess of 75 is up to you balance the amount with how much you put in Constitution.Stat Allocation:25/75 ratio Vitality and Intelligence . I would recommend however that the 1st 100pts go to Vit.Combat Arts:Dislodged Spirit - gelidity > torture > wildfire ***1st Priority*** fully mod this skill before anything else in NN aspectI know, I know... completely unorthodox when the "generic mod choices" are: spite > deprivation > stimulateThis skill the way it is modded is intended to be the primary bosskiller, when combo'd a synergy modded Raving Thrust + Inexorable Subjugation.This Combat Art is modded completely as a Spike skill, rather than a debuff. Let me explain:the 1st 2 mods are self explanatory, added damage... minimal, but it adds up. In a spike any extra sources of damage is always welcome...Wildfire is the main reason why this skill became our spike skill. What it actually does is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from its function description. Even though it says, "if target dies the sould held will explode causing minor area damage", all it does is give you an added chunky physical damage.Comment:I doubted my eyes at first, but after conducting a test using 2 different hacked level 200 Inquisitors (no equipment & jewelry worn, no attributes allocated, no SB difference), both using gelidity and torture as their bronze & silver mods, but using different gold mods, the damage gap was enormous on their base damages. On another test, I geared 2 different level 200 Inquisitors with ~+90 all skills & Combat Arts, ~+200ish% (x type of damage), then put used an elemental modifier on the equipped weapon to fit the equipped damage type % boni. The result:Dislodged Spirit - gelidity > torture > wildfire - - - nets about ~50k+ damageDislodged Spirit - spite > deprivation > stimulate - - - nets about 6-7k damageAdvantages: damage is great, you'll never have a problem taking down a boss, even at early game. Killing speed is phenomenal. Outside of boss fights, use this in a combo "IS + DS" touch anything you see and 2 seconds later = instant meat shield.Disadvantages: its a touch skill, so you'll be living like a during boss fights, which puts you in immediate danger in higher difficulties (dealing with this problem will be discussed further along the guide). Inexorable Subjugation - brunt > menace > probationself explanatory... this is the generic modded IS. when combo'd with DS, you become a Diablo 2 or Guild Wars Necro Minion Master in your own right.Soul Reaver - zealot > source > zealot ***2nd Priority*** mod this until "source" to further decrease regen of Combat Art's making skills more spammable. Then proceed to fully modding IS, before you come back to mod the last zealot.again, generic modded SR for added defense, should be no surprises here.Eruptive Desecration - restore > violence > apocalypse1. Restore - life gain,2. Damage -3. increase range -* this is used as the clean up skill in the generic AS-based Area of Effect combo "CM + LA" add as the 3rd skill in the combo to finish of any stragglers. Thus, the corpse explosion effect, that you will see about 90% of your game play.Paralyzing Dread - despair > decripit > extentionagain, generic modded PD for added Boss debuff... Since you will be using a "RT (ranged) + IS (ranged) + DS (touch) combo spike" in every boss fight and at every moment of the said boss fight, you will find your caster ending up right in front of the boss. Paralyzing Dread ensures 2 things:1. that the boss doesn't swing at you as much.2. that the boss walks like a crippled 90 yr old, as you retreat further back to start your "RT + IS + DS combo spike" over again.Clustering Maelstrom - chaos > vortex > vortexthis is the setup for your Area of Effect have fun in Swamps, Dessert and Orclands with this.Agro a lot! the more bodies collide the more damage taken from Chaos mod.Levin Array - disperse > hesitation > dynamicgeneric modded LA... should be no questions here.Raving Thrust - bedaze > vehemence > lesionthis is the setup to our "RT (ranged) + IS (ranged) + DS (touch) combo spike". stuns the target, added damage, reduces base HP temporarily (technically since the combo is being spammed, the base HP is actually almost permanently reduced throughout the duration of the boss fight.Reverse Polarity - rebound > counterblow > exploitthis will be the 2nd buff you take to add to your survivability. no surprises in the modding except probably your gold mod. exploit actually mitigates 5% of the damage taken to your minions. Since, you are a minion master, might as well take advantage of it. Mitigation is better than evasion in this case, because %chance to evade can be gained from various other sources, where as damage mitigation has limited sources and in the Inquisitor's case armor sources of "damage mitigation vs. all" are rare. At least in my experience. Seraphim and Shadow Warrior armors with miti sources were not to hard to find with an EP farmer/niob shopper (the rare ones are those, with good 2ndary mods and 2 sockets). For inquisitors, just finding an armor with a dam miti vs all with just 1 socket makes you cry blood.Zealous Doppelganger - incentive > either > companionmeat shield goodness, however out of all the 3 buff you will use this will be the last one you should gain.Booster Slots:Slot 1 - Combo: Raving Thrust + Inexorable Subjugation + Dislodged Spirit Usage: spike skill, for champions, orcs in orc cave, boss killerSlot 2 - Combo: Clustering Maelstrom + Levin Array + Eruptive Desecration Usage: Area of Effect, if you prefer lvlling up via "mob hoarding" this makes it very viable.Slot 3 - Paralyzing Dread - - boss debuffSlot 4 - Mortifying Pillory - - use in early game as a way of turning the crowd against target you feel threatens you the most.Equipment (end game): **you have been warned this is gear intensive, especially on the wicked nerf on +skills and deathblow since the latest update.**First the needed modifiers and the recommended thresholds at around level 180+:~+90 all skills & Combat Arts (im not a fan of + 100+ skills chars *cough*breaks game balance*cough*, except for shoppers), ~70-75% deathblow, ~30-50% chance to crit, ~65-90% chance to disregard armor, 50-60+% chance to evade & ~+ 175+% (x type) damage w/ a corresponding convert ~70-81% to damage type (chunk of lava, magic pearl, ice, poison fang)1. Taking care of our death blow need w/ just 3 sources, this quickly takes out he problem of the nerf on jewelry bonuses: 2x Ignis Magica & Deylen's loyalty. a level 185+ of these items will get around ~70% DB, as an added bonus you get a chunky bonus to your spell intensity and decent increase to your Area of Effect Combat Arts. I know it's asking a lot but socket both ignis Magica with the rare Silala's rings to quick boost your crit chance & armor ignore2. start hunting for yellow gear (head, sleeves or boots) with ~+20-24 Combat Art on them. 3 armor pieces with the mentioned mod preferably with a 2ndary mod that addresses the needed modifiers. headgear and belt MUST have 2 slots, sleeves or boots can have 1 as I barely see any with 2, if they do the modifiers are usually crap. Add 1 Maldrion's and that should put your +all Combat Arts to ~90ish3. Damage mitigation gear (torso, shoulders and belt) -a. physical damage miti - it was a choice between using Insignia of Deference (helmet) and equipping a +20-24 all Combat Art belt. Or using Deylen's Strength (belt) and equipping a +20-24 all Combat Art helm. Deylen is probably the way to go since it is easier the get Insig of Deferrence.b. try to find at least 1 with 2 sockets... this is probably the hardest one to get out of all;Inisignia of Pain for a chunky evade chance%, added defense, and 2 slots.By now, you have a lot of free jewelry sockets on your gear and an 4 empty ring slots with DB and +Combat Arts are knocked out of the way, and all of the needed modifiers are partially addressed. However, you have "0 +skills."Now for the most boring part... Bust out your niob shopper and hunt for those +14-16 skill rings/ammys with 2ndary modifiers (crit, disregard, evade chance) to get them to the desired threshhold.---After addressing all the needed modifiers, you should have about:2-3 jewelry sockets left, and no rings worn. Depeninding on the sockets left remaining use 2-3 artamarks for socketing for increased armor, depending on how much you can spare. Shop for 4 rings with +50-60% (x type) damage of the same kind, hopefully with 2ndary modifiers...the 2ndary mods to the ring is up to you depending on what you feel is still missing (I personally recommend spell resistance... to pass against opponent Combat Art intensity vs. player resistance check.)comment:definitely, the most gear dependent build I've played. very expensive too with 2-3 artamarks, 2 silala's rings and 2 hard to find armor pieces.Levelling Up:In my accelerated (balance.txt x50 to gained xp) run, early on I just hoard farmed in the kobold region using the Area of Effect combo, did the Gar Colossus and lvled up in the Orc region until I fully modded DS, got the "source" silver mod on Soul Reaver, before I actually farmed the orc cave. It was to ensure that the combo spike was semi- spammable. What is good about this build is that you can opt not to farm the Orc cave, because you can level up minimally slower by mob farming, but increases your safety from early to mid game.In my actual run, I am at late Gold as of the moment, and still kicking ass.comment:I have to reiterate that due to frailty of this build, you must have booster equipment (above average equipment at your current level) readily available as you progress. Your "good" equipment 20 lvls ago is now mediocre... For that reason, I have 2 non-HC EP farmers to farm gear, 1 who has access to Silver & Gold LAN freeplay and the 2nd one that has access to Plat and Niob, for mid to end game equipment. I also duplicated my non-HC Smith/Shopper Temple Guardian when he was in Gold, and got one copy to Niob to serve the same purpose (it's technically cheating, but I don't really care making, since Utility chars is boring as hell to build.)Build Rating (personal opinion):Survivability (Early Game) - 2/ are generally safe because you have a lot of meat shields, but since your boss kill combo involves a touch skill, not really good.Survivability (End Game) - 3.5/5... it get's better because you gain bigger armor rating, damage mitigation. but bosses can still kill you in 4 unlucky consecutive crits.Damage (Early Game) - 4/5 provided you setup your Area of Effect right, and your RT+IS+DS combo early on. there will be no problems whatsoever.Damage (End Game) - 5/5, mobs are a joke, bosses are a joke... I actually timed my boss runs I kill the bosses faster than DW Serra and Invinci Shadow WarriorGame Progression - 4.5/5 progressed until gold faster than my Shadow Warrior and seraphim, but still slower than my High Elf.level'ing grind - n/a... many options on lvlling up. you are not confined to the stinkin' Orc Cave.Equipment Dependancy - 0.00000001/5... to get to the desired damage mitigation level (60-80), deathblow (65-70+), crits (30-40), ignore armor (70-90), +all skills & Combat Art's (40-60) and still have slots on your weapon of choice to socket +base weapon damage w/ +damage% type rings. It takes a long hours of niob shopping, EP farming, unless of course you started the build, with all the end game items ready to use (just like I did) ...comment: same description as what I put on my Invinci Shadow Warrior guide, but finding the mitigation gear w/ at least 1 jewelry socket was really painful. not to mention using 2 Silala's and 3 artamark's. This build needed ~90+ skills and Combat Art's, while my Shadow Warrior only needed ~+50-60 to do good damage. (this meant more hours wasted on shopping for jewelry) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2 - Version 1 is still workable and viable but this give a little more "punch" and staying power in melee range. Update: Due to my initial attempt at a full Niob HC run with this build failing miserablly at plat, I concluded that the build depended too much on clustering maelstrom + levin array + (raving thrust) to kill something in the Area of Effect to hit the initial "corpse explosion effect" and get the chain reaction desired. However, that only worked for me in my testing because I did it with a fairly matured Niob blank toon with gear available. When I put it into practice on my actual hardcore run, I had a very hard time getting the initial kill in mid game, when enemies were tougher, regens were slower and damage miti sucked and armor was lacking. Therefore, enraged by the death of my level 95+ Inquis, I immediately planned a re-work on the build that addressed the issues. Changes - 1. Take out Dual Wield , it was only taken only to access dual Ignis Magikas for the instant ~70 Deathblow, and do more with the slots you conserve. Replace it with Gruesome Inquisition Focus . This gives us access to the valuable free damage mitigation of the Purifying Chastisement. Combined with dmg mitigation you can get from your gear it will increase your survivability a lot. The danger of initiating a Dislodged Spirit on a boss at melee range is greatly reduced. @ level 75 of GI Focus, you are now granted: - a fully modded Ruthless Mutilation and Callous Execution. Even w/ 0 Strength and minimal investment in + damage%, the damage on these 2 CAs is ridiculous. - New Combo: Raving Thrust > Clustering Maelstrom > Ruthless Mutilation - - - > Clean up withEruptive Desecration spam. - - - This can now be used as a farming tool as your new buff now enables you even at mid-game mediocre gear to herd as much creeps before you spike them down. With a steady supply of mentor potions levelling will be a joke. You can now also Orc Cave, but that is unnecessary, due to the efficiency of your Area of Effect farming. With this new setup you sacrifice your Reverse Polarity buff, a slotless ~70% DB (2x Ignis), and 2 jewelry slots in exchange for: a possible max of 20+% damage mitigation (via buff) and around a healthy "40-45% to all" at end-game, plus an additional physical damage mitigation from Deylen's (translates into 1000's of reduced damage in boss fights in level 140 and above in Niob) with the same armor setup, a fully modded Callous Execution (Boss Killing Tool), and a fully modded Scything Sweep (to make your chain explosion more effective). Worth it? Hell f#$%*ing yeah! Comment: Most people would prefer to keep the Reverse Polarity and lose the Doppelganger buff, but I really hate recasting companions as a summoner in any RPG game, so the choice was done out of sheer laziness and not micro-maxing. If your the type that doesn't get annoyed recasting the damn Doppel every couple of seconds, then by all means. Having Reverse Polarity + Purifying Chastisement will really pump your survivability through the roof. New Skill Order: * this was the path I took on my current Hardcore Entry Level 2: Gruesome Inquisition Focus Level 3: Armor Lore Level 5: Astute Supremacy Focus Level 8: Nefarious Netherworld Focus Level 12: Concentration Level 18: Constitution or Combat Discipline Level 25: Constitution or Combat Discipline Level 35: Nefarious Netherworld Lore Level 50: Astute Supremacy Lore Level 60: Toughness Added Combat Arts: Ruthless Mutilation - Ire > Petrify > Frenzy - Damage... Prevent Damage... Damage... *sounds reasonable* Callous Execution - Bleed > Lacerate > Judgement - modded for boss killing meaning... MOAR damage! Purifying Chastisement - Mystic or Purge > Eradicate > Inure - Added Crit and the valuable damage mitigation Equipment: Except for the Weapon of Choice, everything remains the same. 1 modifier is now required for you to have, though. Consider lowering deathblow % to ~60's to add a decent amount to +% chance opponent cannot avoid attack. Weapon of choice has been changed to "Slicing Scythe" a unique w/ 2 gold sockets for a decent boost to your crits %, and addition of deep wounds and life leech. There are probably more options for the largest most damaging 2-hander you can get your hands on, but I chose this weapon for its mods rather than damage. I wanted to keep the integrity of the character as a caster-focused build rather than a melee hybrid. Edited February 2, 2014 by gasconron Link to comment
chattius 2,610 Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 Nice new concept. I was working on a KungFu-Inqui at weekend. So I wanted all normal 3 buff's. Doppleganger will later be lasting long enough anyway. I planed dislocated spirit mainly to reduce enemies hitpoints since I am not allowed to take netherworld or might lore because of a kungfu style challenge. How much is the explosion damage boosted by the lore ? Since I play weaponless anyway I miss up to 6 sockets(!) -ouch. So in my case I wouldn't do doppleganger as a buff. I need the inquisition buff to push the damage of my unarmed combat and perhaps the damage of the support spells. So I would add inquistion focus. One reason to push the buff and another to get high weapon Combat Art to recharge all Combat Art's with regeneration per hit. About doppelganger: is it same on the console that if you cast it while wielding a weapon with x% life leech that the doppelganger will have x% life leech too? Do you know if other modifiers from a weapon will be carried over to the doppelganger? Link to comment
gasconron 11 Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 (edited) Nice new concept. I was working on a KungFu-Inqui at weekend. So I wanted all normal 3 buff's. Doppleganger will later be lasting long enough anyway. I planed dislocated spirit mainly to reduce enemies hitpoints since I am not allowed to take netherworld or might lore because of a kungfu style challenge. How much is the explosion damage boosted by the lore ? Since I play weaponless anyway I miss up to 6 sockets(!) -ouch. So in my case I wouldn't do doppleganger as a buff. I need the inquisition buff to push the damage of my unarmed combat and perhaps the damage of the support spells. So I would add inquistion focus. One reason to push the buff and another to get high weapon Combat Art to recharge all Combat Art's with regeneration per hit. About doppelganger: is it same on the console that if you cast it while wielding a weapon with x% life leech that the doppelganger will have x% life leech too? Do you know if other modifiers from a weapon will be carried over to the doppelganger? @ chattius: I am not to sure about the being weaponless part. In my setup, 2x Ignis Magica (comprised ~66-69% Deathblow)... The explosion is set off by the hopes that Clustering Mael and Levin Array Softens the mob to about 75-50% of their HP and for the Explosion w/ the DB modifier to Insta-kill them, but by losing that huge source, I'm not exactly to sure. With regards to NN Lore, it doesn't phenomally increase the damage on Eruptive Desecration, but it does mwith Dislodge Spirit (which is the primary boss killer). However, since you're weaponless (and in my case my 2x weps are my main source of DB), if it was my Inqui, I will lose a lot on firepower. You are right, majority of the guides have used Dislodge Spirit mainly as a Boss Debuff, which it actually does well in its own right. However, in my opinion, the kiling speed and power of, Inexalorable Subjugation is to damn slow. Since Raving Thrust's Gold mod also lower base HP and attri, and is spammable at high levels, Let that be the debuff+damage skill, let IS be the DoT skill, and let DS be the spike, on the HP reduced target. About the Doppel... like people said, it's buggy and I never really wanted to understand it's behavior anyways, I just wanted an extra target in the playing field for enemies to attack rather than myself. It should always be the 3rd buff selected in any AS+x type aspect combination, never 1st or 2nd. Edited February 1, 2010 by gasconron Link to comment
chattius 2,610 Posted February 2, 2010 Share Posted February 2, 2010 I have a big sword with x% life leech which I only use to cast my doppelganger. I modified it for inquisition and in case it decides to attack a boss monster it has 2 effects: X% life leech does a lot of damage at big hitpoint targets and the doppelganger heals itself if he hits. No changes in your build needed, just reserve a weaponslot for a x% lifeleech weapon if you cast your doppelganger. Link to comment
gasconron 11 Posted February 2, 2010 Author Share Posted February 2, 2010 X% life leech does a lot of damage at big hitpoint targets wow... this I did not know, I thought this was just for survivability purposes to heal HP like life leech mechanics in D2, or attack dam convert to health in TQ. I did not know it actually did damage in Sacred 2. I could've used it as another damage source for my previous melee chars. Well, at least its good to know now. Since, I plan to make an HC polearm Inquis sometime in the future. I hope it doesn't get as dull as playing Shadow Warrior or DW seraphim... Link to comment
chattius 2,610 Posted February 2, 2010 Share Posted February 2, 2010 x% life leech is allways from the maximal and not the actual hitpoints of your target. 2% of a 1000hp beast is just 20, but 2% of a 100.000hp boss is 2000. It's always 2000 even if the boss is close to death, because it is calculate from the full health. If you do a weaken which reduces constitution or a deep wound which reduces maximal hitpoints the leech is calculated from the changed maximal hitpoints. So a 2% life leech weapon is like 50 hits to kill a boss, because life leech can't be resisted. Don't confuse it with x life leech which is just a fix amount. And there are beasts which have x% life leech attacks.They do really big damage if you have a character designed for maximal hitpoints. Link to comment
SolomonGrundy 1 Posted February 8, 2010 Share Posted February 8, 2010 (edited) x% life leech is allways from the maximal and not the actual hitpoints of your target.2% of a 1000hp beast is just 20, but 2% of a 100.000hp boss is 2000. It's always 2000 even if the boss is close to death, because it is calculate from the full health. If you do a weaken which reduces constitution or a deep wound which reduces maximal hitpoints the leech is calculated from the changed maximal hitpoints. So a 2% life leech weapon is like 50 hits to kill a boss, because life leech can't be resisted. Don't confuse it with x life leech which is just a fix amount. And there are beasts which have x% life leech attacks.They do really big damage if you have a character designed for maximal hitpoints. Too bad there is no way to fit GI Focus in there. 9 points to mean lots of extra damage for a few of your Combat Arts. Question: does the wildfire mod work for consoles? Answer: Yes, the wildfire mod DOES work for consoles! damn, that is going to be uuuugly when I slap in on my IS-DS-CE combo Edited February 23, 2010 by SolomonGrundy Link to comment
dagonite 0 Posted April 1, 2010 Share Posted April 1, 2010 let's just say survivability is not important for me do I choose intelligence + strength as stats or intelligence + dex ? ( for spell damage + melee ) Link to comment
Ygdrad 1 Posted April 17, 2010 Share Posted April 17, 2010 Do you fight mounted on a unique mount? If so, which one? I'm trying something similar, but if I pick a mount which improves the regen of one tree, then my other trees suffer. Link to comment
Th3orY 1 Posted May 7, 2010 Share Posted May 7, 2010 Hi, thanks for posting this guide which seems very funny to play. But I have one question concerning your Area of Effect combo. ED needs a dead body to work. There are 2 outputs for the CM+LA+ED combo: all mobs die during CM+LA and then ED is useless; or CM+LA are no enough to kill any mob and then ED cannot be cast because there is no dead body. So how do you play to be sure that ED can be cast? Do you always have to kill first one mob so you can target its dead body (brining all living mobs near it to hit a maximum of them while corpse explode) to cast CM+LA+ED? Link to comment
Dobri 55 Posted May 7, 2010 Share Posted May 7, 2010 This is why I would suggest to add another Combat Art to the combo. Clustering Maelstrom + Raving Thrust + Levin Array + Eruptive Desecration. Clustering Maelstrom brings enemies one on top of the other, so cast it somewhere close to your char, raving thrust has them careen into one another one more time and levin array will deal with the leftovers, while eruptive should kill off any champion left. Do not forget that this guide is pre-Ice and Blood, and deathblow no longer works with any of Inquisitor's spells, since they don't use a weapon. Link to comment
Th3orY 1 Posted May 7, 2010 Share Posted May 7, 2010 Thanks for your answer I also was thinking of the combo you mentionned. As I'm playing on PS3, I still have the "previous" version of the game because Ice and Blood wasn't released on consoles, so this build should work fine. Link to comment
Arcobaleno 0 Posted May 11, 2010 Share Posted May 11, 2010 @ gas: I am following your build and just wanted to ask a quick question... sometime around level 30 grinding became too hard for me so I decided to eat 10 runes of subjugation and dislodges spirit. I am just fairly new to the game and only have 1 char besides inquisitor and that was my 1st char a shopper DW seraphim level 85. I was too late to realize that I could get the combart arts to increase by level thru socketing all combat arts+. I just found out too that socketing will gain you a level of combat art but will not give the same increase to cooldown as opposed to eating runes. Am I screwed since I ate 10 runes? what do u recommend for the regeneration time of the combos both IS+RT+DS & the Area of Effect combo CM+RT+LA. The inqui im talking about is at level 55 right now and I have about 3-4sec cd on IS-DS and about 2 secs CD on CM+LA combo. Please tell me if I did fck up by eating those runes or not... T_T Link to comment
Rusto 0 Posted May 20, 2010 Share Posted May 20, 2010 I love the playstyle of this build. What better way to end the allmighty maelstrom combo, than with an exploding corpse! On top of the IS minions exploding you can end up with an entire area just covered in blood LOL! Also I like the boss combo, although I switched it to RT>DS>IS, works a treat for me. Still use IS>DS for trash mobs though. Link to comment
xtaino 0 Posted August 27, 2010 Share Posted August 27, 2010 I have a question about rune use. I read a few times but couldn't really find it. Am I supposed to use as many runes as possible or keep the skills at one Just curios I don't want to mess up damage. And I love the idea of ending everything in blood. Still new to the game end in the beginning I end up almost dying a few times cause of crowds. Link to comment
Dobri 55 Posted August 27, 2010 Share Posted August 27, 2010 (edited) Well, there is a rule of thumb that the developers have written for us. CA level is appropriate when it's 1/4 of the char level. However, you need be very careful with the regen times on the fly. If the enemies go up to you easily and start hitting you before your CA has recharged, that's bad, because it makes you run like crazy while waiting for the regen. The best thing you can do is kill everything before it gets to you and you must work in this manner. You should also be aware that if you play Ice and Blood, you will not be able to use deathblow along with your build, so work hard on the damage and work hard on reducing the regen times as much as you can. Ancient magic will also help a lot if you can find a skill you want to replace in this build. Edited August 27, 2010 by Dobri Link to comment
xtaino 0 Posted August 27, 2010 Share Posted August 27, 2010 Thanks for the reply. I mostly play with death warrior friend hes kinda tank. And now I have the tornado skill thingi andit kills like crazy. Link to comment
xtaino 0 Posted August 28, 2010 Share Posted August 28, 2010 I have a regen for 11 seconds now on the tornado>lighting I upgraded it cause it didnt kill fast enough. I'm waiting till I can add a 3rd atack in my combo slot what level is that cause I really want to finish with the corpse explosion. I'm almost 10 and killing is going pretty fast only I cant 1 hit trainmob anymore now D: need to finish em off with melee. Link to comment
Dobri 55 Posted August 28, 2010 Share Posted August 28, 2010 That will be possible when you get the combat discipline skill. A 4th combat art may be added to a combo when you have upgraded combat discipline to master level (75 hard points in it). 1 Link to comment
xtaino 0 Posted August 29, 2010 Share Posted August 29, 2010 I only need 3 for now so I'm gonna do it as my level 12 skill the finish dmg would help alot in mass kills on mob train. And it's just awesome I'm gonna go abit off build and give my own touch for it sacrife a bit of cooldown for bigger dmg etc. Let's see how that will turn out btw what is meant with niob shopper etc could someone redirect me to a dictionary thread for the meaning of certain words or if not create one it would be really helpfull for beginning player. Link to comment
Dragon Brother 619 Posted October 7, 2010 Share Posted October 7, 2010 (edited) I realise that gasconron hasnt posted here in a long time, and probably will not answer my question. But, to anyone who actually followed this build I question the mod choice for dislodged spirit: Wildfire is the main reason why this skill became our spike skill. What it actually does is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from its function description. Even though it says, "if target dies the sould held will explode causing minor area damage", all it does is give you an added chunky physical damage. I tested this mod to see if there was actually a chance do some real damage to bosses with this spell, and at first it appeared that yes, it does display a large increase in damage. However, testing the CA I realised that there is no actual damage bonus, its simply a tooltip bug and I wondered if gasconron had tested the CA or simply looked at the tooltips suggested damage. So to anyone who wishes to follow this build, do not pick the mod wildfire hoping for a massive damage increase. It does as it says...causes Area of Effect on death with soul removed. If anyone has different experiences I'm interested to hear about it though. Edited October 7, 2010 by Dragon Brother Link to comment
super-avianti 1 Posted October 25, 2010 Share Posted October 25, 2010 I'm actually following this guide and so far I'm pretty happy with it The build is way more powerful than the last Inquisitor I built which was a weird experiment (a ranged GI only build really exclusive no CA learnt from the others aspects). I'm just taking some freedom in regard to attribute. I'm doing Int and Vit alternately right now (still only one point per level). Once I've 2 points per level I think I'll invest one point in willpower every level and alternate between Vit and Int. Latter on I think that depending on my success I'll give up on Vit and focus on Willpower and Int. Do yu think that this should be ok? Link to comment
Dragon Brother 619 Posted October 25, 2010 Share Posted October 25, 2010 (edited) Focusing on Int and Vit makes sense, how come you want to put points into Willpower though? Spell resistance isn't really an issue before Ice and Blood, which since I assume you play xbox means you wont have to worry about. I would suggest either continuing to focus on the two or in the end putting the points into Int only once you get constitution mastery or feel that you dont need the extra health. Edited October 25, 2010 by Dragon Brother Link to comment
super-avianti 1 Posted October 26, 2010 Share Posted October 26, 2010 Focusing on Int and Vit makes sense, how come you want to put points into Willpower though? Spell resistance isn't really an issue before Ice and Blood, which since I assume you play xbox means you wont have to worry about. I would suggest either continuing to focus on the two or in the end putting the points into Int only once you get constitution mastery or feel that you dont need the extra health. Thanks Link to comment
usmcdawg 0 Posted November 1, 2010 Share Posted November 1, 2010 just got sacred 2 for xbox 360 for something to do in afghanistan for the last few months of this crappy deployment. I must say this build is fun to play and easy to get off the ground. I was messing around with builds on other characters and this by far is the most fun I have found. going to take to level cap, I doubt OP will come back on after all this time but if you do thanks for the great guide! Link to comment
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