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Considerations on Closed vs. Open, to CM or not to?

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sofar.... neither Woody or me succeeded in understanding or creating dedicated servers.....


If anyone is more knowledgeable there..... this is a real option.


As far as I understand, it looks like Ascaron/Deep Silver never created real Open servers.


There is ofc synchronisation with SP chars.... no limited amount of slots....


Think about it!




Sent you a pm, I tried to find you on the open-net but could not. The character that you whispered to me with I don't have on friends list. When I go to open server I see nothing there. How do you find/join a server?


Try the attached file.


  • Unpack it and copy the cmd-file into your sacred2 system subfolder.
  • Edit it and fill in your data (lines with "set...").
  • The descriptions (lines with "rem...") should help you.
  • Double click the cmd-file to start the server.

I remember there should be a tool to start such dedicated servers from a nice application window. I'm going to search for that and post you a link as soon as I've found it.


CU Marcus



Sent you a pm, I tried to find you on the open-net but could not. The character that you whispered to me with I don't have on friends list. When I go to open server I see nothing there. How do you find/join a server?


Going to create a server now, same pass. If you have CM patch, you should be able to see my server.


Gold server.




@Marcus: ty! Will try that soon

Posted (edited)

Dedicated server tool:




The program description on the site is german, but the tool itself is english.


In order to get the gameserver running on a rented webserver you only need to copy the following files (about 40MB):































The persector.zip and script files are most likely changeing from version to version of the cm patch, so you have to be ready to update them sometimes.

Edited by czevak
Posted (edited)

Tryed to get in last night when I got home, First attempt I had the CiSacred mod and CM-Patch installed and when I try logging in to an open server I would get a port error. I uninstalled the Patch and Mod, reinstalled the CM-Patch only and tryed again with same result. What should I be using for a port number?


Oh and another issue I have is no matter which character I chose when I get in lobby it shows up with the name FurianDeathWarrior. I went thru the entire list of saves and there isnt one there with that name. I deleted all saved characters except for a few and I know he isn't there.

Edited by Furian67
Posted (edited)

As far as I know the port has to be 7011. You can select a different one, but it won't work.


CU Marcus

Edited by marcuswob



7011 seems mandatory....


If you are behind a router, you will need to open port 7011 on router.


It is the standard port for Sacred, but 99/100 times you will not have it open by default ofc




How safe would it be to delete all saved character files from the file location instead of thru the game?




I don't know for sure, but I would say that it does not matter....


I cleansed before a reinstall.... I copy-pasted back.... all seemed to work good enough.


But tis Sacred.. who knows what might happen..



Posted (edited)

I can get into LAN with the character that I choose but for open-net no matter which I pick it still comes up FurianDeathWarrior.


In the character selection screen I have 12 toons saved, but in the saved file there are showing 19 differant saves. How can I remeve them and start over. Or better said what files in the saved character file DO NOT DELETE?

Edited by Furian67
Posted (edited)

Oh and another issue I have is no matter which character I chose when I get in lobby it shows up with the name FurianDeathWarrior. I went thru the entire list of saves and there isnt one there with that name. I deleted all saved characters except for a few and I know he isn't there.


It's your open-net name, you surely have chose it when you logged in first time.

Deleting savegames will not change anything. :(


Try to see what is in your options.txt file in your User Folder\App Data\Local\Ascaron Entertainment at this line :


network = {

lobby_ip = "eu.sacred2.net",

lobby_name = "",

lobby_port = 6800,

networkwrapper_server_remove_timeout = 2000,

playername = "Anonymous",




Edit : hmmm, I tried to change playername, but there is no change ingame when I log in open-net :(

Edited by Woody

If thats the case..... then it might be the port on my router needs opened. How do I go about doing that? I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.


Differ between several names:


  • Account name and password: With this you log in into the lobby.
  • Player name: Your alias that's shown in the lobby (I guess most players select account name = player name)

You can save these three values inside the optionscustom.txt. From options.txt the password will be deleted!


  • Server name and password: The hoster sets this, the guests can find it and log in.
  • Server description: Tooltip, soyou can find your server more easily.

All of the above (except player name of course) has to be given to a dedicated server to make it run properly. It will login with the given data and create a standalone server.


  • Toon name: The char you're playing.


How safe would it be to delete all saved character files from the file location instead of thru the game?

It doesn't matter if you delete the files with your explorer or ingame.


In the character selection screen I have 12 toons saved, but in the saved file there are showing 19 differant saves. How can I remeve them and start over. Or better said what files in the saved character file DO NOT DELETE?

If you've got 20 heroes (pairs of *.sacred2save and *.sacred2stats) in your savegame folder you should be able to use each of them in a OpenNet or Coop game.


If you're not sure, create a subfolder inside your savegame folder and move all the files into this. Then you can pickup one toon at a time: move it back from the subfolder into the savegame folder.



One savegame is a pair of files: one hero:).sacred2save and one hero:).sacred2stats. The private chest is within these files.

Thee common chest is chest.sacred2chest.


If thats the case..... then it might be the port on my router needs opened. How do I go about doing that? I'll try it tonight when I get home from work.

As there are lots of devices there is no single how-to-do for this. Maybe you find some hints here: http://portforward.com/routers.htm


CU Marcus

Posted (edited)

As much as I want to play the CM Patch, this idea concerns me.


Are we simply trusting that there has been no foul play? :P Chests full of Kal'dur's and the like...


I worry that if people start playing in 'clan only' locked servers, we aren't being very inviting to new players. I suppose the details could be posted on the forum, but that negates the point of locking them.


In the end, I only see Furian on a regular basis anymore.. so whatever he does, I'll follow :P



Edited by dreeft

Thanks for all the info Marcus. I'll try and see what comes of it. Lots of CM items not on the wiki yet... hmmm new mission maybe.


No worries Dreeft we are still safe on Closed net. I have a mission to finish before I totally merge with the open net. Besides right now I can't even get logged into open net, only LAN and SP work for me.


Looks like I need to get me ingame some more...you would think that being on holidays I would have more time to play sacred...but theres always something going on...hopefully I get some free time soon!


IO am having the same issues as Furian. I can log in to the lobby in Open net, but when I try to create a server I get "Port not Found". the port in the server creation window is 7011. I don't have any ports blocked on my router that I know of. it seems strange that closed net 6800 works fine by 7011 does not. I seem to remember having an issue last winter when we tryed getting into tunngle with Groo


Routers usually block everything they do not know about, so for sacred2 opennet you have to create a rule.


Sacred2 calles the closednet and opennet lobby on port 6800. This port number is irrelevant for your router. Only the lobbyserver has to listen to port 6800.


If you want to join a closednet or opennet game your pc is a client. As a client he doesn't need port 7011 to be redirected by the router.


Only if you want to host a game your gameserver, running on your pc, has to listen for calling players on port 7011. To do so needs to get eveything coming from the internet and ringing on your router at port 7011. Otherwise nobody would be able to join.


That's why you have to create a port forwarding rule for port 7011 on your router.


CU Marcus


That's why you have to create a port forwarding rule for port 7011 on your router.

CU Marcus


Ok How? I'm not that great with all that kinda stuff. Been lucky so far I haven't had to reinstall Sacred yet, no idea what I'm going to do if that comes to pass.


Depends on your router. There is no standard for this, but the link I posted before may help you. What you have to do is "tell your router, that everything that comes from the internet on port 7011 has do be forwarded to your pc, also to port 7011".



Have you ever spent a little time running around an discovering things on the multiplayer island?


CU Marcus




Have you ever spent a little time running around an discovering things on the multiplayer island?


CU Marcus


oooh? sounds like an easter egg hunt.


As for Furian, your probably on a linksys router. I can't remember the exact way to get in but start with typing into your browser and see what happens



Posted (edited)


Have you ever spent a little time running around an discovering things on the multiplayer island?


CU Marcus


oooh? sounds like an easter egg hunt.


As for Furian, your probably on a linksys router. I can't remember the exact way to get in but start with typing into your browser and see what happens



Almost I used and that got me to the user account password etc. I finall shot in the dark and remembered what I had used. that put me in touch with my actual router settings...... whew..... now what?


Seems I need to do something in here


Edited by Furian67


Have you ever spent a little time running around an discovering things on the multiplayer island?


CU Marcus


oooh? sounds like an easter egg hunt.



lol Marcus, that made me giggle. cats and dogs eh?

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