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Transfering Items

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Hello, I'm new here and I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem of mine. I want to transfer items between my SP characters. I've tried the LAN game thing but I can't save in SU in a MP game so yeah...any other method would be most appreciated. I thank you in advance.

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Hello, I'm new here and I was wondering if anyone could help me with a problem of mine. I want to transfer items between my SP characters. I've tried the LAN game thing but I can't save in SU in a MP game so yeah...any other method would be most appreciated. I thank you in advance.


As far as I know, you can't. Not without a LAN game and a second player.

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Is the campaign mode in Sacred:Underworld?

If it is, this is the (admittedly complicated) way to go:

1 - Load your SP save of char 1, the one with the items.

2 - Export the char into one of your character slots.

3 - Make a multiplayer game, campaign (sort of co-op) mode, using that exported char.

4 - Drop the items you want to transfer onto the ground, and save the game.

5 - Don't export anything. Close the game now.

6 - Load your SP save of char 2, the one who wants to use the items you dropped.

7 - Export that one as above.

8 - Make a multiplayer game, campaign (sort of co-op) mode, using the exported char 2, but don't create a new one. Load the one you saved in step 4. When you start it, you should see the items.

9 - Get the items you want and close the game session.

10 - Now you can start another SP campaign with char 2 and put the items to good use.

I hope that helps.


NamelessBeast Over.

  • Thanks! 1
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