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Sacred Sim - Combat Art Regen Calculator by Amble

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Woot! I'm just dieing to get some formulas for the boss pages. Very exciting to read your work Amble. Do you think factoring in additional damage from CA mods will be difficult?

For those new to this discussion as well as for myself can you explain how you get your starting values? For example the level 1 Fireball:


{base CA damage}+{CA damage step level}/10*{BaseSpellDamage value}+{CA damage from stat tool tip (int for spells)}=CA Damage


Fireball level 1 for level 1 naked HE:


(700+350+350+125)/10*0.25+9=47.125 (48 in game displayed damage)



I'm assuming that you're taking values from the game file spells.txt but it's been so long since I thought about this that I don't remember the order of things. I can see that values are taken from spells.txt tokens but I'm wondering something about Fireball. From the below quoted definition should token entry2 and entry3 be added first and only then applied to your formula? I wonder because I'm thinking that the first value of entry2{700} and entry3{350}. You know... Now that I'm thinking it out to myself it's starting to look as if that's exactly what you've done, lol. Would it be safe to read your Fireball equation as this?


({base damage}+{base damage}+{CA damage step level}+{CA damage step level})/10*{BaseSpellDamage value}+{CA damage from stat tool tip (int for spells)}=CA Damage


Granted I'm still confused on the step level. If I remember right the second value of a token is the step value? If so then shouldn't 175 be a step value for Fireball?


Aaand my final thought... If we instead calculated each entry on it's own and then added the entry totals could we have a tidier formula?


mgr.defineSpell( "he_in_feuerball", {

eiStateName = "cSpellCastProjectile",

fxTypeCast = "FX_HE_FEUERBALL_C",

fxTypeSpell = "FX_HE_FEUERBALL",

fxTypeCastSpecial = "FX_HE_CAST_K",

duration = 1.000000,

animType = "ANIM_TYPE_SM01",

animTypeApproach = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeRide = "ANIM_TYPE_INVALID",

animTypeSpecial = "ANIM_TYPE_RIDESM01-SPECIAL",

causesSpellDamage = 1,

tokens = {

entry0 = {"et_maxangle_cone", 30, 0, 0, 8 },

entry1 = {"et_damage_any_rel", 0, 20, 0, 5 },

entry2 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 700, 350, 0, 133 },

entry3 = {"et_spelldamage_physical", 350, 175, 0, 133 },

entry4 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 0, 9 },

entry5 = {"et_chance_burning", 297, 3, 1, 133 },

entry6 = {"et_chance_areasplash", 595, 5, 2, 5 },

entry7 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 3, 9 },

entry8 = {"et_spelldamage_fire", 400, 200, 4, 133 },

entry9 = {"et_missile_adapt", 300, 10, 5, 9 },

entry10 = {"et_target_seeker", 1000, 0, 6, 133 },


fightDistance = 525.000000,

aspect = "EA_HE_INFERNO",

cooldown = 0.000000,

soundProfile = 0,

cost_level = 150,

cost_base = 300,

focus_skill_name = "skill_HE_inferno_focus",

lore_skill_name = "skill_HE_inferno_lore",

spellClass = "cSpellHeFeuerball",

spellcontroltype = "eCAtype_a_missile_attack",

sorting_rank = 1,


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If so then shouldn't 175 be a step value for Fireball?


You're correct. I typed 125 in haste because I knew that the values were all halves and just thought of 25 being half of 50. The result should be 48.375.


If we instead calculated each entry on it's own and then added the entry totals could we have a tidier formula?


It's as messy as it is because I wanted to show people the values instead of just putting in a simplified equation. You would have to add up each entry on it's own for each element of the attack since once +% damage gets added in you'll have different values for each element.


I do think I'm a bit off in a multiplier somewhere because if you make SpellBaseDamage = 1 then my level 50 HE has 0 damage ice shards up to level 10, at which point it's 18. At CA level 20 it's 12 damage. Multiplying it by a set amount like that wouldn't lower the result as the level gets higher. Also with where my CA damage bonus is in the equation you couldn't end up with a value less than that.


For those new to this discussion as well as for myself can you explain how you get your starting values?


I was laying in bed trying to sleep and thinking about the damage calculations so far when it hit me... Every single other value in the spells.txt file needs to be divided by 10, ie has a hidden decimal, so why not the damage values. I jumped out of bed and did some math and the above equations were what I got. The base damage values come directly from the CA entries in the spell.txt like you say. The division by 10 comes from needing a decimal. The SpellBaseDamage value is listed on line 39 of balance.txt. And the CA Damage bonus is gotten from the int tool tip.



Here's an equation using level 3 raging nimbus with +127.1% ice damage and 95.8% physical with my level 16 HE:


(8.4+((4.2+4.2+4.2)*1.271))+(21+((10.5+10.5+10.5)*0.958))*0.25+11=48.20885 (48 in game)

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Welcome Back, Amble!


First and foremost - like your sig. I think I remember that flavour text from somewhere... :thumbsup: attack for 5, flying?


Back on-topic...


I had worked on some weapon-based CA damage calculations back when you were first discussing this (back in March...) and after a long, painful process... had a good handle on the Ravaged Impact damage. Including fun stuff like socketing hard damge rings, yada, yada. I meant to post them here, but forgot (or whatever) and now...


Actually what happened, I started a new character and the template I had for calculating damage for weapon-arts, didn't work so well with low-level Combat Arts. Don't know why, but I went from a 3 or 5% margin of error to over 15%, so I scrapped the work that I had done. <sigh>


I guess I'll have to start on that again! I'll post stuff that I get to work again, this time, for sure :)

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11 minutes ago, Maneus said:

Hello. I think this is supposed to be the page for the calculator https://www.sacredwiki.org/index.php/Sacred_2:Sacred_Sim, but the embedded app appears to be broken (or moved). Can this calculator app still be accessed in some way?


I'm looking at it... I remember Amble putting that together a looooong time ago when Sacred 2 came out ...   I'll ask Schot to take a look at that page... I dont even see a link on it .. it may have something to do with the frames we used to use in the old days, the tool may not be displaying properly now



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All the other Sacred forums this and other topics er were connected to are gone now ...not enough love  

 but I found this link here with some real "crunching" going on, I forgot Schot was involved and Dang... thats Zinsho! fellow Montrealer 

weeeeeee, ooh the nostalgia

Maneus all I could dig up was this topic for now 

 but I'll have SChot lookat that wiki page as well


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