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Looking for Shadow Warrior gear

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Oh come on Munera! You again? :P


I had a very nice time with a german guy in the servers. He definitely changed my opinion and I'm utterly changing my gear in order to hugely boost my build. I'm looking for this things, level 120+. I'd be grateful if you could give me a hand [again] : :sick:




Helmet --> Baelthow's Pride


Filetierers and snaketongues always welcome (+133)




Shoulders --> Shoulders of Decay


Armor --> Diabolical Chestplate


Legs --> Legs of Justice


Sets (already got them level 120):


Armantin's belt


Denderan's gloves, arms and boots




Thanks in advance,



Edited by Munera
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Well, that's interseting.. what did he say to change your mind regarding the gear regarding boosting yer build... why will this gear be better than the other?





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No worries my friend! We all change our minds from time to time.


The helmet I'll have to farm for as I have yet to find and Ice and Blood unique.


The non-aspect set pieces I will start saving as they drop. Although I am now getting level +150.


+135-140 stoped dropping last @ level 119.


What is your SW's new weapon choices? I still have the duel +13X Khandar's if you still need.


Let me know.


I remain, :sick:

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hehe thanks Eth, I won't get rid of my filetierers, that's for sure. I think Khandar's slicer is the best weapon for my build.


Ok gogo, as you probably knew, I've always enjoyed doing 1 aspect builds, so I thought wearing the whole denderan would be the best choice. I had been hesitating some time ago, but I didn't give it second thoughts. The aesthetic factor balanced my doubt, my damage was pretty good and my lack of physical armor was mitigated by life leech.


I was doing guardian runs with this mate and I got an armantins belt. He recommended me to use it, so the topic of my Denderan Devotion came up. I realized that I had very little armor value. The only reason I wore denderan was because of the bonus to combat arts. Some +CAs rings will do it. Furthermore, some pieces of the set have useless bonuses, and changing my gear will give me more sockets and stronger bonuses. I'm completely convinced now. Perhaps I even change to ice damage, but I'm not sure yet. Something like this happened to you as well gogo, am I right? :sick:

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Good open minded thinking Munera. I rarely ever wear full sets of aspect gear. I use runes eaten to manage my combat arts and +ca art rings when I can find. But I always look thru the full gambit of possible setpiece armor and pick out the ones I want. If youmlook at the Wiki Easter eggs on Soccer balls and see the armor I wear. Fashion police would throw me in a deep dungeon and destroy the key.

Also I try to socket one niob smith art in each piece. That way I can add or remove rings/amulets without losing anything while I smith.

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I have some denderans gloves and arms of various levels. When I log back on I'll drop them in the clan mule, but if I forget you can PM me for them. Definitely some 150 gloves and arms Possibly 135 or 105 I don't remember.


Are you sure about the Plate of the Tomb vs. the Diabolical Chestplate. 3 sockets huge armor and % valuables find:)

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I have some denderans gloves and arms of various levels. When I log back on I'll drop them in the clan mule, but if I forget you can PM me for them. Definitely some 150 gloves and arms Possibly 135 or 105 I don't remember.


Are you sure about the Plate of the Tomb vs. the Diabolical Chestplate. 3 sockets huge armor and % valuables find:)


Thx claudius. Well, perhaps I'll need that armor value and magic find. I have enough chance to reflect. Thx again mate.

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btw I've been told that snaketongue is the best weapon, so thy are welcome as well^^

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A great spot to farm for Diabolical pieces is the Forest Guardian. Get in the area kill the F. G. Then jump into the cave before the body disappears. Rinse and repeat.

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FG is the best place for any non-aspect set farming :sick:


tho.... Gahanka for me comes in second... dunno why he does, but he very often drops Proto/Holy Protection/Diabolical.


I'd say your German friend is teaching you well :P



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I never really looked carefully at the serpent's tongue till now...reflect and direct damage... duel wield? hmmmm




Anyway Munera, I have a priceless level 33 one waiting for you





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