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Mr. I unlock Platinum Smithing Fast

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Posted (edited)

Goal- Unlock Platinum by running through the campaigns without any support from other people. If you have friends in the game they could possibly just give you a ride to niob even, but I really hate to be a beggar. The key feature of this build is Shadow Veil Modded into a buff. You can change anything in this build but you must keep SV a buff so that you can fight through gold easily without taking any damage.


Newbs corner note: To clarify by getting a character to platinum now you can use the shared chest to transfer level 2 gear to your plat char. Put plat smith arts into the gear and it will help you level very fast at first because of 1 shots and fast boss kills.


note: in unlocking blacksmith I mean the town blacksmith which is better until high blacksmith level of the skill.


Questions: Softcore or Hardcore?


If you are a purist I'd say HC. But I did SC because if this build accidentally debuffs by making a left mouse click you will unveil and usually in gold the mobs are much higher level than you and this build choose low defense so you might die. The whole beauty of SV is you don't need any defensive gear or spells. I took Death Warrior and Grim Resilience and also constitution so that if I unveil I will have a lot of hitpoints and just run away. Also armor since Shadow Warrior armor lowers regens a lot anyway.


Questions: Why not unlock Niob?


Because that is taking more time and you don't need niob arts to level fast plat are good. By the time a character gets to high levels you want a bargainer to fill slots with good jewelry rather than whets. You can unlock niob with this build if you want but you will need to update your chance to hit jewels and also shop a % life leach weapon or else find one. Or the alternative is just long boss fights. But yes you can unlock niob. I haven't tested that however. Edit: attempted to clear plat and its just too slow - need to update sockets with plat whets (find new gear). Need to level up a bit probably to 75 (I finished gold at 51).




*Edited in light of no unveil on left click with stars ie so we don't need strength* - 50/50 vitality stamina: you can change I was just not positive... I see benefit in dex to damage/defense str in to hit int fortifications I vote against that. Will is a bit burried by grim resilience


2 Astral Lord Lore - Keep Max

3 Armor Lore - put 5 in when you have enough to unlock armor mods

5 Astral Lord Focus - Keep Max

8 Concentration - 1

12 Combat Discipline - Put extra points here

18 Pole or Sword- You want these because strength based % life leach weapons. Since this build is specially designed for people who switch to Ice and Blood you might not have any gear and sword will let you get boneslicer quest sword. If you are hard core use throwing stars and take no weapon lore. Toughness or something instead :) The advantage of ranged is because left clicks with a star will not unveil you = reduce all deaths except due to summons/allies = priceless and I say must have! But you can take sword or pole too but I don't recommend.

25 Death Warrior Focus - 14 pts

35 Blacksmith - 5 pts this will make the character more valuable for your next chars and you might even make him a master smith if you like this playstyle and level high. The value is that you can put rings in bronze sockets and amulets in silver sockets for your later characters.

50 Enhanced Perception - 1 you might as well find some gear while you unlock plat

65 Constitution - 1


Note: about 30ish you can have 100% Shadow Veil

Note: you probably will not reach 65 if just to unlock plat

Note: if I keep playing him to high level I will master every skill and then put the rest of the points into Astrals 100 each CD 100 and Constitution


Combat Arts


Example Arts - bronze mod order modded (description), silver mod order modded (description), gold mod order modded (description)

How it is used and reason for mod


Death Warrior-


Grim Resilience- Fortify (hitpoints) 1, Discipline (lower recharge) 2, Either (evasion or physical mitigation) 3

Eat runes to penalty level. The strategy is to have hitpoints to run away if unveiled. Both gold mods are good imho.


Rousing Command - Persistance 4 (duration), Impulse (attack speed), Leader (affect allies)

Eat runes like crazy but watch regeneration. The goal of this is to help to hit boss. I choose leader because I don't want my recharges to be dependent on a spell I cannot keep up all times. Leader will work good with rallied soul and allies. You won't even mod that far probably just to unlock plat.


Astral Lord-


Spectral Hand - Clout 7 (damage), Intent 8 (crit), Double Hit 9 (chance to double hit)

Main attack to spam betwen casting towers. Chill is better in long run but just to unlock plat you will only eat 1 rune and Intent is then better. Double hit is better for boss while devestation is better for mobs. Bosses are a weak spot but if you found a % life leach weapon then maybe.

Eat 1 rune unless recharge gets slower than animation. Factoring in regeneration per hit also.


Shadow Veil - Creep 4 (more stealth), Fade 5 (unlock 100% chance to cast spell), Sinister Pact 6 (make a buff)

You may use combat arts while veiled but left clicks unveil you. And then you die probably if you are in a high difficulty for your level. Eat exactly 25 runes.

Note: even before 100% efficiency this is useful as a buff when you see a group of champions, because champions hit harder and crit more often so its worth it to turn invisible.


Skeletal Fortification - Focus 1 (reduce cooldown), Arcane Power 2 (magic damage), Scatter Shot 3 (2 projectiles)

The main spell to handle groups. Focus is needed so you can run to another area and recast. Also greater damage with 2 x towers than 1 x tower firing 1.5 faster. Magic is better than ice for secondary effect. Scatter shot is outstanding. Eat runes so the total regeneration is less than 10 seconds which means you can keep 2 towers up.

Note: this is your main form of damage against non-bosses/champions. If you see somebody summon a fortification. Unless its a lone rat and then use spectral hand. But there is a cooldown so in between you will switch over to spectral hand.


Rallied Soul - Dark Realm 10 (range) , Demand 11 (more at once), Furor 12 (damage)

Even with duration mod they don't last long enough to build an army from battle to battle. Instead kill a few guys with spectral hand then start raising everyone you and the towers kill. More raised at once is better. They don't kill much which is why the contagion mod is not good. Tough enemies make strong rallied souls so if you kill a champion why not cast this?

Eat 1 rune. You only get .1 second duration for more runes but the recharge goes up steeply. With 1 rune you can raise a whole battlefield from the dead in a few fast clicks.


Nether Allegiance-


Switch to this buff from Grim Resilience when fighting the mist of miasma to stop the summons from running offscreen. If you make it a 3rd buff I don't recommend using against enemies with Area of Effect attacks. Because they will stimulate the enemy to use Area of Effect when otherwise the AI would just stand there dying. You can mod any way imho. They don't do too much damage and you are invisible so you don't need a distraction.


Gear and Support-


To start out the game right you will build a level 2 trader (dragon mage, high elf, or inquisitor who selects bargaining as l2 skill; buy relics with +bargaining). I recommend to level your trader higher than level 2 but that is the minimum. It doesn't take long to level early on. As your shadow warrior finds yellow items fill the shared chest. Sell them with the level 2 trader and buy the shadow warrior jewelry which increase chances to hit. The best are - chance to evade and chance opponent cannot evade. But + attack and reduce defense are also viable. Put 1 attack ring or amulet in every piece of armor while the other holes are filled with whets (% attack and % damage). Then you pull out the jewel when you upgrade to new armor or weapon. You will hope to find updated more powerful jewels on your travels so make sure to look at rings and amulets before you sell them.

You want to try to have over 100% chance to hit bosses when you have rousing command up. Use the town blacksmith whets not your own because you only have 5 pt into smithing. Make sure the level 2 bargainer is shopping in silver... If you want to level your bargainer higher it will help you even more but thats optional.


As far as finding gear you want to find things that increase physical damage, attack, - recharge, crit, deathblow, % valuables, xp, magic damage, regeneration per hit, disregard armor. Defensive mods are good too but you needn't specialize in them.


You also need to find gear with sockets. A good place is to do quests and many give a reward of a set piece. Only happens level 15 and after.




1 Spectral Hand

2 Skeletal Fortification

3 Rousing Command

4 Rallied Soul

5 Belligerent Vault - for travel


Expert Touch is recommended




I recommend go to bronze for the 1st 5 levels. Do some quests inside Sloeford to get gold to buy red potions. Get some armor. Go to the kobold chieftain questgiver at the center of Sloeford and then find the kobold chieftain. Next go to silver difficulty. This time go west from the kobold chieftains area to the Tyr Lisai (spelling?) portal and there is a trail that runs from the beach to the temple of Noriath. Go up and down this trail until you hit level 15. Next do as many quests as you can find until you find armor with sockets to put chance to hit jewels (see gear section) and whet runes into the sockets. Now you are ready for the Gar Colossus. Follow the main quest until the end. You should be permanently invisible before you fight the dragons under the seraphim island. Or I should say I recommend training until you hit that point. Of course then repeat campaign on gold. You can also do some boss hunting with this build because it is very safe.


Enemies with Area of Effect- Ok please PM me if you find another to add to the list. But what I know of so far is these enemies have strong Area of Effect and you should not use Nether Allegiance or Rallied Soul in these regions...


Spitting Spiders, Octaglamus, Garganthropod (good thing I am SC RIP x4 lol)


Essjays reports on console: Fen Fires, Garema "shaman/mages" also have Area of Effect's which hit a veiled SW when cast at a hireling. The "traps" that the Temple Guardians, Sandpeople and the Bluestone Pirate champs also affect them, when the hirelings step on the trap, it triggers the damage.

It's not restricted to the hirelings, either. Couch co-op on console, the second player activates these "issues" as well. AFAIK, anything that "shares" experience shares the Area of Effect damage; so if you have escorts from a mission, they do not trigger these effects.


Suggestions for what to do if you don't want to continue this character:


A) delete him as soon as you have a blackmith in plat (another character)


B) save him:


B1- mule

B2- platinum item hunter

B3- do the quests in platinum main quest and make a template for running characters through the campaign. There is a guide for this in the general section of dark matters guides. You need a partner in crime or 2 computers or 2 instances running. http://darkmatters.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=14043

B4- great campaign runner (see link above). Avoids monsters and little risk to bosses.


C) save him and level him to 200! (under testing)

Edited by claudius
  • 2 weeks later...
Enemies with Area of Effect- Ok please PM me if you find another to add to the list. But what I know of so far is these enemies have strong Area of Effect and you should not use Nether Allegiance or Rallied Soul in these regions...


Spitting Spiders, Octaglamus


Solid build, claudius!


WRT Area of Effect's:


Fen Fires, Garema "shaman/mages" also have Area of Effect's which hit a veiled SW when cast at a hireling. The "traps" that the Temple Guardians, Sandpeople and the Bluestone Pirate champs also affect them, when the hirelings step on the trap, it triggers the damage.

It's not restricted to the hirelings, either. Couch co-op on console, the second player activates these "issues" as well. AFAIK, anything that "shares" experience shares the Area of Effect damage; so if you have escorts from a mission, they do not trigger these effects.


Unorthodox build, to say the least :P


I can't judge how solid it is, because I've never liked contradicting builds. This build has a few major contradictions, which should make for an interesting playthrough.


The first contradiction is taking a weapon lore with the clear intent to use it for fighting alongside shadow veil. I'm uncertain if Spectral hand causes life leech % because it's not a weapon based Combat Art, just like skeletal fortification. You should also be aware that you must keep the Veil buff at high level, because some enemies can see you even through the buff (and I'm not talking about Area of Effect hits), if it's low level. The Veil efficiency should be kept as high as possible if you're going for few defensive skills.


The second contradiction is that this build is based on using Combat Art's to affect allies (skeletons and revived summonings), but there is reflective emanation, which when modded properly, transfers 50% of the effect to the allies. Keeping in mind that RE can be quite effective, why deprive the summonings from, say, 35% reflection and such?


Granted, Grim Resilience is a solid supply of HP, but I'm unsure how well this build will perform in Niob with only Armor lore + Constitution mastery as defensive skills. I guess only time will tell :pitcher:

Posted (edited)

Essjays thanks for the feedback and tips on taking damage from summons and AI factor.



Dobri I'll try to address your concerns. Also note that while I am testing this build for higher levels (report later) the goal of this build is to unlock plat smithing in like 3 days of gaming depending on how long you can play. That supports all your later characters and the build needs little (level 2 or more shopper) to accomplish gateway to platinum. While it isn't the only build that can unlock platinum I did succeed at level 51. Thanks for the comments and thought :hugs:


The first contradiction is taking a weapon lore with the clear intent to use it for fighting alongside shadow veil. I'm uncertain if Spectral hand causes life leech % because it's not a weapon based Combat Art, just like skeletal fortification. You should also be aware that you must keep the Veil buff at high level, because some enemies can see you even through the buff (and I'm not talking about Area of Effect hits), if it's low level. The Veil efficiency should be kept as high as possible if you're going for few defensive skills.

Spectral hand deals all weapon affects and it is a fast animation even without the bronze mod. I have it on 1.5 second recharge right now and it does 1.5 seconds rph. Therefore it can attack as fast as its animation. Provided it hits. It is a weapon combat art. You can tell this by looking at the combat art tooltip and you see attack defense instead of spell intensity and spell resistance. Just like archangel wrath and magic coup.


25 runes in veil is sufficient at level 75 to stealth by a level 132 boss. If you have to eat runes then fine but its the most efficient defensive skill in the game with recharges. If you become unveiled and you are in niob at level 75 your head will spin how fast you die however. {I'm in niob now with some help from friendly smiths and ran the campaign with friends}

The second contradiction is that this build is based on using Combat Art's to affect allies (skeletons and revived summonings), but there is reflective emanation, which when modded properly, transfers 50% of the effect to the allies. Keeping in mind that RE can be quite effective, why deprive the summonings from, say, 35% reflection and such?


Nether allegiance is not even neccessary. Rallied Soul helps you gobble huge mobs. You raise 2 or 3 mobs in like .5 seconds at level 75. That means you can raise 8 or 12 mobs in 2 seconds. They really don't do much damage but its fun to watch. The spectral hand and skeletal fortifications deal the damage.


Any summon is expendable and we don't care if it dies so we don't need reflective emmanation (though it would be nice to have that damage)..


Lone Wolf: Summons (and teamwork of friends unfortunately = the biggest negative of build imo) are actually the only way you can die aside from left clicks. Summons perturb the AI to use Area of Effect and they are the main cause of death! They are poor offense. They are only for fun.


Therefore summons are not reliable and are only used when we feel safe from Area of Effect. (and we could be wrong that there is no Area of Effect which is why HC summons are risky. And allies.

Edited by claudius
Posted (edited)

I advanced to niob with the help of a smith with level 200 smithing who smithed me 5 pieces of gear. That made my damage playable to where I could kill. Also this smith was BFG (one of his/her chars) and he killed most everything. But keep in mind that *I* killed the nameless and the garganthro for us alone at no risk because shadow veil is the best defensive skill in the game (most unbalanced). Add imho. Ok so I think I could have run the campaign if I had grinded to 75 for masteries and then avoid all non-essential monsters for speed. Grinding to 75 might not even be needed.


I died 1 time on the way to platinum because I got excited to use my god spell (yes the fights took 1200 seconds lol) on the 4th nameless guardian I hit a left click ran away but he had almost 1 shot me and then finished me at range. Level 51.. (in plat I found % LL pole and then sword and the length of boss fights much better)


I died 4x on plat garganthropod because a third member did not understand that Area of Effect was killing me. Neither of us could stand in the Area of Effect of the ggpod and he kept agroing it. I couldn't speak german well enough to explain the situation. But I didn't really care. Just if you do HC I'd lone wolf it or make sure you communicate and are prudent. (see section about Area of Effect enemies such as spitting spiders). Of course if you level up to an appropriate level you'll probably have enough health and armor to stand in these AOEs with potions provided you stay invisible. But leveling to a prudent level defeats the whole purpose of the build which is to unlock FAST :hugs:


To be continued the story of grinding and advancing to farm niob?

Edited by claudius

If you would use a throwing star in your equipped hand you would be able to left and right click without becoming unvieled. This will give you absolute immunity to anything a mob could do. Granted if your running with a friend your toast if Area of Effect hits you.

Posted (edited)

I'm thinking of Writing a variant and edit the title or else new thread....

This one I will try to make a campaign runner for hard core mode


I'm afraid I will derail my own thread by having too many ideas and builds. Please post only general comments on veiled shadow warriors or else specific comments on the original build I offered....


-edited out my build idea- (but I got a good idea for a fun runner)

Edited by claudius
  • 1 month later...
12 Combat Discipline - Put extra points here


I was just wondering why this skill specifically opposed to say taking Magic Resistance or even Ancient Magic. Speaking of Ancient Magic wouldn't this enhance spectral hand ?


I'm working on this build to get to Platinum for Black Smithing in Closed Net.


Can you comment on what Combo Spell / Skill mixes you made at all.

Posted (edited)
I was just wondering why this skill specifically opposed to say taking Magic Resistance or even Ancient Magic. Speaking of Ancient Magic wouldn't this enhance spectral hand ?


The thing to realize about spell resistance is that the only time this build takes any damage is if in an emergency the shadow veil goes off and that has never happened to me when using a shuriken. You want a % LL shuriken for bosses. That was an update to the build. I actually tested it with a two handed sword but it is much better with a shuriken because of not unveiling. The second way you can die is waking the guardians you have to turn Shadow Veil off to wake them up. So then you run away when they do awaken and Shadow Veil again. They get 1 or 2 hits in and sometimes a stun. But you have Grim Resilience and 100s of willpower so magic won't hurt you much and you live. You may choose to max constitution first but with low end gear sometimes you need all the damage you can get.


Ancient magic does not work on spectral hand because it is a weapon attack (and will deliver % life leach). CD works on both spectral hand and skeletal fortification.


I'm working on this build to get to Platinum for Black Smithing in Closed Net.


Can you comment on what Combo Spell / Skill mixes you made at all.


Good luck. combos are in the guide:




1 Spectral Hand

2 Skeletal Fortification

3 Rousing Command

4 Rallied Soul

5 Belligerent Vault - for travel


I took expert touch but if you don't or you don't have ice and blood (expert touch) then I would add augmentation guidon and killing spree in combo with rousing command...


Skeletal fortification is your friend on a mob and spectral hand for bosses and champs.

Edited by claudius

Many Thanks for the response and clarifications given will now take those saved skill picks. :cry:


Looking at your comment on combat discipline I wonder if what you are missing is that you may have 1 spell combos. In a 1 spell combo the recharge is reduced by 10%. At mastery this increases to 20%. Also damage of every combat art, weapon (portion it increases base but not base itself) and spell, is increased whether in a combo or not. Even nether allegience enhanced blades are raised by combat discipline according to wiki and thats a buff.

  • 5 weeks later...
I was just wondering why this skill specifically opposed to say taking Magic Resistance or even Ancient Magic. Speaking of Ancient Magic wouldn't this enhance spectral hand ?


The thing to realize about spell resistance is that the only time this build takes any damage is if in an emergency the shadow veil goes off and that has never happened to me when using a shuriken. You want a % LL shuriken for bosses. That was an update to the build. I actually tested it with a two handed sword but it is much better with a shuriken because of not unveiling. The second way you can die is waking the guardians you have to turn Shadow Veil off to wake them up. So then you run away when they do awaken and Shadow Veil again. They get 1 or 2 hits in and sometimes a stun. But you have Grim Resilience and 100s of willpower so magic won't hurt you much and you live. You may choose to max constitution first but with low end gear sometimes you need all the damage you can get.


Ancient magic does not work on spectral hand because it is a weapon attack (and will deliver % life leach). CD works on both spectral hand and skeletal fortification.


I'm working on this build to get to Platinum for Black Smithing in Closed Net.


Can you comment on what Combo Spell / Skill mixes you made at all.


Good luck. combos are in the guide:




1 Spectral Hand

2 Skeletal Fortification

3 Rousing Command

4 Rallied Soul

5 Belligerent Vault - for travel


I took expert touch but if you don't or you don't have ice and blood (expert touch) then I would add augmentation guidon and killing spree in combo with rousing command...


Skeletal fortification is your friend on a mob and spectral hand for bosses and champs.



If anyone is still reading these topics (darn I wish they sold the expansion in North America)> I am doing this build right now. Pretty much exactly the same except I choose Hafted weapons to be different. (I also have many unique level 60-90 axes/hammers muled lol). I got him to level 50 and got but one skill choice left. In this build here, Death Warrior Focus is the one I haven't picked yet. I use spectral hand/skeletal fortification and rallied souls all the time, which is pretty much almost the same as playing a necromancer in diablo 2 heh.


I read that ancient magic affects skeletal fortification on sacred wiki, is this true?

  • 3 weeks later...
I read that ancient magic affects skeletal fortification on sacred wiki, is this true?


Yes the increase in damage affects it. Also the decrease in resists at mastery affects the silver modded element damage. I am unclear if it affects physical.


Ive been testing a SV also using a shuricken and ive been watching him getting unveiled with left clicks, mind you he hasnt reached a reasonable level to get SV to not uncloak he's just sitting somewhere around 90%, is this normal with left clicks getting uncloacked ?


Once you have 100% veil he shouldnt uncloak with ranged attacks, until then I guess youll just have to wait. Or, read some runes into SV/Cast from a buff suit.


As per Etherian & Furian's testing, SV can't be cast with a buff suit. The effect is lost as soon as the gear is switched out.


Tasty rune munching time.


Thats good to know that I didnt trash another toon ^^


Now its time to rip the Laser guns :devil:


Claudius, your guide inspired me to create a variant of it around a little idea that I hope it works well in Niob :), thanks.

Check it out HERE.


And please, criticize it :).

As per Etherian & Furian's testing, SV can't be cast with a buff suit. The effect is lost as soon as the gear is switched out.


Tasty rune munching time.


Er... I was casting SV from buff suit (CONSOLE). The trick is you cannot use a weapon setup for that, since when you switch weapons with the console controls, you lose the veil. BUT, you can equip armour and cast SV, then switch your armour. It is possible to have a weapon, but you have to switch the weapon in the inventory screen. Fully tested.


It IS very inconvienent if you mis-click and unveil. Then you are stuck on a level 1 Veil, which many, many things can see you when you have a level 1 Veil. In the end, I ended up eating the 25 runes and dealing with the regen penalty; due to that inconvienence.

Newbs corner note: To clarify by getting a character to platinum now you can use the shared chest to transfer level 2 gear to your plat char. Put plat smith arts into the gear and it will help you level very fast at first because of 1 shots and fast boss kills.


note: in unlocking blacksmith I mean the town blacksmith which is better until high blacksmith level of the skill.


I'm the typical newb and couldn't understand one of your words (I'm sure other skilled players do) so would you mind to support with shots or with more description example "shared chest", what's it, where's it or how could I get it?

Thanks in advance :)




the shared chest is the storage chest that shares items between all character. Open default chest. On top left of the chest inventory screen are two tabs. Personal chest and shared chest.


That should do it! :)




You will find one in the town square of the first town, Sloeford. There are signs on the roads you may bump into that might point you in the direction of Sloeford...


Also wanted to make a bit clear.... This build has two properties that I found desirable. Both based on shadow veil.


Shadow veil completely takes care of defense. This means you can focus on offense and manage to do decent damage even though you don't have access to the higher difficulty smith arts. In conjunction Skeletal Fortifications is one of the best mobs combat arts so long as you have astral lore and focus. The second point is related to the above point. Shadow veil allows you to go into areas that are much too difficult relative to your character level should you not be veiled. Not many set ups will let you take down the gold guardians at level 50. And those that do would involve higher level gear/smith arts and defeat the whole purpose.



the shared chest is the storage chest that shares items between all character. Open default chest. On top left of the chest inventory screen are two tabs. Personal chest and shared chest.


That should do it! :P



Sorry for too easy question, only late I realised that I've used the chest so many times! :))

You will find one in the town square of the first town, Sloeford. There are signs on the roads you may bump into that might point you in the direction of Sloeford...


Also wanted to make a bit clear.... This build has two properties that I found desirable. Both based on shadow veil.


Shadow veil completely takes care of defense. This means you can focus on offense and manage to do decent damage even though you don't have access to the higher difficulty smith arts. In conjunction Skeletal Fortifications is one of the best mobs combat arts so long as you have astral lore and focus. The second point is related to the above point. Shadow veil allows you to go into areas that are much too difficult relative to your character level should you not be veiled. Not many set ups will let you take down the gold guardians at level 50. And those that do would involve higher level gear/smith arts and defeat the whole purpose.

Thanks for detailed informations, frankly speaking I'm still not much confident (but I'll) with all these words.

When I play Sacred2 I only want to kill as many enemies as I can! LOL

Character level 69 and got a chest armor with nearly 700 points defence! :P:)

  • 3 months later...

Thanks for the guide.


But I am confused. I am unable to pick ranged weapons from the skill list. How did you unlock it since the build did not pick tactics lore or any of the other weapons lore as base to unlock ranged weapons.

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