chattius 2,701 Author Posted April 18, 2011 (edited) Edit. This post was the character description as long I was working on the 'guide' in first post for a week. This build was played by my daughter while she recovered from a skin grafting which followed her car accident. It was played with CM-patch installed and I wonder if I can should add the build to the character download (which I hope are able to type while easter breaks).. So the first question is: should I put the build on download? Are there any rules on downlöoadable characters? Which hero number is preferred, ... The design goal was: a character which is quite robust to be played while being at hospital a character which allows to be played in several possible ways: kungfu, archer, polearms, talons, weapon and shield, ... allowing to do some hunt for shrunken heads hunting for shrunken heads needs surviving and being able to hunt for bosses a teaching character- learning how to optimize a character It is mainly the spidergirl build, but with spell resistance added. Understanding how stats affect weapon damage, all stats were put into vitality. A character played to level 154 in 3 and a half days summed up playtime without dying and while bound to bed... okay she got a whole chest with mentors to start with and could take some of the equipment of older spidergirl builds, but still a nice achievement. The build has nature focus, hunter focus, voodoo focus, concentration tactics lore, speed lore armour lore, shield lore, spell resistance,constitution Edited April 21, 2011 by chattius
chattius 2,701 Author Posted April 21, 2011 Except fixing some typos, adding the download and perhaps a few more links this write down is more or less finished. Feedback would be welcome if you miss something, if you think it is too technical ,...
gogoblender 3,420 Posted April 22, 2011 zomog, Chattius... the formatting on this guide is just incredible. I've never seen anyone format pix, links writing, table of contents like this before in a post. Beautiful! I'm not going to ask how long this took ^^ Glad you were able to post up another Dryad guide for the fans, I was comparing guides from old Sacred to Sacred 2, and there seemed to be so many more from old game. Maybe something like what you've put up will inspire others to come forth and share their secrets as well ^^ It's not only a dryad build guide but also a great introduction and explanation of the class and what works well with it. Chattius, did you want to bring this over to the Wiki, if you want I can do it for you. I'll have a new link page up in a bit, and this can be copy pasted over into it. gogo p.s. I've also moved this in Dryad Guides section p.s.s. Do you have download of this build?
chattius 2,701 Author Posted April 22, 2011 I did the writing mainly to train me on the editor. The character is level 155, but on the notebook of our second daughter. I will put it on download probably at monday or tuesday. We plan to add an alternativ armour setting (setting not set) into the chest. This setting would hopefully allow to hunt bosses without x% lifeleech, nature spells or totems. Disease is still a bit low on runes, but we want to try out a 100+ level disease build which recharges with reg per hit. We will probably not do a second build specialized on voodoo. Our second just returned from 2 month hospital and we will spend some time with the whole family in the easter breaks. And then she can't play because she has to catch up with the rest of class befoer the tests are written. But watching my daughter playing I thought that a bosshunting disease build may be added just by choosing special equipment. If some additional melee damage is needed, lifeleech shuriken or a kaldur can be easily added: if you can hit weaponless you can hit with every weapon. So 2-3 hours searching chests, 2-3 more house hunting some bosses and then the character is ready for upload. But can't say yet when thisn will be probably tuesday.
chattius 2,701 Author Posted April 23, 2011 The upload still has to be approved: I uploaded a first version: only detheya set. I had no Winzip but I tried 7zip, probably better than a tar.bz2 with linux. I hope all items are Ice and Blood except perhaps a few items in inventory, but not worn. How you can play the character, a few examples: Kungfu vs mob: ravaged impact and then left and right mouse button pressed. Kungfu vs colossus: dustdevil/ri and then twisted_torment/ri till the end or if you want to see boss killing with disease: replace twisted torment with disease Or try out bow, blow-pipe or shuriken with darting assault(rabaged impact combination in orc lands I hope that after easter breaks the same character, but without detheya and no x% life leech, can demonstrate disease boss hunting.
chattius 2,701 Author Posted November 23, 2011 Viperish disease is a good compromise for this build if you do boss hunting. Pareagraph added at the guide.
chattius 2,701 Author Posted December 19, 2011 What will come soon: Captain America: Playing the cm-patch the shadow warrior gets a x% life leech set. Now add that the SW has a similiar attack to the ravagaed impact: demonic blow. If it is done with a shield but no weapon it is a fist swinger followed by a shield bash. It has explosion, armour piercing and with the CM-patch x% life leech. The SW has toughness, hit points buff, reflecting buff, and some temporary buffs which add attack, defense and casting speed. My guess is that a Captain America build will be nicely playable in the cm-patch.
JKtheWonderguy 3 Posted December 23, 2011 What will come soon: Captain America: Playing the cm-patch the shadow warrior gets a x% life leech set. Now add that the SW has a similiar attack to the ravagaed impact: demonic blow. If it is done with a shield but no weapon it is a fist swinger followed by a shield bash. It has explosion, armour piercing and with the CM-patch x% life leech. The SW has toughness, hit points buff, reflecting buff, and some temporary buffs which add attack, defense and casting speed. My guess is that a Captain America build will be nicely playable in the cm-patch. Looking forward to seeing it bro. Since you've worked very hard on this dryad build, with research and mathematical analysis, I I know it'll kick snot outta stuff. Now what would really be cool with this is a really nice looking shield like Cap has...
dPilgrim 1 Posted August 30, 2019 ... "the formatting on this guide is just incredible. I've never seen anyone format pix, links writing, table of contents like this before in a post" ... I must be blind or something, but there is the actual guide? I can not find it nor any link to it. Help!
chattius 2,701 Author Posted August 30, 2019 Welcome to the forum... ... and sorry for lost guide Somehow the guide got lost and only the text could be restored. Family business takes all my time and so I may not be able to redo it. Her is the link to the text version
gogoblender 3,420 Posted August 31, 2019 Chattius, soooooooooo sorry about the formatting on that awesome guide you put so much work into But so happy that you still have the file for the text... With so many iterations of the forum software its frustrating that we can lose so much community effort and your time. HOpefully future versions will be more robust so that we can keep all this data together for another ten years for the fans gogo
dPilgrim 1 Posted August 31, 2019 Great thanks Chattius! And I wish You and Your family peace, health and happiness ... and no pebbles in your shoes. 1
chattius 2,701 Author Posted September 21, 2019 The latest 'homework' for our third was to make a commodo build. Killing a boss with just 2 spells: curse and disease. And then you can 'relax' while the boss dies. The small video shows that only the 2 spell combination was used once. Video was done with my Waffenmeisterin variant which has no alchemy but voodoo focus. kommodo.m4v 1
chattius 2,701 Author Posted September 22, 2019 Was playing with the enhanced spells.mod. So the last mod in Torment is for debuffing. Think this is the main difference to normal CM patch Torment as modded Gold silver silver mainly for debuffing reasons. For a caster build it would be a little different, but this character is a weaponmaster with the little extra to be able to kill a boss in 6 seconds with just 2 spells. Now for disease: gold gold gold. We want a high chance the disease kicks in, as soon as possible and a deadly wound robs 20% of the life already. If disease kicks in with my 160 runes read in it may remove up to 61,4% of an enemies life per second. The build is nothing special, numbers are how many points currently are put in Shield Lore 5 Concentration 5 Armour Lore 1 I played mainly shuriken and shield at these levels, Hunting Focus 75 Combat Discipline 75 Voodoo focus 75 I took combat displine early to allow a hybrid play style nature focus 75 This was to have a modded barkskin for gold tactic lore 53 enhanced perception 75 This was to allow filling the empty family chest again (just installed the game few weeks ago for our third daughter) ancient magic 1 This was to test possibilities for a caster dryad - the homework for our daughter to play a commodo build: never never use a weapon or fist to do damage, only spells 1
CyprienKydasMarchand 3 Posted November 16, 2020 @chattius It's been years that I've been trying to do a build disease for dryad I still don't understand! and yet it still drives me crazy to see so much damage. Can you share your work with me precisely?
chattius 2,701 Author Posted November 17, 2020 Welcome to the forum... Sadly I don't have access to my game machine. It got replaced by an easy to clean and desinfect computer. Newborn twins, so we want the family machines clean in these times. I try to give you the idea. Read the wiki: Viperish Disease specially: "Viperish Disease inflicts a special type of damage (called "Plague Poison" in the game files) that is neither normal Poison damage nor Poison DoT, despite the word "poison" in the CA description. Therefore it is not boosted by +Damage modifiers and is not resisted by Armor." and because it is a sort of poison "This spell has no effect on creatures of type Energy (ghosts, fey fires) and some kinds of undead, notably those found in the lizardman swamps." The damage comes from "Innate Abilities (level 1) Opponent's Hitpoints: -8.0% /s " So we use this -8% /s lifeleech and boost it. It is entry2 for the base and entry5 for the boost with modifying the CA. We take the green modifiers since duration climbs with CA-level and is enough, we want boss killing and not so much spreads (can handle the normal mobs with werapons) so we take the green mods: Look at spells.txt The CA is named Krankheit there tokens = { entry0 = {"et_duration_sec", 500, 5, 0, 8 }, entry1 = {"et_range_area", 200, 0, 0, 4 }, entry2 = {"et_plague_poison", 76, 4, 0, 42 }, entry3 = {"et_plague_infect", 200, 1, 0, 42 }, entry4 = {"et_regThisCool", 0, 20, 0, 8 }, entry5 = {"et_plague_poison", 10, 2, 1, 42 }, entry6 = {"et_duration_sec", 300, 2, 2, 8 }, entry7 = {"et_plague_infect", 70, 1, 3, 42 }, entry8 = {"et_drop_a_head", 950, 50, 4, 42 }, entry9 = {"et_chance_deepwound", 200, 1, 5, 5 }, entry10 = {"et_range_area", 80, 1, 6, 4 }, }, plague-poison is the x%lifeleech per second *10 and has diminishing returns if I remember correctly The life leech is 8.6 +0,6*ca_lvl if taking entry5. plague-infect is the chance to get infected. I think it is needed for the target too Hope you get the idea. If your build allows to include voodoo-focus you can use the disease boss attack. This is for the base game with or without community patch. Don't know what mods like enhanced spells changed. (edit: added poison damage, but removed nothing) Hope you have fun and the above was a help.