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Looking for Kal'dur

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Heya :P


I'm looking for a level 40-60 Kal'dur's Legacy for the new project.


Thanks ! :)

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gave away the 60, unfortunately it was lost in a RIP (not mine ofc :) )


I do still have a 40-80-100-100-140-160 or something like that... I do believe the 40 is open for borrowing :P


Will try and find you on servers within an hour.




oh... eh, not sure you want my Kals... they are cursed ;) Last two I gave out caused violent rips ;)

Edited by Barristan
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I'm not scared of rips, I can't do better than my 190 one...

I'm interested for borrowing the 40 and 80 please. :P


I'm online with the 200 consignor now in silver.

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yah... that must have hurt... :P


Highest I ever went down was 140ish....


Need a few mins, need to unpatch and stuff, cya in a bit!



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sure :P np!


Bah, btw I did not leave out of choice ;) Connection trouble ;)


Will patch in directly to the router for those bossruns :) Just say when, runners at 80, 100ish and 200, just say the word ;)



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No problem ^^


I'll call you when I'll reach this level for team bosskilling - maybe spunky will be interested too. :P

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Bossruns you say? I'm always good for a couple of those :P

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Bossruns you say? I'm always good for a couple of those :P


So I'll call you too when I'll be level 75-80 with the consignor :)

Edited by Woody
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Sure, oh wait, not entirely certain if I have any boss farmers in that level range.

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Well...wish I was in the position to be able to lend out Kal'Durs...never seen one though.. :) Must fix that problem one day soon...cant wait for my stupid exams to be over...

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I do still have a 40-80-100-100-140-160 or something like that...





Barristan..what is there a trick? Let us in on the secret dood!





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I'd love to know the secret too :)


The only one I found has been lent to the llama but you are more than welcome to have it if you can master the forgotten call of the Ancient Spitting Sewer Llama :cry:

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The secret is - hunt the guardians with every char - alone in the server, and often - and with as fewer xp per kill as possible and as much +valuables as possible. The slower you level, the higher the chance you'll get one eventually :)


This is how I got mine - a nice level 80 and level 160 - should see my new SW dual wielder through :cry:

Edited by Dobri
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Miasma dropped 1, a beetle dropped 1, found a few on bossruns with Spunky (Guardians). Found most with a DW seraphim with EP at clvl. In second place, Dryad with sick killspeed and CtF.


As Kals is no longer a Legendary, you can expect it to drop everywhere. Bosses have better DC (dangerclass) and TC (Tier class), so you would expect them to drop better.


My last Kals dropped from the first chest in Cursed Forest.


All in all, your best bet is Guardians and the egg, 5 bosses in rapid succession, and high droprates.


Farm on! :)



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lol, awwwwwwwwww...I had this feeling I was gonna be sent back to Guardian runs





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My last Kals dropped from the first chest in Cursed Forest.

First chest in the cursed forest. Do you mean those random eye things on the ground that act as chests or real chests? Where exactly is the chest?

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when you port to the Cursed Forest, the chest mentioned is pretty much there with the questgiver. It is one of those ´treasure´ chests as I call them, same chests as for instance at Grunwald Dragon. This chest however doesn not drop that much.



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indeed, lucky :cry:


Tho..... not my luckiest Kal... that was the first beetle in the Great Machine... a Beetle...! go figure :D



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Haha...actually, Ive noticed those beetles seem to have a rather nice drop chance. Often when running though that part of the machine or in the desert its those that drop the goodies, not the temple guardians for example.

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My last Kals dropped from the first chest in Cursed Forest.


It's all about the MF :D

Though, I've no Kal'durs yet. I'm not sure I want one... would never use anything else lol.


reason for replying;


the chests everywhere in cursed forest are a true blessing with an EP toon. The tree trunks are magnificent!

I have received many uniques and set items from these with EP mastery.


The mastery bonus of EP should not be underestimated! I am getting some pretty insane drops from them now!



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